Local VFW commander caught at Stolen Valor scam

| February 28, 2011

Robert L. Deppe, the local commander of the Lakeport, CA VFW resigned earlier this month because he couldn’t prove any of his claims about his military service;

Robert L. Deppe, 57, also was arrested earlier this month on suspicion of stealing money from a family member and replacing the $100 bills he took with phony money, according to the Lake County Sheriff’s Office.

Deppe resigned this month two days after the VFW post asked him to authorize it to request his military records, said Kirk Macdonald, adjutant of VFW Post 2015. He’d been the commander three years.

Yeah, well, it looks like he doesn’t have ANY military service according to our friends at POW Network. But the best part of the story is this part;

Deppe is not on the roster for the U.S. Army, Company H, 75th Infantry, for 1971, as he claims, said William Page, who fought in Vietnam during the time Deppe claims to have been there and who occasionally works with the POW Network. Nor did the National Personnel Records Center have record of his service, said Page, who obtained the information under the Freedom of Information Act.

“We cannot find any record of him being in the military,” said Page, who was an infantryman during the war and now lives in Louisiana.

Page said he began looking into Deppe’s background in 2005 after he recognized his own story in Deppe’s autobiographical account of his year in Vietnam and how he earned his medals.

“I saw this story and I said, dang, this guy is talking just like me,” said Page, who has a combat infantryman’s badge and a Bronze Star, among other “little doodads.”

Page also found excerpts from the story of a man who saved his life in Vietnam and that of a man from his platoon who died.

The William Page in the article is a frequent commenter here at TAH, I won’t out his screen name, just take my word for it. In fact he linked me up with POW Network years ago. You know you’re a studly man when phonies start stealing your exploits, though.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Ray Strischek: There are two situations that I know of where that could happen. But I don’t think either applies to Martin.

Post-discharge promotions most commonly happens when an individual is discharged from active duty but remains in the Reserves. And generally, it only happens if they the individual is actively participating in the Reserves. If they are inactive (non-participating), from what I’ve seen rank generally remains the same as that held at discharge from active duty until final discharge from the Reserves.

Further: from what I’ve seen elsewhere, if someone stays in the Reserves after discharge from active duty FOIA results typically indicate that fact. Martin’s FOIA results don’t show service after Dec 1973 – when he was discharged from the Regular Navy.

The only other possibility I can think of would be if Martin were determined post-discharge to have been wrongfully denied a promotion during active duty. But post-discharge, that would almost certainly require action by the Board for Correction of Naval Records. That requires application by the individual – and would produce official records of such a retroactive promotion. And such a correction should in-turn be reflected in official records at NPRC – and should be reflected in any FOIA results. And I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure that the rank abbreviation “ENFN” equates to an E3 – not an E4. I believe an Navy E4 in his career field would be abbreviated “EN3”.

In short: I guess what Martin claims could have happened if he stayed in the Navy Reserve after his discharge, or if he applied for a post-discharge promotion based on having wrongfully been denied a promotion while on active duty. But given his FOIA results, I’d need to see official Navy documentation of that before I’d believe it.

Dave Jenkinson

Greetings: Only questions I have, since Martin received a Administrative Discharge with do not let the door hit you in the ass and do not even think about coming back, nor are you welcome in any US Military Service;

Martin keeps claiming he was never in the BRIG leading up to his Navy Service time cut short: How can we get copy of the Charges that lead to the early out.

Full name; Kevin Edward Martin

Yat Yas 1833

Between all these limp dicks involved in all this name calling and finger pointing, I feel like I’m back in Jr. High again. If this is what people act like in Ohio, I’m glad I live is Az where only the politicians are forked up!?

Dave Jenkinson

Between all these limp dicks involved in all this name calling and finger pointing, I feel like I’m back in Jr. High again. If this is what people act like in Ohio, I’m glad I live is Az where only the politicians are forked up!?

Greetings: We are Veterans who live in Ohio and we have a person we are trying to expose as a fraud. I thought that was main purpose of this site. You on the other hand would like to talk about limp dicks. Why don’t you move on until we get our DUTY done. Anyone from Az should understand, its the citizens fault they do not have the government they want. We vote the bastards out in Ohio.

There are unanswered questions and so far, majority of posters here have been helpful. HELPFUL, is the key word. IF the bastard Martin lived in Az with other LD maybe you’d be happier. Not wanting to start another pissing contest, as soon as I get done, I’ll be gone. Dave


Mr. Jenkinson:

You indicated above that you have Martin’s DD214. If so, you have all the information you need to file a FOIA yourself and attempt to request that information from NPRC.

