Enough is enough, already

| March 10, 2011

I guess the Wisconsin legislators have finally run out patience with the rowdy protesters. Fox News is running video of the rent-a-mob being dragged out of the Capitol by the State Police. Associated Press writes;

Police carried dozens of protesters from a hallway leading to the Wisconsin Assembly on Thursday as Democratic representatives pounded on the locked door of the chamber, demanding to be let in to the room where a vote was scheduled on an explosive bill that would take away public workers’ collective bargaining rights.

At least 100 protesters packed the hallway, pounding drums, while the Democratic representatives gathered in front of the doors, which were opened just before 11:30 a.m. At least 50 protesters were carried out by police, and the building was locked down briefly while officers did a security review.

the longer this was allowed to continue, the more obnoxious the protesters became. Like a toddler pushing the limits of his parents’ patience. There’s a point at which freedom to assemble becomes noisy, pointless third grade playground antics.

Not realizing their time is up, some of the homos at the protest are making police drag them across the ground. the police are just doing their job, making their job harder is just childish…if I haven’t made that clear before now.

Years ago, I disrupted a Code Pink rally in front of the White House. I stood my ground when “the men” confronted me. The Park Police asked me to leave, and I complied. The officer who escorted me out of the park got a handshake and a “Thank you”. It’s not that hard.

Category: Breaking News, I hate hippies

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You’re not an anarchist.

Sowing. Reaping.

Going to be a bloody harvest.

Jeff F

You notice it is always the right that is accused of inciting violence? In fact, it’s the libtards every single time.


He who controls the voice, controls the mind.

Progressives really, truly believe in what they’re told, not what they see.




I’m sure he meant “homozygotic ptyalism.”
That is, one-celled creatures that drool.

Or not.


@ PN – That would be the definition of *Moonbat*, *ROFLMAO*!




And technically, it’s also incorrect. A homozygote is someone who inherits an identical gene from both parents.
So, actually, what I referred to above would be a person who inherited drooling from both parents.

Oh my God. I think I better stop now…



Head. Hurts. Biology. Chemistry. Bad. Bad…


Looks like the libtards are fighting back hard:


Whoops–maybe not so much.


SERIOUS case of “watch the fat boy run!” 🙂

Bubblehead Ray

“Nah Nah… You can’t vote… We ran away and you’re out of luck, cause you need us to pass th… Huh??? HEY! NO FAIR!!!”

I love it.

Mike W

@ P. N. Can we make Michael Moore the poster child of homozygotic ptyalism? In a Red Lobster bib sitting at an all you can eat buffet?


Mikey Moore is like John Pinette without a sense of humor.

“HEY! You be heah fo houah! You eat some vegetable! Dey good fo you! You scare my wife!”

I heard he was there only because the Noodles in Madison was being taken over by the idiot college students who were going to feed his fat ass for free.

Bubblehead Ray



Childish – A recurring theme.

Someone point out a difference between a 3 year old having a temper tantrum and libtards when they do this sort of thing or just about Anything.

Worse yet(for them), they’ve simply shown the country what a bunch of self-serving babies they are. Before this, the teachers had a sympathetic ear from many, Now not so much.
They’ve only hurt themselves, which of course I think is fantastic.

Bubblehead Ray

Kid, the difference is that 3 year olds grow out of that phase.


So this is where all the dumbasses hang out? You people crack me up. Calling people standing up for their rights “childish”, while you make up cute and funny names for them at a distance and behind your keyboards, and then you all laugh and masturbate some more. Who is really childish here? You are all losers, and are in desperate need of some real guidance and motivation in life.


@Anonymous: You, and others who think like you, keep saying the word “rights” as though you know what it means. One thing the people on this particular blog understand is what a “right” truly is, and what others go through to defend it. The people breaking laws and wreaking havoc in Wisconsin over the potential loss of a few of their “privileges” is laughable; thus the humor here.

If you are going to troll a site such as this, please be prepared to actually bring something to the discussion besides asinine, passive-aggressive BS.


Anonymous: Yes, you found us. Hiding in plain sight. We’re the ones that do our jobs, pay our bills and don’t appreciate it when a bunch of anarchist rent-a-mobs try to usurp the process by mob rule. Perhaps you would find a more sympathetic forum on Democratic Underground?

Old Trooper

I watched several videos on Brietbart where someone would be recording parts of demonstrations and the underlying thing was how absolutely clueless the union thugs really are. One vid shows a 17 year old kid handing out pocket Constitutions to the protesters and they kept asking him who was paying him. The kid said no one, but they kept asking and then accusing him of being paid by the Koch brothers (that’s the new buzzword with the commies, I guess, since Bush isn’t around anymore). They don’t understand that someone can be there that isn’t being paid by anyone. The reason they don’t understand it is because they are being paid to be there by their unions, so they naturally assume that everyone on the other side is being paid to be there, also. One of the other things they also do is threaten people with physical harm, like they did the 17 year old kid, or they just go ahead and get physical, like they did in Atlanta (all of it on tape, of course). Let them keep it up, because the day is coming when enough really is enough and the commies won’t like the response.

btw this little tantrum in Wisconsin was partially organized by SDS, as has been admitted by several of the college pukes at the scene.

As for anonymous: fuck you. Why don’t you go rub your pathetic little pecker up against your boyfriend and maybe he’ll bend you over the table and give you the luvin you really never had as a kid? But remember; while your getting butt hurt, don’t spill any of that double non-fat soy latte on the carpet or your mom will get mad.

Old Trooper

As you can guess, I’m in a cranky mood today and I’m not about to brook any shit, especially from some metrosexual granola crunching smelly hippies that think a good time is getting stoned while watching American Idol.

Doc Bailey

@18. I’m pretty sure “Standing up for rights” doesn’t include making an ass of yourself. Also pretty sure SOLDIERS (or those other guys from other services that do something or another) know more about standing up for rights.

As for the snide little comments. . . have you ever met any soldiers? when one of our hardest schools has a promo that goes something like “then pick your vagina up and go to RANGER SCHOOL” you kinda tell that we are sarcastic witty, and have a thick skin.

So please MAN THE FUCK UP, or at least quit being a whiny little b**ch.

As for the Fucktards trying to get back in. Classic. You play games and eventually the adults will move on without you.

Jake 1020

This is my first time on this site and I love it.


Ya know, I watch this shit and a quiet voice in my mind asks, did I waste 22 years of my life protecting these people? The real problem when I look at this stuff and read things like #18 is perhaps…the answer is…I did.


I said this on another thread, and I’ll repeat it here. You didn’t waste anything. For every one like #18, there are literally hundreds of people out there, myself included, who think you stand ten feet tall and are made out of solid gold. We can’t do and be what we are without the men who stand watch against the darkness for us, you know what I mean?



I second exactly what pintoNag said.
Thank you.


#25 Finrod
Me three.
You did not waste 22 years of your life protecting these people, and you should not allow their actions or words to influence how you feel about yourself or your service to your country. And… sometimes that damn quiet voice in one’s mind is just there to stir sh** up.


#18 Anonymous,

Thanks for proving my point. You may want to consider the cognitive disconnect you present: you call the folks here out as cowards, but also left yourself “Anonymous.”

What to think of that? Nothing. It’s supper time and your mommy wants you off the internet so she can blog on here and nail you too. And don’t forget to turn in your homework this time.