Typical Conservatives?

| July 29, 2008

The Washington Post has a discussion forum named On Faith where they allow the God-less to bash Christians with impunity. Today’s “discussion” topic in the forum “Under God; A daily look at the news and what we do in the name of God” is entitled Whole Lot of Ugly and written by David Waters recounts the story of Jim David Atkisson who took a shotgun to a congregation in Tennessee this weekend.

No Conservative I associate with could condone Atkisson or even excuse just a little what he did. But then, all of the Conservatives I know are real Conservatives who hold people responsible for their own actions. Atkisson was ill and was trying to commit “suicide by police” until he was thwarted by brave parishioners.

But see, in his dementia, he blamed “Liberals” for his condition (his wife left him, he lost his job and the “liberals” reduced his food stamps). Atkisson needed an excuse other than himself for his condition and he took it out on a liberal congregation. But, in order to inflame his readership, Waters included this in his reportage;

Adkisson, who had served in the military, said “that because he could not get to the leaders of the liberal movement he would then target those that had voted them in office,” the search warrant states. Among the items seized from Adkisson’s house were three books: “The O’Reilly Factor,” by television commentator Bill O’Reilly; “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder,” by radio personality Michael Savage; and “Let Freedom Ring,” by political pundit Sean Hannity.

A goldmine of stereotypes for the Left and the Post. Ex-military Christian guy who reads conservative books and has a gun. Kind of like when Juan Williams blamed Rush Limbaugh for the guy who shot two capitol policemen several years ago. it must be those damned conservative books. I wonder if Waters or any of the commenters I’m about to quote have ever read any of the books in question and if they can point to passages which can inflame a rational person to commit murder.

Anyway, I figured it’d be fertile ground for lunatic quotes from commenters…I had no idea.

Woburn, MA:

This attack is a natural and expected result of the books the man was reading, and the tone, and content of the talking heads he admires. When you write books that accuse those that disagree with you of treason even when they have the same end goals, this is the natural expected, and INTENDED result.

Look at the comments of “CONSERVATIVE” and you can see the face of total madness without even leaving this site.

Total madness. So tolerant.

Mike McNally:

Suicides always increase when Republicans are in charge. This guy is a typical neo-con. He attacked unarmed women and children.

Has anyone noticed a trend in suicides where they live since 2000 (I’m assuming that by “in charge” the enlightened and tolerant Mike McNally means when the President is a Republican)


What, Thozmaniac, can’t handle the truth? I’d like to see some examples of liberals beating, shooting, and bombing conservative people, churches and organizations. Oh wait, you can’t give me any now, can you?

Oklahoma City bombing – Tim McVeigh, not exactly a bleeding heart liberal.

Abortion clinic bombings – um, not done by liberals

Beating Matthew Shepard and leaving him to die tied to a fence post – done by redneck homophobes, not liberals.

New Life Church in Colorado Springs – Matthew Murray was raised in a conservative Christian household and shot up OTHER CHRISTIANS.

And now this shooting. You may say my comments are vile, but the proof is in the pudding. Right-wing nutjobs and hateful conservative Christians are the ones doing these awful things, not liberals.

Well, that’s not cherry picking, is it? Most of those happened when Democrats were “in charge” didn’t they?


*sigh* Something like this was bound to happen sooner or later, with the constant right-wing hate-speech. Too bad it took something on this scale for people to take some notice of it.

Have you ever read any of the books in question, Paganplace? Or is it just easier to act like you know what’s in their pages without bothering yourself to crack the books open.

Atkisson couldn’t have thought about doing this without Fox news, though;


Complain about the O’Reilly/Hannity influence on this man at;

yourcomments@foxnews com

Fox is pouring gasoline on people like this.

Or President Bush;


I don’t know why this guy Adkisson had such a hard time finding a job. Couldn’t he have applied for a senior position in the Bush Administration?

You get the idea…but stick around, it gets worse;


For all the opinions putting the DEms in the same lane as the PUBs.. no way in hell..

THE GOP has implemented a no holds bar Intent to winning. Has nothing to do with integrity, facts, substanc. Hnse the Tag the Do Nothing party.

The Necosn that co-opted the Bpubs immediately implemented Corporate Socialism, Fascism, Corpritism. Theie dictatori authoritarian behavior completely by passes the normal political processes in governance of a country.

They use fear and hate and prejudice and they constantly use that model. They call themselves Conservatives but there is nothing conservative about them. Except when it is convenient to bring it up.

The LIB-ER-AL word is the new Nig-g-er non gender pronoun attack word.

LIBERAL Bad, Conservative Good.
But neither word has anything to do with there definitions.

They are to provide practice for the “Minds of the Willing”, as Adolp Hitler detailed in Mein Kampf.

And worse;

stephen rhymer:

the saddest thing is that our culture not only condones this type of attack but encourages it.

One only has to listen to the ravings and rantings of Savage, Coulter, Dobbs and the rest to see how someone would do this. These people bombard the airways with hate and fear every day.

We are a culture that honors violence (physical and mental).

Tolerance and respect (especially for views not are own) are not dirty words. The only way we can live in peace and harmony is for all of us to practice these principles.

And worse;


Ever notice some of the most violent political acts come from the right-wing conservatives? Timothy McVeigh who slaughtered hundreds with the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 is a good example. An example of mis-placed rage and hatred from the American right. Add this loser Addkison to the list.

The last time activists from the Left initiated acts of violence and terror, was in the early 1970s with the Weather Underground group. Clearly, the violent pendulum has swung in favor of the right-wing activists.

It is only a matter of time before the fanatics listening to Savage, Limbaugh and others start to kill Democratic politicians, liberal activists, university professors, members of the clergy.