However, don’t be terribly surprised if the fOIA request comes back with little more than words to the effect that “that information cannot be released under the FOIA”. What can be released under the FOIA without consent of the individual is limited. It’s my understanding that administrative records of the nature you seek (rationale/reason for administrative discharge) are not generally available via FOIA, and require the consent of the individual for public release. I could be wrong. You might want to consult the NARA website before proceeding down this path. Doing so could save you some wasted time and effort.

A last point on what will likely be my final comment on this article: my purpose in involving myself here was to attempt to confirm or refute Martins’ claims of Vietnam Veteran status. Period. Martin’s status was clarified some 30 comments ago. Discussion since then seems mainly concerned with a local argument that, frankly, appears to be of no concern to the vast majority of readers here at TAH, together with some exchange of insults. It might be best for ALCON to continue argument elsewhere vice wasting Jonn’s storage space and site bandwidth in doing same.


The problem with all this, among other things, is that this topic was about a VFW in California and an individual who apparently appropriated the story of a friend of ours.

No, most of us do not like clowns who wear a uniform as a costume, but at least there is some humor about them. No, most of us don’t like people who otherwise served honorably embellishing their military history.

We really don’t have a TAH Rapid Response Anti-Stolen Valor Vehicle that we can deploy to Ohio to fix what some folks here when out of their way to show is a local problem. We have no magic pixy dust to sprinkle around the county that will resolve this mess.

Am now joining Hondo on the sidelines of this one. Nothing else left to do.

Dave Jenkinson

To my most favorite Dirty Fat Bastard,, as you are well aware of your and Stretches-It ruse or scheme or mass attack of credibility on Kevin failed and failed miserably. According to my attorney you are especially liable for damages done to me. And if you don’t know it my son Matthew, Mary of POW-NETWORK, myself and an agent have captured every single email you sent out. Yes that’s right dumb ass even though you thought you shut down your web sites and thought all of your emails just flew up into outer space they didn’t. We have them all. Every single email you sent out to every single person is captured for my attorney. You fucked up real real bad you stupid fat fuck and I told you that you are going to get your day. Well Dave its coming. I met with my attorney yesterday at lunch and he is under the impression that you are liable for slander, harassment, public publication, liable and other damning issues. Just how much money do you have saved anyway? A barrel full like I? I doubt that very much and if you do I’m going to dip into it pretty deep. You fucked up stupid. You thought you were going to save all the good people on Gun Club Road and New Marshfield from the evil Kevin. Even some of those people are now patronizing to me for your antics. They are not in the position to be sued Dave. You made a real life time error taking me on. I knew once the smoke cleared off the battle field I was going to be the victor and you and Ray were going to be the ones laying on the ground beat into a buddy pulp. What about your emails about Pat Kelly selling drugs and raping women Dave? Did you think that email was just going to disappear also? I was told also on Friday that the National Commander of VFW and the State Department Ohio VFW has totally ordered a nationwide stand down about Kevin Martin and the issue… Read more »


@108 – why are you still claiming that you served in “naval combat”? Nothing that we’ve seen or heard hear backs up your contention that you are a combat veteran.

Dave Jenkinson


Greetings: Its been fun and I enjoyed the education but its time to move on, I started new yahoo site of Quotes of Kevin Martin. Thought you all would enjoy the break.

When we find another Phoney, hope we are allowed to return.

If your ever in Athens County, Athens, Ohio we can do lunch. Dave


Apparently Jenkinson is too fucked up on Oxycontin procured from the local kids to think straight. What’s a really interesting topic of discussion is Dave’s well-known habit of beating women. He tries to play Internet badass when in fact he’s a coward who hits women. That would be why he’s divorced and his own children won’t speak to him. Dave’s penchant for beating the women in his life is a well-known fact around his corner of Ohio.

Adding to the fun, he’s a closet case and propositioned Mr. Martin’s son for sex. I suppose Dave makes up for his own dysfunction by running around slandering random folks in Southeast Ohio. Martin may not be perfect, but Jenkinson takes disgusting to new heights.

Dave Jenkinson

With two tours within 100 miles of the country of Vietnam, our local hero of Athens county points to his first tour being five complete days and second tour of app 24 hours, without boots on the soil, in either tour, of what he has often refers too as the Second Indochina War.

We are now offering the complete set up needed, to operate on your own property the TWO TOUR Veteran of SECOND INDOCHINA WAR certified easy to assemble, three plastic push into place poles and fifteen foot of kite string for $29.95 plus $6.95 shipping.

