Like a transvestite slap fight on the corner

| February 14, 2011

Ron Paul took offense to Donald Trump’s comments on his electability;

Regarding Trump’s prediction that Paul is not a viable candidate, Paul argued that he’s won eleven times in a very conservative district and responds to Trump with his own verbal smackdown, “I don’t know whether he’s earned the right – you know – for criticizing someone for not winning an election, when I don’t know how many elections he’s won so far himself.” Although if Trump does run for President, Paul did not go as far as suggesting that he couldn’t win.

I have news for both of them, neither of them will attract many voters. Not among the conservatives I know. As a blogger, I do hope they both run – they’ll provide much entertainment. Especially when they both claim that 1% of the vote proves they have a chance to win the Republican nomination. They’ll pump millions of dollars into the economy and it won’t cost taxpayers anything.

But it’ll be just so much mental masturbation, sound and fury signifying nothing.

Donald Trump is a conservative to the point that it no longer suits him. And, well, the same goes for Paul and his acolytes. This early slap fight in the media demonstrates that neither has the thick skin politicians need to focus on the issues.

Category: General Whackos, Libertines suck

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The most interesting thing about this whole article was the header! That was GREAT! 🙂


Paul believes he won because the voters of his district like him. And they do like him – to be very far away!

Doc Bailey

Ron Paul still thinks he has the chops to sit in the big chair? I think that is a bit pathetic.

Plus you’d be amazed at how poorly ideologues do in the Oval office. Look at Obama.

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