My Alma Mater in the News! (Coke, strippers and judges, oh my!)

| February 28, 2011

Judge Jack T. Camp is a graduate of my beloved Military College, and in a lengthy article on a Citadel website it says:

Camp didn’t always aspire to be a lawyer, or a federal judge. When he was a teen, he contemplated a military career, and in 1961 he enrolled in The Citadel in South Carolina. “I really, really liked Charleston,” he said. “I had a very, very good education. It was good for me. The discipline forced some focus on me.”

Upon graduation, Camp won a Ford Foundation fellowship to study history at the University of Virginia, where he earned an M.A. in history before joining the U.S. Army as a lieutenant and then going to Vietnam.
“I liked history. It was my first love,” Camp said. “I enjoyed history more than law school.” He arrived in Vietnam in 1968, shortly after the Tet offensive, and was assigned to military intelligence. He spent the first part of his tour in the interrogation section and the second part in visual reconnaissance that often involved patrolling the Ho Chi Minh Trail (the major northsouth route for the North Vietnamese armies) from the air.

It goes on in this vein for a while, but I found this to be better reading:

According to officials, in Spring 2010 Judge Camp propositioned a confidential informant who was working as a private dancer at the Gold Rush show bar on Metropolitan Parkway. Officials say, the confidential informant offered him a private dance in the VIP. Camp bought one, officials say.

Officials say, Judge Camp returned following day to purchase another dance, only this time, he allegedly paid the informant in exchange for sex as well. That night, Judge Camp asked the informant what kind of drugs she was taking. She told him cocaine. He asked if she had any more. According to reports, she did.

Officials say Camp paid $40-$50 for cocaine, then snorted it in front of her.

Federal officials paint a picture of sex and drugs that only grew. On increasing occasions, they say, Judge Camp paid the informant in exchange for sex. Camp would often buy and use cocaine, oxycodone, and marijuana when they were together, they allege.

Now, Just a Grunt sent this to me to “get my goat.”

Ladies and gentlemen, I’ll be brief. The issue here is not whether we broke a few rules or took a few liberties with our female party guests — we did. But you can’t hold a whole military college responsible for the behavior of a few sick, perverted individuals. For if you do, then shouldn’t we blame the whole educational system? And if the whole educational system is guilty, then isn’t this an indictment of our American institutions in general? I put it to you, Greg … isn’t this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can do what you want to us, but we’re not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America! Gentlemen!

Category: Politics

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Sic semper El Cid.


Jack T. “Niedermayer” Camp–shot in Vietnam by his own troops.

CI Roller Dude

Crap….7 years of college down the drain….

AW1 Tim

So wait, this whole case revolves around the word of a CI who provided sex and drugs to the fellow?

I’d take the word of the judge over any CI hooker any day.

That’s just me, though.



Just feel greatful you don’t have Dan Choi representing your Alma Mater like I do.


Dan Choi couldn’t represent a communicable disease.


Well, he may be representing the face of HIV/AIDS in the future.


Yeah, and we’ll probably know about it when he chains himself to the front door of the Mayo Clinic.

Marine 83

Did we quit when the Germans invaded Peal Harbor?


Marine 83,

Heck naw! But they did take a break after 1600, when it’s happy hour at club.

Just A Grunt

Don’t try to defend this guy. He already pled guilty to the charges, there is scads of video and audio tape evidence of him with undercover law enforcement and his defense tries have ran the gamut from claiming depression over quitting a coke addiction to the pressures of the jobs.

It has been a source of good laughs while the story was developing around these parts.

In defense of TSO however, this is what happens when the college you attend has Spring Break activities which consist of running obstacle courses and touring Civil War battlegrounds.

Just saying.

AW1 Tim

Just a Grunt,

Not trying to defend the guy per se, but I support decriminalizing prostitution as well as drugs.

Let people do as they will, and hold them responsible for their actions.

“And ye harm no one, do as ye will”.



AW1 Tim:
I flinched a bit when I read your post, and then had to stop and think about it. My reaction was to your comment about legalizing drugs; when I thought about it, however, a couple of the drugs that are illegal today were legal not that long ago. I remember, for example, when my mother’s doctor prescribed her Laudnum (tincture of opium) to settle her stomach when she had migraines. In my grandparent’s day, you could still obtain cocaine in certain preparations. Something to think about, I guess.


i don’t know when the Germans invade pearl Harbour.