Reid-Choi engagement announced or something

| December 23, 2010

Melony sends us this video of Harry Reid and Dan Choi exchanging Choi’s West Point ring. Melony guesses that they’re officially engaged (linked from The Blaze);

Now we know why Reid rammed the DADT repeal through the Senate.

Notice that in the portion of the video following the Reid/Choi love fest, that’s Autumn Sandeen the “transgender” veteran, standing next to Choi. So, I guess that’s one of the extremes we can expect from the repeal of DADT.

Category: Congress sucks, Military issues

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Old Trooper

I don’t care what anyone says; Choi should NOT be front and center for anything. He’s an embarrassment to the uniform and those that were/are gay that kept their mouths shut and focused on their job and serving their country honorably. He’s a fucking malcontent loser that has no honor and is no better than the fucking slackers that get tossed out every day for being worthless as tits on a bull.


Is he even legally allowed to wear his uniform at all, let alone at a politically-motivated function like this?

That in and of itself should prevent him from ever getting past the front door at MEPS.

Michael in MI

Notice that in the portion of the video following the Reid/Choi love fest, that’s Autumn Sandeen the “transgender” veteran, standing next to Choi. So, I guess that’s one of the extremes we can expect from the repeal of DADT.

But, but, but… the LGBT’s say that transgenders don’t really count and aren’t really a part of the LBGT movement. Apparently they lied, imagine that.

As far as putting Choi as the poster-boy for DADT… just a fantastic message and example that Congress and the military are setting for themselves. Rewarding and honoring a jackass like him.

He’s an embarrassment to the uniform and those that were/are gay that kept their mouths shut and focused on their job and serving their country honorably. He’s a fucking malcontent loser that has no honor and is no better than the fucking slackers that get tossed out every day for being worthless as tits on a bull.



I noticed he’s wearing the sky-blue infatryman’s cord. I thought he was intel. What gives?

I heard over and over again that he was an Arabic linguist and that we just can’t afford to be letting Arabic linguists go right now.

I don’t think it’s a crime for a veteran (however he was discharged) to wear the uniform. But he does seem to be presenting himself as Lt. Dan Choi, US Army. He’s not a lieutenant, and he’s not in the US Army. He might be in the Village People Army, or something like that, but he’s not in the Army.

I just want to puke when I see Reid honoring this sorry mother-effer.


You know, if they want to argue that we can’t afford to lose an Arabic translator right now, they ought to consider this–Dan Choi outed himself. He knew that announcing his sexual proclities on national TV would result in getting chaptered. Dan Choi chose that path and it cost the Army a valuable asset. I know he would argue that the rule is unfair (which I think is bullshit) but that doesn’t change the fact that he thought his cause was more important than the vital role he was playing in the War on Terror. The patriotic thing to do would have been to keep doing his job. He knew the rules when he joined. He had a choice–he could live his life as a soldier or as an open homosexual, but not both. He wanted both so badly that he joined the Army and then got himself thrown out.

They’d better not take him back.


Transsexual/transgendered/tranvestite people in the military…

The next frontier for “gay rights” advocates. Are you ready? You’d better be.

Toothless Dawg

HA, boy-choi tells Reid that now he has stories to tell his grandkids. Uhhhh unless something has changed,I don’t think boy-choi and his boy-toy will be able to pro-create? I guess that won’t stop them from trying though …


This was no casual or accidental photo op. This is a clear message (read: threat) that military personnel WILL toe the mark with this garbage, or they’ll find themselves flippin’ hamburgers at the local McJob.

I’m going to echo someone else’s previous sentiment here:

2012 can’t come soon enough.

DNW 222

I was in the same company as Dan choi at fort drum. He was commissioned as an infantry officer. He was an Arabic major at west point hence the Arabic linguist moniker. He also punched a SFC in the chest when he was a PL. He blamed the entire chain of command to include the bee commander and bed CSM. he is an attention starved ass clown whose mommy and daddy didn’t love enough. If he is so great like the left portrays, why the hell was he a 1LT when he got discharged. Shitbag!

Old Trooper

I can safely say that if he had been my PL and punched our PS, he would have woken up in the hospital and everyone would have testified that he fell out of the back of the deuce and a half as it was pulling out of the AO.

That’s how it was handled; old school.

