Farrakhan: Libya is coming here

| February 28, 2011

Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam predicted that the uprisings in the Near East are coming to the United States in a four hour rant yesterday according to the Chicago Tribune;

“What you are looking at in Tunisia, in Egypt … Libya, in Bahrain … what you see happening there … you’d better prepare because it will be coming to your door,” Farrakhan said in a booming voice, thousands of followers cheering in his wake.

I don’t know if he was firing up his followers to incite a revolution, firing up gun and ammunition sales among the thumping clingers, or if he did it just to get me excited, but I’m tellin’ ya, I’m excited.

Of course, it was “Savior’s Day” celebrating the birth of the founder of the Nation of Islam, whom Farrakhan claims to have spoken with in the “Mother Plane”, that giant spaceship which is the foundation of the religion. That giant spaceship which you can see in the sky everyday and every night. You know the one I’m talking about.

Thanks to Old Trooper for the link.

Category: General Whackos

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Louie, you had better prepare if you think that you are getting through my door.


Yeah, bring it bitches…PLEASE bring it.

And pack a lunch, mooslimbs…you’re gonna need it.


$5/gal gas he may be right,but are they really going to over throw the O?


Yeah, I’m guessing Calypso Louie and his sycophants might stand out just a wee bit in my neck of the woods. Makes my job a lot easier when TSHTF.

Old Trooper

While I think it’s just more bluster from Louie; he does have a support network that includes that right-wing extremist group, the New Black Panther Party (who always make a point to branish their firearms), and many of his own people are armed. Not that that means anything, since I think he’s smart enough to know he would be out-gunned in most inner city neighborhoods, let alone out here in flyover country.

It is telling that Keith Ellison(C) (my congresscritter) sent a letter supporting the union thugs at a rally in St. Paul on Saturday (Ellison is a member of NoI, whether he admits it or not) and the usual suspects were all there, but it seems like they’re all jockeying for position for control. The unions don’t want to lose it and the “community leaders” want to gain what the unions are trying to hang on to.

It all comes down to finding the boogeyman and blaming that person, party, demographic, for the failures in our economy and why you don’t have that 60″ HD LCD TV in your house and 24s on your Escalade. I’m sure Louie and the others have that boogeyman picked out and they are the only ones that can fix the problems, if you just trust in their leadership. Well, we are already experiencing that with the all talk “community organizer” we have in the WH now; why would we trade one for the other?


I thought he was just a really bad commedian. You know he says something really messed up and racist then makes a cute face so everyone will laugh.

Chuck Martel

That’s okay. Our side owns all of the deer rifles.


Old Trooper your silly cracker ass couldn’t run 2 blocks, and you’re going to need your guns silly cracker bitch, but not for what you think.
you don’t have enough bullets, balls or hair to survive what’s coming for you and that ass-less, lip-less botox loving bitch that you call mommy and wifey ,1 inch dick moron.
now run out to walmart dick-less bitch and buy some more weapons that you’re not going to get a chance to use anywhere except in your flat ass mama’s worthless flat ass, bitch.


hey chuck you do own all the deer rifles.
so what are you waiting for, dumb mother fucker?
a memo?
hey chuck , time to kill the blacks and latinos?
Chuck,you don’t have the balls or the fighting skills to walk up on any black or latino man and do a damn thing.
you’re a coward.
yeah….you’ll come in the night with your buddies and find some 15 year old kid alone on a dark street, but face to face with a grown man, man to man, that’s not you bitch.
you prefer to hide behind computers talking shit because you’re a weak ass coward bitch. Get your sorry ass off this site bitch and stop pretending your gun is the big black dick you always wished you had.
coward mother fucker.


spigot you maggot,
why don’t you “bring it” to them and start with your fist.
put your gun down bitch, because most black, asian and latino men can beat your ass without even making a fist.
but you need your guns because without them you’re just a worm.
with them , you’re dead.
if you think loading up on guns and running in the woods with your friends by your trailer park is going to help your stupid ass then you’re really retarded and we know you are.
Here’s some free advice maggot, you and your silly mama should start running now.

Operator Dan

Matthis, is that you?


i’m lonely and i’d love to meet a big black dick.
can you help me?
i’m white and my ass is o.k.
and you’re right about racist white men.
they do have issues because of their small dicks.
it makes them angry and want to cut off the black man’s big black dick.
but hey, it’s the only way the racist white man will ever have a big dick in his hand, right?

AW1 Tim


It’s downright funny listening to you underage gay white boy geeks pretending to be men and threatening veterans!

You guys are funny. Go ahead, fellahs (wink) and keep typing comments, because soon your parents are gonna come home and shut off your internet access and send your butts to bed.

What’s funniest of all? You keyboard commandos would piss yourselves if any one of us showed up outside your place, calling you out.

yeah, real scary there fellas. REAL scary. NOT!


Hey Molly,
we’re not racist either and we’d be happy to hook a white sister up.
you got it girl! one big black dick coming your way.
and to any of you other lonely white women that’s tired of the” i’m angry because my white dick is small , so i bought a gun racist white men” horrors…..
just drop us a line at BBDR and we’ll get you on your way to knowing the joys of BIG BLACK DICKS RULE.

AW1 Tim

Molly: The only black dick I’ve ever seen is Louis Farrakhan.

