Tuesdays with Claymore

| February 1, 2011

He sent these yesterday and I almost forgot;

Holy crap…there’s some real debate in this one:

“I’m starting with the man in the mirror…”

We’re all immigrants now.

Walk like an Egyptian.

Yeah, but their pyramid schemes are better.

The color of the news.

I blame Mohammed.


Where’s Waldo?

Biden his time.

That’s nice…now go make me a sandwich.

Crappy laws.

“…to make old people die, of course. Duh!”

DU is revolting.

It’s right next to the Panama Canal, isn’t it?

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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Doc Bailey

wow. Such an interesting crowd.


Now I know where to go for my daily laugh. I note one of the commenters signed himself “Bennyboy”. We Marines and sailors who spent any time in Subic Bay, Olongapo City, PI. knows what a “Bennyboy” is and its not a moniker I personally would choose.


There isn’t enough mind-bleach, or real bleach, in the world that would let me go to DU.


“DU is revolting”
“They stink on ice”

I was actually shocked to see that 71% of them see that the individual mandate is unconstitutional. I also think it is funny that they didn’t realize the tea party protests…were protests. I guess it only qualifies as one if it agrees with their agenda.