Zombie; Obama Visits the S(lush) F(und) Bay Area

| April 24, 2011

Our buddy, Zombie, sends us a link to Zombie’s latest report from the Bay Area on President Obama’s fund raising jaunt through there last week. You probably saw highlights that the media wanted you to see, but you didn’t get to see what went on outside of those parameters like you will in Obama Visits the S(lush) F(und) Bay Area. Like code pink protesting alongside tea partiers;

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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Michael in MI

Damn. The brunette on the right is pretty cute too. Too bad I can’t ignore the ugly cut up jeans, the ugly pink shirt and the ugly, despicable Code Pink views inside her empty head.

Michael in MI

Oh geez, did you see Page 2 where zombie posts “The Bradley Manning Song”? ===== Obama’s final ATM stop in the Bay Area was yet another fundraiser Thursday morning at the St. Regis Hotel, where guests paid anywhere from $5,000 to $35,800 each to hear him give yet another stump speech. But — as reported at Gateway Pundit, Drudge, SFGate and HotAir — things did not go quite as planned. Several members of the so-called “Fresh Juice Party” — yes, another totally lame attempt to hijack the energy of the Tea Party — paid a grand total of $76,000 to get into the fundraiser so they could interrupt Obama with a song complaining about the jailhouse conditions of traitor Bradley Manning. Yes, really. To make it even more pathetic, they promise in the lyrics of the song to vote for Obama no matter what he does, which totally removes any motivation he might have to pay any attention to their protest. You want video? I got video (exact transcription with full lyrics below): —– Obama: [in the middle of a speech] …the hopes and dreams of ordinary folks. Protester #1: Mr. President? We actually wrote you a song. Can we sing it? Obama: Well, let me – Protesters: (singing) Dear Mr. President we honor you today, sir. Each of us have given you $5,000. It takes a lot of Benjamins to run a campaign. We paid our dues, where’s our change? We’ll vote for you in 2012, yes that’s true: Look at the Republicans – what else can we do? Even though we don’t know if we’ll retain our liberties In what you seem content to call a free society. Yes it’s true that Terry Jones is legally free To burn a people’s holy book in shameful effigy. But at another location in this country Alone in a 6×12 cell sits Bradley. 23 hours a day is night, The 5th and 8th Amendments say this kind of thing ain’t right. We paid our dues, where’s our change? We paid our dues, where’s our change? Protesters: Thank you. Obama: That was… Read more »