Of course, he’s as queer as a three-dollar bill, so I guess being a dick is right in keeping with his character and world view, eh?


BBDR also rule in The White House.
For the first time in America history we have a president with a big dick in The White House.
sexy….. juicy, right?

AW1 Tim

Yes, it’s obvious that Michelle has a big black dick. He’s called Obama. He just doesn’t have a penis or any balls.

You guys are frikkin’ morons.

Frankly Opinionated

Who let the empty headed trolls in?
And in the White House? Who? A Black? No way dumbass. He is as white as he is black, bred by a black who did the black man thing and cut out, and raised by a white momma to be a rich white boy. Never lived in the ghetto, never ate chittlins, and I don’t like either half of him. Just another Mulatto.
Get a life trolls.


OMG! you saw Farrakhan’s dick?
how? was it big?
Queer? he’s not queer, he’s intelligent and beautiful.
the wheel he’s talking about is the weather and dreams that he’s had.
i ordered his tapes and got them in the mail.
just about everything he has said has come true.
go back and look at his tapes.
a true soldier listens to information no matter where it comes from and i’m giving you some information now.
BBDR is right, you’re going to lose, you already have.
the black man is more powerful than you, even when he’s homeless and high on drugs.
every white woman knows that.

AW1 Tim

Molly: You must be a public school graduate, r maybe a teacher, since you have zero comprehension skills.

Farrakhan IS a dick, and queer as all get out. It’s why he acts like he does. He’s certifiably insecure and mentally unstable. But go ahead, believe what you want to, because for folks like you, reality is what you want to believe, not what what it really is.

Frankly Opinionated

If Molly is as she suggests in her writing, she is a dirty legged snake.


Anyone else getting the vibe that MOLLY and BBDR are really Charlie Sheen?

AW1 Tim

Yup. Personally, I think it’s just Matthis gone off his meds, but it might also be Duff, doing his super-sekrit ninja Mossad squirrel keyboard kommando drive-by shit.

Anyway, I’ll check back in a bit. I’ve go some real work to get done before I can play some more. 🙂

Frankly Opinionated

I thought that Kyle Barwan was out of jail and on mommy’s PC.


Hey Molly,
Ma, don’t waste your time.
we at BBDR have the power to make these bitches respond to words on a screen.
the white man can’t take a word, a bullet or a ass whipping and a ass whipping is on the way to this coward mother fucker, but not from where he thinks.
We’ll put you to the test bitch, go to chicago and say that shit to any F.O.I. in front of the minister’s headquarters.
you won’t and if you do, you’ll get your popcorn ass fucked up.
These bitches on this blog are the type that would try and shoot a black or latino american soldier in the head during combat in the american military.
bitches like these get raped in prison.
none of these bitches are real men , because a real man is not concern with another man and these ho’s are consumed with black, latino and asian men.
we understand, we saw Jet Li too.
racist white men mental problems start in the birth canal, their mother’s asses are so flat , that on the way out of her womb her tail bone puts too much stress on her baby’s brain, thus the dumbness.
fuck you, nobody is afraid of you or your guns, small dick bitch.


mother fucker we know you hate Charlie Sheen because he’s free, rich, got beautiful ass white women and a big dick.
none of you silly bitches will ever make 2 million dollars a week for just looking into a camera.
charlie is sexy as a mother fucker and if he died today, he’s lived more life and ate more pussy than anyone of you ball-less mother fuckers.
Mathis, Duff?
Bitch get off this blog, this is not a Stallone movie from the 80’s, Rambo wannabe.
If you mother fuckers fuck like you talk…….


Yep, it’s Methis. Can’t even spell mother, or fucker. At least not with the proper inflection. And, no, that’s not a swear word either.


We just love how we woke up this dead ass blog with our comments.
we control you bitches because we can make you type and type you did.
thanks ho’s.
now we’re bored so we’re moving on to the next trailer park.
But before we leave, Molly do you want 8, 9 or 12 inches?
let us know and thanks for the comments.
and” frankly”, who said Obama was black, we said he got his BIG BLACK DICK from his black father. and you’re right, his mama is white and because she had the sense to check out the joys of the BBD we now have your president with the BBD.
The Kennedy’s don’t need you to love him clown, they just need your white flat ass daughter to fuck some more black men and give them armies of Obama.
It’s the only way to get a calm white man with sense, a full head of hair and a BIG BLACK DICK that’s light skinned.
white women like Molly are tired of your angry balding small dick ass, so she’s going to make herself a new white man.
you go white girl!!!!!!
we’re bored now, so while fun, we must move on.
but enjoy the new action on this blog based on our comments.
We have the power to make any blog a star.

Old Trooper

Ok, I see someone let the children on the computer, again.

I just have one question for them, though; what makes you think I’m fat and bald? Do you know how old I am, or are you just guessing? By your rants, I would assume you are maybe in junior high and when mommy isn’t watching, you get to swear and use all the cool words that you’ve heard others use; right?

BTW; when did I ever say anything about having guns in this thread? That’s right; I didn’t, so you immediately show yourself to be an extreme dumbass.


Wow did the Farahkan fan club descend on TAH?

Doc Bailey

Wow. Usually there are adults on here. With F-Kahn, all I gotta say, that jack-ass better HOPE the shyte going on in Tripoli comes here. The problem with courting, or inciting radicals. . .eventually you are not radical enough, and your ass is going to get killed.