USMC Steve

Why is he still in uniform? I thought he was dismissed for his conduct unbecoming when he kept chaining himself to the white house fence and other nonsense not directly related to his being a cocksucker. Is the Army going to cave yet again and let him stay on active duty despite his being batshit crazy?

Michael in MI

A comment from another blog I read on this subject (DADT) which is spot-on:

It would have been better if this could have been passed earlier in the year, rather than shoving it in our faces at Christmas time, which is what Obama did with his big celebration (500 people) that got more enthusiasm from him than awarding the Medal of Honor.

And that summarizes the Left’s opinion of the military right there. Their true military heroes are not those who receive our nation’s highest honors and medals. No… their true heroes are those who throw away their medals in protest or chain themselves to the White House fence in protest. All one has to do is compare the celebration of the MOH recipient to the celebration of Dan Choi and the repeal of DADT. Which celebration warmed the hearts of the Left more? Yeah, rhetorical question…

Michael in MI

Is the Army going to cave yet again and let him stay on active duty despite his being batshit crazy?

I think we all know the answer to that. The screen cap on the above video answers that for us.

Oh, and for good measure, I’m sure the military leadership will tell people “don’t like it, then get out.” They want people like Dan Choi in the military. He is an example of what they consider a “hero” and “good soldier”.

Welcome to the new military.


Just FYI: There is an article in today’s Huffington Post that says Choi has been called back to active duty.

Dave Thul

I noticed he’s wearing the sky-blue infatryman’s cord. I thought he was intel. What gives?

And it also looks like infantry cross rifles on his lapels. That can’t be accidental.

HA, boy-choi tells Reid that now he has stories to tell his grandkids. Uhhhh unless something has changed,I don’t think boy-choi and his boy-toy will be able to pro-create? I guess that won’t stop them from trying though …

I think most of the stories he likes to tell are the kind that he would get arrested for telling to a kid.


My ignorance here: can anyone tell me what the reg says on wearing a military uniform when one is not a member of the military?

Or is Mr. Choi still in the Army?

Michael in MI

In addition to DaveO’s questions, wasn’t Choi kicked out of the military? Why is he being allowed back in? Are others allowed back in after they are kicked out for disobeying a military policy? Was he kicked out for violation of DADT policy or for other bad behavior unrelated to DADT?

I think I brought this up in another thread, but I don’t understand why anyone who was kicked out under DADT (and I think I figured out that the number who were involuntarily kicked out was 15% or around 3,500) would be allowed back in. Unless they were otherwise good soldiers and were outed by people trying to get them kicked out. But anyone else who deliberately outed themselves in order to get kicked out… they should not be allowed back in. Period. If they can’t follow one military policy, what is to say they will follow others?

And what example does that set for anyone else? If I broke a military policy, I’d simply site those allowed back in after breaking DADT and demand that I be allowed to remain or allowed back in the military.

This really is one big f-ing flustercuck.


This is absolutely disgusting, and I could give a crap who he has sex with. Here is the leader of the Senate honoring a piece of crap (that if he slept with girls) wouldn’t be acknowledged by anyone. This is a man who is getting by-by who he sleeps with-not by something he accomplished. He is effectively a whore. They couldn’t get ANYONE else to be the poster boy for this event? Says so much that they don’t have any understanding of the military. Where were they to tell Choi “if you don’t like it, get the fuck out?” No, they changed the rules for people like him. Exactly how does this make the military stronger?

Michael in MI

Heh, here’s another good point that was brought up in the blog comments I am reading (at AoSHQ):

I would really like to see the distribution of the population used for that DADT study. It would be interesting to see how such an anonymous, complex document was distributed and responded to by globally deployed force so quickly – when a few months ago ballots could not get to them. My working assumption would be that those forward deployed or at sea – those with the most concerns – were also the least represented.


In answer to a primary question being asked here, “Why is he being allowed back in?”.

I can find no evidence that he is being let back in.

If some one has evidence to the contrary, could they please provide it?

Michael in MI

I can find no evidence that he is being let back in.

If you are kicked out of the military and no longer a military member, how are you allowed to wear a military uniform to, for example, shake the hand of the Senate Majority Leader after military-related legislation is signed into law? How is that legal?

