AIPAC’s Passover false flag

| April 19, 2011

The above picture comes from Eric Mays’ latest lunacy, courtesy of TSO, in which Mays warns of the impending false flag operation (he calls it 9-11 2B);

A cascade of indicators argue that a false flag terror attack, probably nuclear, is impending, perhaps imminent, during the Jewish Passover, which begins today:

1. Two weeks ago, New York City conducted a huge dirty bomb drill.
2. On Saturday, two Virginia nuclear reactors went off-line during a freak tornado storm, in an eerie echo of Fukushim.
3. U.S. top law enforcement just returned from a week-long homeland security trip to Israel, and The Chicago Tribune, which reported it, has sabotaged the story link.
4. The U.S. credit rating was put in jeopardy yesterday, in what may be a globalist move to force a false flag.
5. The European Parliament is demanding answers about reports that the U.S. is using its ultra-secret HAARP weather weapon to affect global climate, and perhaps induce earthquakes.
6. Barack Obama’s approval rating is down to 41%, and his U.S. citizenship is being called into question.

If the country makes it to Easter, I’ll write about the cryptanalysis that has led me to publish such a dire warning.

Yes, our secret HAARP weather machine is still producing non-weather related events like earthquakes. Damn, we’re good.

Mays goes on to name his Ghost Troop’s top target list. You people in Chicago and Texas had better watch out;

Ghost Troop has long regarded Chicago’s Sears Tower and the BP refinery in Texas City to be the USA’s top 9/11-2B targets.

The crazy is strong in this one.

Category: General Whackos

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Zero Ponsdorf

Dang Jonn… I thought I was the resident paranoid. Oh right, fair and balanced. But you keep bringing them in from outside.

I just need to work harder!


Yes and no.

Terrorists are planning, or carrying out, operations against America. The Sears Tower, oil refineries and such make for natural targets.

For this to be a false flag operation, there has to be a certain level of competency on the part of the planners and doers. I don’t believe this administration has shown the competency to plan anything larger than a dinner party, much less 9-11 2B.

Maybe they’ll outsource it to Bush and Cheney. They’ve already done that on their foreign and military policies.

Old Trooper

I would like to know why everything on the conspiracy nutjobs side is always a “false flag” as though that is the cover-all to explain everything. The phrase is used daily by the conspiracy types much like when a phrase comes out of congress like “gravitas” a while back was the buzzword of the day, except the conspiracy nuts, instead of letting that phrase die in favor of a new one, keep pumping it up and using it more. I think the whole conspiracy theory group is a false flag!!!

Zero Ponsdorf

DaveO #2: We ARE targets, for now.


Someone should contact the Secret Service about that picture. Jonn, you may want to consider removing it since the left wing idiots are going to say you are threatening the Pres.

Southern Class

WTF Doesn’t Capt. Maybe realize that this is the sacred ground of Dicksmith n Gordon Duff? Don’t they have the lock on “false flag” op discovery? He better cover his rectum or they’ll poke it for sure.


“Yes, our secret HAARP weather machine is still producing non-weather related events like earthquakes. Damn, we’re good.”

Crazy Jimmy Janos, aka Jesse “The Body” Ventura, aka Batshit Crazy WWF Superstar of Wrestling, says so too.

No wait! He says that the 2004 tsunami was caused by HAARP, but there was WAS NO EARTHQUAKE.

Now, who the hell is Eric May?


I am TOTALLY getting a revolver with “AIPAC” laid into the barrel now.


Yeah, I read that the other day Susan. Like everything else ever written in this mouth-breathing subculture, It’s pretty light on details as to why May deserves the MoH; at least Jasper Lake had the courtesy to make up an entertaining story. This part is good for a giggle though:

“As a former intelligence officer who knows how propaganda works in high places, he has often warned the public of false flag possibilities, and has been proved to be on target.”

Yup. “Proved.” Idiot.


Sweet Jesus, I’m beginning to think Eric May could outdo Matthis in the self-worship department. His unsolicited response to a commenter who referenced his ALS:

“I remember that when Chase Untermeyer and I used to get together to discuss politics and the arts, he would frequently caution me not to crush his hand with my enthusiastic shake. Hand strength to one of a martial artist’s secret weapons, and is the reason we can (or could, alas) break boards, bricks or bones with a blow.”

Get it? Eric May converses about sophisticated subjects with powerful people, but could still have killed anyone with his bare hands. He was basically James Bond.

What a tool.


On Saturday, two Virginia nuclear reactors went off-line during a freak tornado storm, in an eerie echo of Fukushim.

First off, Eric–may I call you “asshole” instead?–it’s FUKUSHIMA DAIICHI, not to be confused with Fukushima Daini plants.

Second, bit of a difference between a 9.0 earthquake and 50-foot tsunami versus a Category 1 tornado that tore up the Surry switchyard, tore the roof off a building or two, and because the plants were already offline, created the need to start the diesel generators.

Oh, and BTW–the problem at Surry has been resolved.

You, asshole, are a mouth-breathing, booger-eating, ritard.


Not to mention that the “huge dirty bomb drill” here, is a regularly run MCI drill so that in the eventuality of an attack here we are not running around at some goat fuck instead of operating as a cohesive prepared group of responders. We also drill daily on a small scale EVERY day (being part of a specialized unit in our Fire Dept I partake in said drills). So maybe he should ammend his article to say that we have been at risk of a false flag since 2002 when we started this policy.