Congress to read Constitution

| December 24, 2010

Apparently the Republicans taking over the Congress this next year think there’s a reading comprehension problem, or more accurately, a reading deficiency problem among it’s members. So they’re promising an oral presentation to members of Congress according to the Washington Times;

“It stems from the debate that we’ve had for the last two years about things like the exercise of authority in a whole host of different areas by the EPA, we’ve had this debate in relation to the health care bill, the cap-and-trade legislation,” said Rep. Robert W. Goodlatte, Virginia Republican, who proposed the reading. “This Congress has been very aggressive in expanding the power of the federal government, and there’s been a big backlash to that.”

Setting aside time at the beginning of the congressional session for the reading is just one of the changes to House rules that Republicans say are designed to open up the legislative process.

I understand the spirit, but I’d be more comfortable with this futile and purely symbolic exercise if they secured signatures on the document. And I’d like to know which Members of Congress refuse to sign. I’m sure their constituents would be interested, too.

Category: Congress sucks

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Somebody make sure that there is a dictionary present because I would bet that there are quite a few big words in the documents that some of them won’t understand…

Doc Bailey

i think they should Tie up Maxine Waters for this one, she’s likely to scream how every sentence is directed at minorities.


Congresscritters already swear an oath that says, in part, I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution.

We can see how well THAT worked?

I’m not so sure that requiring a signature make much difference?


The Constitution was 4 pages

Hiway creation act 32 Pages

Obamacare 2000.

Michael in MI

Congresscritters already swear an oath that says, in part, I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution. We can see how well THAT worked? I’m not so sure that requiring a signature make much difference? ========== Well, they swear that oath while holding their hand on a Bible. And we all know that liberals (Democrats, RINOs and DIABLOs alike) have no respect for the Bible or Christianity. So why would they care about breaking their oath? As I understand it, they use the Bible as a higher authority. It is supposed to make one understand the seriousness of their statement(s), such that they would fear crossing the authority of the Bible (God). Considering most liberals don’t believe in God — or hold themselves as more important than God if they do believe in Him — “swearing an oath” means nothing nowadays. Also, aside from the fact that liberals do not fear nor respect the authority of God, they do not fear nor respect the authority of We, the People, or the US Constitution. Remember the last time this happened in our history… Recall this part of the Declaration of Indenpendence: “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states.” Are we at this point? If not, does anyone get the feeling that we are inevitably headed toward such a time? Does anyone believe that anyone — in either Party — in power right now holds the belief of Ronald Reagan that “In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our… Read more »

Dårlige Nyheder Bjørne

I agree on the signature idea. All of these idiots swore to uphold and defend it, but like most military personnel, I doubt they have ever read it or understand what that oath is.
Look at the recent statistics ( 1/4 of the people attempting to get into the military are borderline retarded. I’d say it is because of the worthless education system in the United States. It the deliberate dumbing down of America as outlined in Charlotte Iserbyt’s book ( The US needs to throw out every member of the Senate and House and restructure itself. They are seriously way off course. Every member of the Senate and Congress should have to take a class on the Constitution as part of their service.


Well, I must object to one of the above comments, separating liberals as not believing in God is not right, I am a fairly conservative independent and I believe in Gob, but do not consider Jesus be the son of God any more than we are so what does that make me ? . Many democrats and liberals I know believe in God, there is only a very small minority of persons in this country who do not believe in some form of god or higher power.

Michael in MI

Many democrats and liberals I know believe in God,…

Nancy Pelosi believes in God just like Barack Obama’s favorite team is the Chicago White Sox. Just like Obama cannot name any player on his favorite team — whether now or in all of history — and believes the stadium name is Cominskey Park, Nancy Pelosi’s “belief in God” and “Catholicism” is all for show. I think I even read that Hillary and Obama believe that Mary and Joseph were “homeless” when they were travelling and gave birth to Jesus in a stable.

There is a difference between “believing in God” or saying one’s a Christian/Catholic/whatever and actually being a believer. Most liberals who claim to be Christians actually think that socialism is in the Bible, when nothing of the sort is in there. The message of the Bible is personal charity, not forced redistribution of wealth from government.

My point is that to someone who is an actual believer, it would be a serious offense to swear an oath with one’s hand on a Bible and then break that oath. Democrats, RINOs and DIABLOs suffer from no such thing. Thus, they are not believers, no matter how much they claim to be. They are simply using belief, religion and God for political gain.

So yeah, I stand by my statement that liberals do not believe in God. At least not the God of the Bible.

Michael in MI

Every member of the Senate and Congress should have to take a class on the Constitution as part of their service.

There’s an easy way around that for our current crop of politicians. They’ll simply set up a class called “The US Constitution (According to Howard Zinn)” and all of them would pass with flying colors… and we’d still be no better off than we are now.

Glenn Mark Cassel AMH1(AW) USN Ret.

It should prove to be both a civics lesson and a history lesson to the DemComs left in office after the last election. And Speaker Boehner should have those who “just can’t make it” dragged into the chamber in handcuffs and leg irons. The point made would be quite effective.