And total incoherence;


Homosexuals and Lesbians wont get abortions…..
If they want children they will be able to love and raise them as would anyone else…

The religiuous right…idiots…these are 2 segments of society that won’t get an abortion yet they hate them anyway?

This society loves liars like Coulter, Hannity, O’Reily, hell will love ’em too…when they can shake hands with Kenneth Lay..CEO ENRON, they’ll get a real heating bill….RNC/GOP losers….

You can just see the froth dripping from their chins can’t you? They’ll be the first ones locked up when we get our Conservative Congress to pass the Keyboard Protection Act.

Some were so upset, they even included the Unibomber among staunch Conservatives. I guess that’s how far Left you have to be to comment on the Washington Post forums – Left of the Unibomber.

But it reminds me of Brigette Bardot’s dilemma in France. She wrote some books that the government determined to be “hate speech” and fined her thousands of dollars. And Mark Steyn’s problems in Canada. I’m amazed that can happen in the Western World. But can we be far behind?

I’ve owned guns since I was 14 years-old (I have two with high capacity magazines in my house right now) and I’ve never shot an American in my life. I’ve never even pointed a gun (with live rounds in the chamber) at another American. Now, I do know of a social worker in Mexico, New York who expects to see me aiming a gun at her one day…without much reason. She’s dealing with her personal biases…and too many Lifetime TV movies.

The problem with the Left is that they’re bigots…it’s much easier to deal with the world when you can split people into identifiable stereotypical groups rather than deal with them and their actions individually. That’s why all of their social programs are “one-size-fits-all” because we’re all alike.

Sorry, Leftists, but Atkisson did this on his own and silencing speech you don’t like won’t help.

Crossposted at Eagles Up! Talon

Category: Media, Politics, Society

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We’re getting the same sort of tripe on the Editorial Board Blog on the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle! Look what D&C commentator Tom Tobin inferred on his blog yesterday:

The church killings

People that post to the RochesterConservative Blog and Forums blasted Tobin on his blog and on the RC Forums. This guy is getting paid by Gannett and he constantly maligns President Bush (big-time BDSer), Republicans and Conservatives.

The one point of satisfaction is that Gannett’s stock performance mirrors the New York Slimes… 🙂

Jonn wrote:
I couldn’t help myself…I had to comment.

LT Nixon

I’d like to see some examples of liberals beating, shooting, and bombing conservative people, churches and organizations. Oh wait, you can’t give me any now, can you?

Hasn’t that jerkass heard of the FARC or the SLA? I don’t think most liberals are murderous thugs, but according to this guy’s logic, I could easily make that assertion.

509th Bob

Lt. Nixon,

You forgot to mention “Critical Mass” bicycle riders assaulting automobile drivers, assaults on U.S. military recruiters, vandalism against veteran monuments, vandalism against U.S. military recruiting stations, and spitting upon Gulf War veterans by the supposedly enlightened Commie-sluts.


I told you so… [grin]

The problem with the Left is that they’re bigots…it’s much easier to deal with the world when you can split people into identifiable stereotypical groups rather than deal with them and their actions individually. That’s why all of their social programs are “one-size-fits-all” because we’re all alike.

That observation is pretty much internally inconsistent. Not on your part, but theirs. It’s one of the first stumbling blocks to rational discourse with them. And the reason I don’t try. And except for a few who who aid and abet our enemies I’m not in favor of whacking the whole bunch. Kinda like shooting fish in a barrel. I can’t talk fish either.


Lt. Nixon,

“I don’t think most liberals are murderous thugs, but according to this guy’s logic, I could easily make that assertion.”

Perhaps. Or you could just explore almost any inner city, talk to people, and discover that most muderous thugs are liberal.


“On Faith” is Sally Quinn’s personal search for religous enlightenment. Consider it reparations for sleeping with Ben Bradley.

And guess who else is in bed with Sally, Code Pink co-founder and Wiccan from the 60’s Starhawk a/k/a Miram Simos. Yep, Code Pink’s collecting a Washington Post paycheck.

And here we assumed it must be the other way around.


Raoul said:

Yep, Code Pink’s collecting a Washington Post paycheck.

Just as Rochester Democrat and Chronicle “journalist” Tom Tobin is collecting a paycheck from Gannett for promoting the lefties while maligning Conservatives.

Mike W

I’d like to see some examples of liberals beating, shooting, and bombing conservative people, churches and organizations.
Look no further then Obamas main man Bill Ayers,but then again what do I know because I found out today I am a racist because I believe global warming is a hoax.And here I thought being a bible clinging, gun clinger was bad.



Thanks for commenting on Tobin’s blog! I doubt he will reply back. The dude likes to toss grenades over the wall and then go back and hide in his bunker! 🙂


May I add to this William Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, The Black Panthers, Luis Farrakhan , PETA (yes on the terrorist watch list). I can play this game too.
There are really bad people on both sides. People who will always be a part of the landscape that you can point at and go, “Look how bad it is over there!”
I am tired of the left pinning these people who carry out violence in the name of Christianity as “conservatives”. Bull!
A true Christian would not use violence against others in this way. I don’t agree with Catholics on parts of their religion but you don’t see me taking my shot gun into Mass and popping off a couple of rounds.
This man was sick. He needed help and chose to do something very hennas and sick to call out. Sorry not a true Christian in my book and nowhere near a conservative.

Mark Stolzoff

“The problem with the Left is that they’re bigots…it’s much easier to deal with the world when you can split people into identifiable stereotypical groups rather than deal with them and their actions individually. That’s why all of their social programs are “one-size-fits-all” because we’re all alike.”

How did someone manage to write that without realizing the irony?


(chuckling) Well, it looks like one of our left coast occasional commenters doesn’t like reading the truth – or looking in the mirror.

He also appears to have trouble recognizing a discussion that’s been dead for nearly 6 1/2 years.