Some Quick Thoughts On The Giffords Shooting

| January 9, 2011

Thought I would lay some things out before I hit the rack.

1. Tuscon has more than its fair share of wierdos, especially around the University area. There is a lot of drugs and a lot of drug addicts running around. The supposed shooter attended Pima Community College which is next to a hotel called the Tuscon Inn which is full of crack dealers and crackheads. How do I know this? I have made the mistake of staying there before and myself and three other people I was with were the only people in the hotel not addicted to some narcotic.

2. I don’t buy this story the Pima County’s Sheriff is putting out about a second person being involved in the shooting. Did anybody watch this clown’s news conference? He didn’t have a clue and had to call in his deputy to finish it up for him. He seemed more interested in getting on his soap box and trashing Arizona than learning the facts of the case.

3. Raul Grijalva of course had to run his fat suck about this.  Grijalva should be one to talk about vitrol. He wins every election by telling his Latino constituents that the White Man is out to get them and stirring class and racial tension.

More on this later…

Category: Politics

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But, of course Dan.


Oh…info regarding a second shooter is false. There is word though an individual in early 50’s may have been seen wandering away from the scene. Even money says this person had at the least something to do with the perp.


I was less than impressed with Sheriff Dubnik. He was ill-prepared and went on to mention that talk radio was responsible for this hatred and therefore caused the shooting. His left winged bias was blatantly obvious. Of course, he opposes SB1070 and doesn’t give two hoots about illegal immigration.

His deputy seemed like he knew what he was talking about and I didn’t feel any “hate” or finger pointing coming from him


In terms of a 50 year old man wondering off from the scene he most likely had nothing to do with it. There are some many drunk or drugged out homeless people running around that town. It’s really no surprise some burn out would ignore gunfire and keep going on his.


*on his way

Just A Grunt

Couple of quick observations. Early reporting is always a jumbled mess. I always let it settle down and let the fog of war, as it may be, clear.

Second. Caught Mr Obama’s statement on the incident and was struck by the difference in presentation compared to the Ft Hood shooting. No shout outs just a simple statement of condolences and condemnation of the shooter. Kind of different when it is one of your own huh?

Third. This guy if not nuts was certainly living in an alternate reality and any attempt to tie it back to some sort of political leanings one way or the other is futile and only serves the purposes of the person trying to do so.

Lastly my thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by this horrendous act.


Dan, found this blog on DailyKos:
Scroll down, this dude is or was a leader of a law enforcement union….


I don’t always agree with what goes on in Washington or the “Reps” we send there. But gunplay in a strip mall is not the way to get your point across.

Thunder 26

Some of Loughner’s influences included “Che Guevara,the obama Saul Alinsky,Hugo Chavez.” He wanted to “Fight the Right” and had”obama and the Progressives will fight the tyranny of Big Business and the racist Tea Party. BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!” This was from his My Space page before it was shut down. he also read Mein Kampf,The Communist Manifesto,Siddahartha,and The Wizard of Oz.
So, who does the Media blame- the TEA PARTY! they fail toi mention all the facts and say just because he shot a Democratic Representative, he must be a Right-Wing Terrorist,just like the guy who flew his plane into the IRS building in Texas. never mind he was a Liberal wacko,it’s a Conservative conspiracy against the Progressives.
He was an Army Reject and a Community College student,so why aren’t the Media going after going after Slacker Looser Pseudo-Intellectuals??


Also apparently the kid was a “trenchcoat mafia” wannabe, according to a story this morning in the AZ Republic. Yeah, lots of conservative “yutes” like dressing up all in black, black boots, and black trenchcoats in 115 degree heat in Tucson in the summertime.

Junior AG

Heh, a Huffposter, LeoTheDog sed this:
“When was the last time that an avid NPR listener went on a murderous rampage like this? Just saying….­.”

Joe Stack, Clay Duke and now this Jarod Lee Loughner fellow don’t seem to be in the Republican side of the political spectrum, just sayin’.


Dubnik is so disliked by two adjoining County Sheriff’s that they refuse to speak to him.