Tuesdays with Claymore

| March 8, 2011

Ungrateful plebians!

I love this one…started with the whole “open minded” thing yet had already decided what he was listening to was “hate radio”.

Raising Cain.

Teleprompter Jebus can print money, but he can’t turn water into oil.

Beck to the future!

Then Everyone Applauded: Grocers Edition

Then Everyone Applauded: Grocers Edition Part 2

Bringing stupid back.

Ugly dangling bits of rock will heal you, but all you Christians out there are nuts.

Not looking for a hand up, just a hand out.

The Facebook Revolutionaries…leaving junk and defacing monuments at your state capitol soon!

Kerry (who was in Vietnam, I hear), comments on Miss Manning’s panty party.

Students are like smart and brilliant and stuff. Che lives! Wooooo!


Maybe she should vote for Democrats, or go protest for union benefits.

Bush’s fault.

Liberals are patriots.

History…read some, bitch.

Poll dancing.

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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I can’t go read anything on DU. I wind up with a screaming migraine.



I thought you would have posted this one for sure:


The thought of this would probably make every person on this site lose their lunch simultaneously.


Jerry920, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

From the “Students” thread:

border_town (108 posts) Mon Mar-07-11 08:49 AM
Response to Original message
7. You know
I think the rest of the New England States need to vote out New Hampshire and Maine, and add NY and WI(only if they recall Walker). These two states are not very progressive.

States get voted in and out of “New England?” Who knew? Is that like the UN Human Rights council?

The stupid is strong in that thread.

Just Plain Jason

I love the grocery store stories. The poor old lady story…the writer ignores the fact that the “poor little old lady” was not only late, but also lied about it.
I also liked the other one, the cashier was probably thinking “shit another one of these asswipes”


They do have drama in the grocery store, don’t they? And the other place they have a lot of drama is in restaurants. Maybe I’m just too busy minding my own business to get into drama in those places.

Yup, that’s me: self-absorbed conservative…


The thought of this would probably make every person on this site lose their lunch simultaneously.

You have no idea…BNG and I have seen pics of one heifer over there named “LadyHawk”. It involved a rose tattoo and…ugh, I just threw up a little.


They do have drama in the grocery store, don’t they? And the other place they have a lot of drama is in restaurants

Surely you’re not suggesting they made this shit up are you?


No, Claymore, it wasn’t that. My point was that the folks on DU seem to stick their nose in other people’s business in public places, not that they actually made up stories for something to write about.


LOL, actually I WAS suggesting they made it all up. 🙂


Karin–living in NH, I’m all for that–Maine, not so much. They’re just North Massivetwoshits.

But we get to do it only on one condition–we get to mine all the roads coming in and out.


Oh, and back to the “Students” thread, there’s a reason why Speaker O’Brien wants to put in some decent voting rules–NH is one of the few states which still allows “same day” voter registration, and given that a majority of students at places like UNH, Keene State, and Dartmouth are in fact from out of state and do NOT meet residency requirements, shouldn’t be allowed to vote in NH.


On Bush’s fault: this gem:
Fighting an illegal, immoral war so that a few can profit,
While the rest of us suffer.
I wonder dipshit, how much do you “suffer”? Because last I checked, there are soldiers suffering and serving. You are just a jealous, lazy bastard, content on riding the waves of others. Get up off your sorry ass and do something. Yep. That’s a thought!


The only thing they’re “suffering” from is a nagging conscience. Your Rx, DUSA, (to get up and do something) would do them a world of good!