Sweden’s rising gun smuggling problem

| May 25, 2011

From everything I’ve read about Swedish gun laws, they’re very restrictive. The purchaser must join a gun club, take a training course, have five years clear of an arrest record, present a certificate from the gun club of their training and a year of experience to the police department who will eventually give a permit. Then you have to store your weapon at home in an approved, secure cabinet – the police can enter your home to inspect your weapon storage without a warrant and revoke your permit and confiscate your weapon with no compensation on the spot.

So with restrictions like that, they should have no problems with weapons, right?

Not really. Apparently they have a smuggling problem;

While only 12 weapons have been seized by Swedish customs to date this year, the problem is far more extensive with a large number of unrecorded cases, according to a report by Sveriges Radio (SR).

“We are talking about the post, containers, rail goods, trucks and commercial vessels. There is a huge flow. There are many channels and we are not even close to being able to control everything,” said Lars Bäckström at the Swedish customs to SR.

Swedish cities, primarily Gothenburg and Malmö, have been the scene of several shootings in recent months.

Witnesses to a shooting in a Malmö car park on May 11th described the killing as an “execution” in what was apparently a hit with links to organized crime, an increasing problem in both cities.

Police fear that the greater availability of illegal weapons could be behind the rise in gun crimes in Swedish cities with the number of weapons seized increasing from year to year.

Are you kidding me? Do you mean that the criminals aren’t abiding by the draconian gun laws? I find that hard to believe. What’s harder to believe is that Sweden doesn’t share a border with the US yet still have a smuggling problem. I thought it was only those cowboys in the US who export firearms illegally to poor underdog nations which are only trying to be peaceful.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists, Guns

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Old Trooper

I’m not surprised at all.


I wouldn’t be worried so much about criminals. Professionals don’t go around executing people in the street – bad for business, bad for careers. At any time, the average Swede is at the mercy of the criminals.

The growing Muslim Brotherhood in Sweden, on the other hand, has every reason to import large quantities of arms and ammunition. And to execute people in broad daylight. Cuz that’s how they roll.

Old Trooper

Also, in the 90’s, Sweden had a growing problem with a turf war between 1%er’s that got increasingly violent. Their draconian gun laws didn’t work then; why do they think it will work now?


“Organized crime” can be a pretty loose term anymore. Which organized criminals are being referred to, in relation to those “execution style” shootings?