You to can take Instructor class of National NRA and become a certified Concealed Carry Weapons trainer. CCW instructors charge $100 for 12 hour class and you get to keep your shot up target for $5.00 more.

http://www.HilltopGunClub.com Where you can view pictures of the post. Ones on site are metal but our is plastic, another safety feature forgotten by the:

The Second Indochina WAR Hero of two Tours, Kevin E. Martin. In Kevin’s own words, combat Veteran in both the North and South Second Indochina WAR.

Trying to keep it clean, TRUTHFUL and way to go Brownie. Upsetting events coming soon to New Marshfield, Memorial Day Program with Colonel Martin controlling every act and passing out free dinner tickets- to a group he does not pay for services nor have contract.

Later driving to city of Athens for his third Rally in the Valley held by VFW Post 8804 but all funds to Athens Lawn and Gardening, owner KEM

Dave Jenkinson

Should have taken third look at above: The owner Hilltop Gun Club claims on his web site to have the only certified concealed carry shooting range in southeast Ohio.

Pictures on site show he pulls off the county/township road, hammers few post in ground, ties on string and puts up targets. Shooting without a back stop berm, they shoot and go on the merry way. Just waiting for owner of property to get hold of county sheriff or ODNR.

I will be providing compete set up of Martin’s certified shooting range at upcoming Hearings in the Ohio house.

Dave Jenkinson

RIP Chuck Schantag: From is web site;

A guy is driving around in the North Georgia mountains and sees a sign in front of a broken down shanty-style house: “Talking Dog for Sale.”
He rings the bell and the owner appears and tells him the dog is in the backyard. The guy goes into the backyard and sees a nice looking Labrador retriever sitting there.

“You talk?” he asks. “Yep,” the Lab replies.

After the guy recovers from the shock of hearing a dog talk, he says “So, what’s your story?”

The Lab looks up and says, “Well, I discovered that I could talk when I was pretty young. I wanted to help the government, so I told the CIA and they had me sworn into the toughest branch of the armed services …. the United States Marines … you know one of their nicknames is “The Devil Dogs”. In no time at all they had me jetting from country to country, sitting in rooms with spies and world leaders; because no one figured a dog would be eavesdropping. I was one of their most valuable spies for eight years running, but the jetting around really tired me out and I knew I wasn’t getting any younger. So, I decided to settle down. I retired from the Corps (8 dog years is 56 Corps years) and signed up for a job at the airport to do some undercover security, wandering near suspicious characters and listening in.”

The dog continues – “I uncovered some incredible dealings and was awarded a batch of medals. I got married, had a mess of puppies, and now I’m just retired.”

The guy is amazed. He goes back in and asks the owner what he wants for the dog. “Ten dollars,” the guy says. “Ten dollars? This dog is amazing! Why on earth are you selling him so cheap?”

“Because he’s a liar. He never did any of that shit. Hell, he was in the Navy!”

Dave Jenkinson

Greetings: To grasp the saga concerning the DD 214 of one Kevin Edward Martin you first must consider Lt Dan of Forrest Gump and Steven Seagal, cook and all around bad ass, in the movies. Also, you might consider for this exercise that most of these thoughts came to me while mowing my lawn, as Forrest enjoyed after a full life. First, Martin had just turned nineteen when his Uncle convinced the Navy recruiter he had a family member, gone stray and would he please help a buddy out. We know the military was not even considered by Martin until he ran into the Law, even though he had many family members who served with Honor. Now we know he could not cut it in the US Navy and received a Administrative Discharge after a little over two years and two months service. Martin wasted no time in recording his discharge at the Athens County recorders office. Which now allows everyone to see he never served in combat. We still do not have a clear understanding when his mind started to turn 26 months as engine mechanic into a Lt Dan WAR record and followed up with mechanic/ bando trained bad ass Steven Seagal. Martins grandstanding exposed. Fighting in both South and North Vietnam, NOT. Living with PTSD that destroyed his marriage and made little boys/girl live in fear. With his height of 6′ plus and a bully since birth, getting his ass handed to him by a fellow Veteran, not that long ago. He lived the life of a American Hero, got appointed to Local VFW Post as Commander and then he is exposed by his own discharge. Just another phoney Vet. Telling hundreds if not thousands of Ohio residents that he was a WAR Veteran, saw combat in both North and South Vietnam. Now we see that he never got off the ship and only reason he received the Vietnam service ribbon was because the ship sailed within a hundred miles of the shore line. Gotta love some of the Rules members of the service have to live… Read more »


I recently joined the VFW, and had to give a pair bit of personal info. Once I submitted it said I would be contacted as soon as I was verified. I don’t know where they get their info, or how thoroughly they vet applications. So it does seem like they are getting a bit more thorough.


