Brady Campaign: more gun laws will protect Americans

| May 25, 2011

Paul Helmke, CEO of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, laid out his vision for making Americans safer from gun violence;

There need to be tougher gun laws, local law enforcement needs to be strengthened and there should be restrictions on civilian access to high-powered weapons with extended magazines…

Notice there’s nothing in that set of proposals which demand that courts and police enforce existing laws. There’s no money for the Brady Campaign in demanding that the Department of Justice and district attorneys prosecute criminals for breaking the laws. The Brady campaign can only raise money from contributors by scaring them into believing there need to be new laws. They’re lobbyists for a special interest…that’s what they do.

And all of their proposals affect law abiding citizens, not criminals. Criminals will always get what they want, they don’t care about new laws.

Helmke claims there are 32 gun-related deaths everyday, not mentioning that most of those deaths are criminals shooting each other.

The same goes for John Rosenthal, founder of Stop Handgun Violence who is putting up a billboard on the Mass Turnpike which will count the deaths of “children” by firearms. Most of the “children and teenagers” he’s counting are violent criminals who don’t feel a need to follow gun laws.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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The biggest thing that dumbass liberals will never understand is that LAWS are for the LAW ABIDING. Criminals DON’T OBEY the LAW. That’s why they’re called CRIMINALS…

Much like border security, if you enforce the laws that are actually ON THE BOOKS, you might actually stand a chance at changing the environment.


Why is it well-meaning, socially liberal folks resort to lying as the first means of communication? One would think the truth would be self-evident and powerful enough to convince the masses. Have never known the Brady Campaign not to quibble, prevaricate, and lie like the Devil. Would they tell you the truth if you were looking for a toilet?

Since truth isn’t really their bag, then the Brady Campaign is not about ending gun violence. Perhaps they wish to take away the means of self-defense in order to impose rule by criminals, with a hefty cut of the action.

AW1 Tim

“Children” to them, are anyone under the age of 21. The majority of those deaths are gang-related, too. Personally, I don’t see gang-bangers and druggies offing themselves as the problem that the liberals see it being. I look at it as proof of Darwin’s theories.


If these folks are that interested in herding sheep, I’m sure they could buy a ranch in Montana…


#4 PN,

Suddenly, rack of lamb isn’t so appealing. If these Brady folks can f*ck up the truth, imagine what they’d do to sheep…

B Woodman

Dear Paul H & John R,
If you want my big, bad scary weapons so bad, you come & get them . . if you’re man enough. And I’ll give them to you . . . one round at a time.


Brought to you by controlling left/liberals… because tyranny is safer (for them).