Battleground; One of my favorite war movies

| June 4, 2011

“Battleground” is a story about the Battling Bastards of Bastogne in a fictional 3rd platoon of Item Company, 327th Glider Infantry Regiment of the 101st. James Whitmore won an Oscar as Best Supporting Actor for his role as Kinne, the tobacco-chomping platoon sergeant enamored with drill and ceremony. It is on Netflix this weekend, so I watched it this morning for the first time in years. Here’s the ending;

Category: Pointless blather

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CI Roller Dude

Althought this was just a “movie” this last scene shows good leaership and how to get moral back up after a battle.
It’s only Hollywood, but good stuff.

Everet Wyatt

Mine would be “Midway” especially this weekend, on the 69th anniversary. A close second is “The Longest Day.”


Good post for a good movie…


It was on TMC last week. I watched it. Many of the 101st won’t admit to needing rescue. Bud Moore was inducted into the NASCAR Hall of Fame the other week. He was among the troops that moved farther, faster, and engaed more Germanys that ever before to relieve the 101st.

Robert Osborne and that idiot Alex Baldwin said Thirty Seconds over Tokyo was a propaganda movie. I didn’t see any propaganda in it.

Cedo Alteram

Have never seen, but will have to look up.