The wrath of Kevin? That sounds more like the name of a shitty adolescent emo band than a credible threat.

Matthew Martin

DAVID JENKINSON, I am Matthew Martin, Kevin Martin’s son. I could write a book about David Jenkinson and his sidekick’s antics of late, but I’ll cut to the most disgusting part of the entire story. 1. When you say “His Ex told me he lost huge amount of weight because he had Orders to serve on a supply ship” you are talking about my own mother, who has been divorced from my father since 1979 and who has nothing to do with your witch hunt, with my father’s VFW membership, or anything else. She is 64 years old, tiny, timid, and easily scared. The only time she interacts with my father is during family events when I request that we celebrate together. Period. 2. YOU CALLED MY MOTHER AT HER PLACE OF WORK AND HARASSED HER USING VULGAR LANGUAGE ABOUT MY FATHER’S SERVICE. Knowing what you were up to because I had warned her to be on the lookout for you showing up at her house unannounced, she took notes of the conversation in case you did anything threatening toward her. She also immediately recounted the entire conversation to her coworkers to act as witnesses if you harmed her. Her notes stated that she told you that my father had lost weight when she saw him the next time after seeing him off on his first cruise on the U.S.S. Butte, nothing about orders for a supply ship. I tend to believe her over you, particularly since she has no dog in this fight and has nothing to gain by making up any details. 3. My mother told you that she ate Christmas Eve dinner on the U.S.S. Butte with my father and his shipmates in 1972, which you forgot to mention anywhere in your rants. 4. Yesterday, May 27, at a community car show, you began to approach my 80 year old uncle (Korea & Vietnam vet, 24 years service) and my 76 year old aunt to harass them about my father. My uncle just had surgery last Thursday, but that wasn’t going to stop you from making a… Read more »

David M. Jenkinson

Post here are being provided to both political parties in Athens County. Sheriff Department and Athens County Prosecutors office. Both local newspapers; Athens News and Athens Messenger.

Martin claims to be sufering from PTSD and tells those who will listen, that he got his illness do to combat actions in Vietnam.

This Con Artist has faced local and state charges and used his combat crazed mind as an out.

Now thanks to efforts by members of this site, we have explained to hundreds about Martin’s one day Tour and his five day Tour off up to 100 miles from coast line of Vietnam.

I have been active in helping all Veterans including Vietnam Veterans for close to thirty years. I must have done some things right, in 1990 the Ohio State Council Vietnam Veterans of America chose me as their Veteran of the Year, many here know I did my service in USA and Germany during 11/65 and 11/68 in US Army. In 2000 I was Inducted into Legion of Honor at the Chapel of the Four Chaplains.

I left Memorial Day service today when I heard Martin dedicate today’s program to a lady I never met.

For over 30 years as Ladies Aux of the VFW Post 8804 she took part in every program. Two years ago today, Martin gave her a letter telling her services were not needed. Asking her to leave her life’s work that moment.

Her crime, she was assisting in exposing Martin as a Fraud. Several weeks ago she died after a good fight against cancer
and today Martin, knowning no one knew Truth offered up her name. One word comes to mind-Bastard. David M Jenkinson

Yat Yas 1833

Mr. Lilyea,

Would you please delete or flush or burn or whatever you must do to get this thread out of here??? I love to come here to have a dialog with the regulars, even insipid, but this has become a bitch slapping match between two bitch slappers who I know nothing about nor care anything about. to me it’s getting irritating and I’m getting to old for that!


Yat Yas 1833

David M. Jenkinson

Greetings: About the DD214, turns out a few Veterans in Athens County know that Kevin Martin has shown three different ones over the years.

Its clear he is nothing more than a phoney Vet. He has had since 1/74 to record proper DD 214 but because he has embellished his military record so much, he wants to detract from that so that he can continue to live the life of a phoney Vet.

YatYas 1833: No one is requiring you to read this thread. No one forces you to watch a TV show you do not wish.

Much good has come our way by getting Martin and his Son to post here. Give us a little more time and I’m certain all will be glad when this issue is closed. If you continue crying, visit my site at;


You might find out your a better fit being known as a Dirty Rat Bastard. Just kidding. Dave