Stirring the pot
Sometimes I like what gets said in the Canada Free Press. They defended Bush during his presidency…a lone voice from the north, it seems. But today there’s an opinion piece by Henry Lamb that attacks President Obama for bombing Libya without Congressional approval…he points out that Bush had approval from Congress in Iraq and Afghanistan…and that Obama should be impeached for not getting Congressional approval for his…um…actions in Libya.
Social media sites are abuzz with comments about Obama’s failure to consult with, and secure approval from Congress before launching into military action. Every Representative and Senator should be deluged with phone calls from constituents demanding that the President be, at least, reprimanded for his behavior, and possibly impeached.
If Obama’s flagrant anti-American behavior is allowed to go undisciplined, America is doomed to become little more than an administrative unit of the United Nations. Most of the member nations of the U.N. despise the United States and are eager to see her wealth redistributed to the underdeveloped nations. This too, is a goal with which Obama apparently agrees.
I hate to be a position of defending Obama, however, The War Powers Act of 1973 gives the President the authority to shoot first and answer questions later.
The President in every possible instance shall consult with Congress before introducing United States Armed Forces into hostilities or into situation where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, and after every such introduction shall consult regularly with the Congress until United States Armed Forces are no longer engaged in hostilities or have been removed from such situations.
It says “consult with Congress” not get a permission slip. Reagan consulted with Congress before Grenada, GHW Bush consulted with Congress before Panama, Kuwait, and Somalia. Sometimes there just isn’t time to get a resolution from Congress…that’s the nature of war these days. I appreciate Mr. Lamb’s desire to impeach Obama, but I think he needs to look for another reason.
I hate to think that we’re going to go off half-cocked at everything we perceive to be a misstep by the administration, especially when he finally makes the right decision. That’s not me being bi-partisan. Some day, down the road, we’re going to have a president who’s not Obama who wants to do the same thing – I don’t think we want our opposition to Obama this time thrown back in our collective face.
Thanks to Old Trooper for the link.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy, Terror War
And frankly, it doesn’t matter which party is in charge of Congress, there’s about zip-point-shit chance of them coming to any kind of decision in any sort of expeditious manner.
This is one where Obama might have taken the right action, even if he did do it from Rio, while hiding behind Hillary’s pantsuit, and pretending to let the UN/Britian/France be in charge.
But last time I counted, of the 125 Tomahawks launched, we’ve shot 122, Britian 3.
So much for Europe “taking the lead.”
That’s why I sent the article to you, Jonn. I guess there are those so enthralled with going after Bobo for anything, that they don’t research enough before going off. There is much more to work Bobo over for; this isn’t it.
While I happen to agree with you, I am getting a silent chuckle out of it all. For years Bush was the bad guy, even after going to Congress. I am enjoying the schadenfreude just a little bit.
I can see the authors’ (Mssrs Lamb and Lilyea) points.
Mine is this: what is the standard? Is the War Powers Act a legitimate expression of the POTUS Constitutional power to protect the US? Or is it an illegitimate power grab away from Congress’s specific Constitutional power to declare war?
Candidate Obama, Senator Reid, and a host of pundits and politicos said one thing during Mr. Bush’s administration.
And now, nothing.
For intelligent observers among the left, heads ought to be exploding. But that would require a modicum of intelligence and the ability to discern.
The silence, for the most part, is deafening.
I did hear Kucinich on Fox, and he was in high outrage over this. I hope enough that he wants to go after Ears in the primaries.
Again, the quote from Jan. ’07, from then-candidate Obama, “We’re not going to baby sit a civil war”. Um, isn’t that precisely what we’re doing?
“This is one where Obama might have taken the right action, even if he did do it from Rio, while hiding behind Hillary’s pantsuit, and pretending to let the UN/Britian/France be in charge.”
The premise that what zero did here is correct is WRONG.