Oh, yeah, it’s Tuesday, isn’t it?

| January 18, 2011

“…I think he said the sheriff is near!”

The problem of problems is that they’re problematic.

You’re right, they’re both full of treasonous bastards.

Chicken or the egg. Don’t care…they’re both worth 100 xp’s.

An abridgment of rights by any other name, should still smell like shit.

Fuming or flaming?

Next up, Germans pick the best Jewish rabbis of WW2 era.

Girl on girl distraction.

Chief Obama….indian giver.

Happiness is a warm gun reform.

Rosie O’ Donnell gets a new job?

He’s really into oral.

…and the other 30% were too busy playing with their inflatable Obama dolls to care.

Shit, ass & Keith Olbermann in the same sentence…seems right to me.

Are his pants on fire?

Well I guess that beats Wells Fucking Fargo.

I have a dream…of not making up snow days in the middle of August.

…I have a better description…how about ‘head up ass’.

Blaming Gringo.

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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“President Black Eagle”??


I honestly believe that Claymore either has the biggest pair known to mankind, or he’s a robot. I can’t make it through one of those links without wanting to wrap people in barbed wire, dip them in honey, and throw them on a fireant hill.


Putting this into perspective, I have to read about three to four threads for every one I deem DUmpster worthy. Frankly, cruising around the left wing websites is the biggest self-esteem boost anyone could imagine; no matter how bad you think you are, at least you’re not these shitbirds.


Is there not a name for the medical condition with which they’re afflicted?


ROS,I believe it would be cerebal mycobacterium leprae.


I actually did a paper on it in grad school, oddly. 🙂

We really need to find a cure other than plumbum application.


I feel dumber from reading the Blame it on the Gringos thread…
I like how when they are faced with history and treaties that were signed they still hang onto their version of history.

Also I didn’t know that Rachel Maddow was gay and that was the reason I hated her.