That time again.

| November 14, 2010

The semi-annual gathering of protesters of the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation closing off one of the main gates for a weekend. The SOA watch host these protests on regular dates. Also it seems that they get upset when people react to the protests that cause the gates to be closed. The God Bless Fort Benning Day is used as a counter protest to these guys showing up. It is interesting and not surprising to know that many of the SOA protesters try to get free food at the God Bless Fort Benning day event. My wife had to explain to a few of them that trying to close of both gates would be bad considering that many people live on base and need to get out to buy items not found on post.

Over the seven years we’ve been doing the Friday nonviolence trainings, we’ve had to take into consideration a number of situations. The police have set up fences, increasingly restricting access to adjacent property. One year Fort Benning blasted “patriotic” music at us, attempting to drown out the speeches and music from our stage. “God Bless Fort Benning Day” has become a counter-event which has also grown over the past years. Fort Benning has also become a major base for soldiers going to and returning from Iraq, raising local people’s opposition to the presence of demonstrators.

Or how about the punishments that they complain about when they try to enter the base they hey have done in the past.

Trainings also take place to prepare people for roles such as Peacekeepers and Legal Observers. For those who engage in civil disobedience, sentences have been from 3 to 6 months. Therefore a strong support system has been created for those considering that risk ,to help them through the discernment process and during and after their time as prisoners.

But of the mention about the concern about violence from the usual suspects.

The 2nd Annual God Bless Fort Benning Rally got underway at the old fairgrounds Sunday, across from the Port Columbus National Civil War Naval Museum. The event features food and entertainment and is designed to counter the message of the SOA Watch protest at Fort Benning.

Mayor Bob Poydacheff spoke to News Leader 9’s Jo Giles at the event and said he was pleased with the effort and the turn-out. He also indicated that event organizers did the right thing by relocating their rally away from the massive protest.

Fears of violence or confrontations with “fringe groups” forced that relocation. Organizer Miriam Tidwell told News Leader 9 in a live interview that she didn’t want to risk any confrontation with the protestors that might result in injury to any of the people or children attending her event.

There have been increased fears of possible violence surrounding the SOA protest this year, not because of the regular crowd of thousands of SOA Watch marchers but because of additional “fringe groups” attending this year’s event.

But really the only people that really win are the people that rent parking spaces and sell food near the Victory Drive area.

Category: Antiwar crowd, General Whackos, I hate hippies, Protests/Rallies

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Right after 9/11, when we were allegedly all united before McBushitler “ruined” us, I was at Ft. Benning and these douchebags were protesting us. Whenever some liberal ritard claims that we were so united, I know they are full of shit. Far left liberals have always and will always hate this country. SOA could be a course on basket weaving and libs would still hate it.
As a side note, when I got home, I was talking to my step mom about all the dirty hippies protesting. She got a little defensive – turns out her Catholic church was planning on sending a contingent to the protest the following year. Yet another reason I will never again set foot in a Catholic church.

Dirty Al the Infidel

Yepper! Made the Trip over to Benning a few times as a counter protester it was always fun riding past those hippie assholes and giving them the One Finger salute. I’d take dirty Patriotic Bikers over dirty hippies any day. I didn’t care for hippies when I was growing up with and even less now.


I went to a catholic HS and my school sends students every year to protest. I tried explaining to the teachers the Jesuit priests would have never gotten their grapes split if they never worked with the commies. I guess they didn’t like that

Chuck Z

Set up a free food booth **for** the protesters. Enhance all of said food with super maximum strength colon blow, use meat left in the GA sun for a few days, Chili con carne and cockroaches/flies, and grilled chicken that was accidentally left in your car trunk for a few days. Make sure none of the food is ever cooked to an internal temp over 140 degrees. Make sure to tell people it’s ONLY for the protesters.

Ground glass is optional.


#1 and #4:
I found out that it’s not cool to be Catholic AND patriotic anymore.
I decided to go with patriotic.