Kucinich and Brad Manning
Dennis Kucinich is taking time out from his lawsuit against the Congressional cafeteria to focus on Bradley Manning’s treatment at Quantico. On his website, he posts his letter asking the SecDef, Robert Gates for a visitation;
Private Manning’s guilt or innocence is a question for adjudication and his treatment at Quantico severely undermines the presumption of innocence as enshrined in the U.S. Constitution and raises questions as to whether he is truly able to stand trial. His care while in the custody of the Department of Defense is the responsibility of the U.S. Government and as a member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform it is my duty to conduct effective oversight.
The ironic part of the letter, he defends Manning’s right to the assumption of innocence while Kucinich presumes that the DoD is guilty of Manning’s lawyer’s charges of mistreatment. You’d think he’d wait to visit Manning before giving a defense lawyer any credence.
Thanks to Daniel for the link.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Congress sucks
Denny and Brad, alone in a darkened cell, h’mmmmmm, whose on top?
Is he trying to work up a re-enactment of Dumb and Dumber?
Perhaps Kucinich ought to see if the “House Committee” really wants to see if they’re interested in exercising any oversight at all? I mean, he is a minority member now, not the chairman. He probably just forgot that little fact. Or, he’s channeling the President and ignoring pesky facts?
It’s his privilige, and indeed his duty to inspect Manning’s treatment and environment.
It’s his duty to report what he sees accurately, without reservation or purpose of evading the truth.
And were I the Marine OIC, record the entire visit on video and sound, and have a Youtube account ginned up for instant rebuttal.
Kucinich is worried about this douchebag’s Constitutional rights? What rights. He signed the contract. He doesn’t have any more rights.
Second, Kucinich is a democrat, so it’s pretty much assumed that he doesn’t like the Constitution anyway. Why the selective application?
He has to get to the bottom due to his position as Representative of the Lollypop Guild.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhjRUKCKIG4 He is the one in Red…
It amazes me the lack of integrity that this administrations people has….and this goes all the way to the top too. Here the cream doesn’t rise. The scum does.
I guess Kucinich and the rest of the douche bags complaining about Manning’s treatment have never watched one of these lockup, lockdown, hard time shows on the tube. ALL those people, male and female prisoners get the same treatment as Twinkle Toes and I don’t hear Kucinich and the other whiners whining about them. I guess it’s cause they are REAL lawbreakers. Sarc off.
Kucinich actually settled that lawsuit for an undisclosed sum.
Kucinich. Democrat. Liar and tool. They all go together perfectly.