VA takes on Reichoff

| March 21, 2011

Our buddy, Alex Horton, recently chosen to be the social media guru at the Department of Veterans Affairs got a little angry at Paul Reickhoff the Executive Director of the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, who, by the way, is NOT our buddy, no matter how hard he tries to buy me off. Reickhoff did an interview at the Huffington Post during which he said;

“I would also argue the VA does a pretty crappy job of outreach. They’re not really using social media. They’re not really active on places like Facebook. So they’re not going to where the Vets are. It’s kind of an old bricks and mortar system.”

Alex responded;

In reality, over the past year, VA has made a serious investment to methodically reach Veterans where they are online. Looking at the numbers, we see that while IAVA has a single Facebook page with over 205,000 fans, VA has 87 Facebook pages—with a combined subscribership of nearly 220,000 fans. VA’s main Facebook page alone has 100,000 subscribers—making it one of the largest in the federal government.

I have to agree with Alex; the DVA has been successful at reaching out, it was probably the worst-founded criticism Paul could have made about the DVA. If Reickhoff was going to make the most of his interview, he could have complained about the total incompetence which results in veterans getting screwed out of their benefits instead of complaining about stupid shit like “outreach”.

But this is the guy who attacks teenage girls with specious charges.

On edit: Oh for crap’s sake. That post at the DVA was written by Beeker and not Horton. I didn’t even know that Beeker could write.

Category: Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Veterans' Affairs Department

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But, it is true, Miley Cyrus hates veterans and sobriety. Almost as much as Paul hate hair follicles.

Operator Dan

DVA has been doing a good job with outreach, beginning with the TAPS/TAMS program for separating service members. However, they still suck big time when you try and use one of the programs they run.


IOW, pretty shiny packaging, and shit on the inside.

Color me surprised.

Uncle Jimbo

Hey lighten up Francis, Beaker had the toughest job on my Muppet Show.


Uncle J


Okay, I read VAntage Point all the time and leave comments occasionally. But just let me say that when assholes speak, I *do*.

I had no clue about the FB pages cause I keep that stuff at a minimum when I can, but suffice it to say that I will now find the more important pages and become a fan, with at least 25 or so of my other peeps. We will make it grow bigger so as to fill that asshole full with his own spewed diarrhea of that cavity where a brain should be housed.

I suspect it already sucks to be him…