Moonbats upset that military prison is difficult to enter

| January 24, 2011

The folks at FiredogLake tried to get a petition of 42,000 signatures to Wikileaker Bradley Manning in the military detention facility at Quantico, VA this weekend. It’s difficult to make out what happened from the posts I’ve read from shrieking harpy, Jane Hamsher or her associate Michael Whitney. I guess it’s all written in Moonbat.

But as near as I can determine, the military decided that the duo wasn’t going to visit Manning, and they were successful. It also looks like that Hamsher’s car was uninsured so the military had it towed – that’s a pretty common occurrence. I’ve seen it happen on every military facility I’ve entered. That’s not harassment, it’s policy.

It was really heartening to David to hear of everyone’s support when we were being threatened with arrest, searched and detained for two hours. What happened was not a surprise. It’s sad that this is what we have all come to expect when advocating for the civil rights of someone who has been identified as an “enemy of the state,” without benefit of a trial. But here we are.

I don’t know what the “enemy of the state” thing is about, I haven’t heard Manning called that by anyone in or out of the military, so that it required “quotes”, but there’s been no trial because of Manning’s rights. Nidal Hussein hasn’t been to trial either, but it’s pretty clear that he pulled the trigger and shot dozens of people at Fort Hood. It’s also pretty clear that Manning did the Wikileaks thing and many of the security measures surrounding him are for his own protection – from himself as well as his fellow inmates.

Hippies shouldn’t bother to evaluate the military culture and compare it to life outside of the military. They end up looking like morons. And, Jane, insure your car like a grown up.

Category: Antiwar crowd, General Whackos

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Toothless Dawg

What? You mean the mean old Marines are holding Comrade Manning in a real brig? Not an open campus, with buffet 24-7, and badmitton courts, and marijuana provided??? Good golly Uncle BoBo,’the man’ isn’t playing fair!

I figger the ‘enemy of the state’ statement is a feeble attempt to elevate the status of those supporting the itsy bitsy traitor. Its the lefts verbal attempt at making them sound like a real life revolutionary for the cause. As you point out though, Jonn, they have only succeeded in looking like morons. Oh well, morons are as morons do …

Old Trooper

Well, what these morons don’t understand, because they’re morons, is that there is no such thing as “civil rights” in the military. You are under the UCMJ and the C doesn’t stand for “civil”. When you enter a military facility, you are not afforded the same rights as you are on the other side of the fence and that goes for civilians, as well. Just because they think they can hand stuff to a military prisoner doesn’t mean they can. Oooooo they were detained for 2 hours! They’re luck the Provost Marshal didn’t detain them longer. I bet that 2 hour “detention” was actually from them getting all whipped up and demanding to hand the petition to “glory hole” Manning, and the security folks decided that they were a “security risk”. Someone should have broken out their Tonya Tapper and given them a little what for right along the ear line.

But that’s just me………

Doc Bailey

Correct me if I’m wrong but committing Treason/Espionage IS kind of what one would call becoming an “enemy of the state”. But we actually never use that term, at least not that I can tell. That generalized type of title belongs to the Soviets, which probably would have shot his ass a long time ago.


These are the same type of people that called B-52’s “Bomber Death Planes” in the 60’s and 70’s. They also wouldn’t let their children play with “War Toys”. Manning is their cause celeb at this time. He’ll be forgotten soon when they move on to some other twit.

I can assure you that the MP’s on Parris Island and MCAS Beaufort tow and ticket for lack of insurance. They also nail you for speeding also…just like the police on the outside. Give me a break….useful idiots.

Honor and Courage


Aren’t these the same douchebag liberal hippie fuckstains that tell me I MUST buy health insurance (even though breathing is a right, not a privilege) and then turn around and don’t have AUTOMOBILE insurance to cover themselves and my in case they get into an accident?

Hypocrisy much?

Frankly Opinionated

If they had been successful in getting the greeting card to “big Round Mouth” Manning, they would have been qualified to get some more drugs to Methhis, wouldn’t they? Just sayin’


Meh…another day, another set of douche bags.

Only thing lacking here is that they did not receive a decent beat-down.


On PFC Manning: having read the charge sheet, he’s not charged as an Enemy of the State, or even of espionage. He’s charged with stealing documents he was not authorized to handle, and giving them to someone.

I’ve only had one cup of coffee this morning – is the espionage inferred in this case? By proving the particulars the prosecutors then go for the accused being a spy?

Insofar as I know, the accused is The Accused, not an Enemy of the State. Silly moonbats. The most that will happen to the accused, if convicted, is life.

Bigger question: where are his accused accomplices, including the man who turned him in?


Sparky, interesting point. Perhaps our very own libtroll, Joey, would care to explain the nuances of that to us?