Adirondack Patriot

Here is a link on HuffPo about Choi re-enlisting.

If he is now an enlisted member, he has no right to wear the officer’s uniform.

Unless, of course, you’re Asian, gay, and political butt-buddy of Harry Ried.


There are times when the uniform is authorized for wear by veterans and retirees. However, a political fucntion such as this would not be one of those authorized events.


Old Trooper….yep, same same during my time. Another case of “slipped on a bar of soap”….or in Choi’s case, “guess he dropped his soap”. The only way it wouldn’t have happened would have been if the PS was a risk and the Lt. knew what he was doing. Never saw that in my AO, though.

Honor and Courage

AW1 Tim

If you are dishonorably discharged, then you are NOT allowed to wear the uniform, period.

Honorably discharged veterans may wear the uniform for certain occasions, provided they ascribe to regulations of grooming, articles of clothing, placement of awards, etc.

Honorably discharged veterans may also render and receive a military salute when NOT in uniform at appropriate times. Occasions such as the passing of a color guard, rendering of the National Anthem, etc. are some examples.

I would suspect that Choi is NOT permitted to wear any part of the uniform, and should be considered for prosecution.


Ok AP, but the event the Hufpo was talking about did not result in Choi’s re-enlistment. As I understand it his application was taken but was never accepted, he’s not a member of the services currently.

And Mike, I don’t know, there would have to be a federal law of some sort to prevent him from wearing the uniform as the UCMJ doesn’t apply to civilians. Normaly I’d assume the Stolen Valor law, or something like it would cover this, but seeing as how the lower courts seem reluctant to uphold them, I don’t know what could be done.
I guess the short answer to your question ‘how is that legal’ would be, because it isn’t?
Sucks, but that’s the way it appears to be.

Adirondack Patriot

You’re right, Jacobite. I couldn’t find anything that conclusively shows that he has enlisted. The article I posted only showed that he tried to enlist.

Old Trooper

Jacobite and AP: He didn’t make it back in, however, that didn’t stop him from chaining his dumbass to the WH fence, AGAIN, in full military uniform. Is this the type of shit-for-brains military jackwagons that Harry Reid wants protecting our country? It says a whole lot about Reid’s character when he celebrates this fuckstain and not those that serve their country without fanfare and hugs from Dingy Harry. Who, no matter their sexual preference, do the job they swore an oath to do. That know there are things much bigger and more important than their personal issues. Those are the ones that should be front and center, not a spoiled brat that could fuck up a free lunch line.

I had better just leave it at that, before I get whipped up.

Michael in MI

And Mike, I don’t know, there would have to be a federal law of some sort to prevent him from wearing the uniform as the UCMJ doesn’t apply to civilians.

Interesting, I had not thought of that. Since he is apparently still a civilian, it is not against the law at all to wear a military uniform. However, were he enlisted, it would be against the UCMJ to wear his former officer uniform for which he was currently not authorized to wear, since he was no longer that rank.

So it’s kinda like the Healthcare press conference the President held last year, I believe, where they had people wear white coats to make them appear to be doctors, even though I don’t think all of them were. In other words, just political theater.

Well, I guess it makes sense for them to praise Choi as they really do feel that LGBT “rights” movement is akin to the civil rights movement. So they probably see Choi as the Rosa Parks of the LGBT movement. We look back now and praise Rosa Parks, so I guess it makes sense for the LGBTs to put up Choi as the poster boy for their movement.


Michael in MI:
Actually, civilians are not authorized as covered by Title 18 USC Section 702 to wear military uniforms or distinguishing parts of the same. It appears that this law is still on the books, but not used.


Huffington Post put up a correction to their earlier story. I can’t confirm this anywhere else, though. They say that Choi has NOT been called to active duty. That he was allowed to drill with his National Guard unit this past weekend.

Now how this washes with the previous info that he was out of the military entirely, I don’t know.They are also still identifying him as 1LT Choi. Not by any enlisted rank.

Would there be some way to check with his NG unit?


I looked up this up on AKO.

Basic Info
Full Name: 1LT Daniel W. Choi
Service: Army
Army Basic Branch: IN
Organization: 1-69th IN BN
Account Type: National Guard


Hmmm… wouldn’t this have even more entertaining if Choi had met with Barney Frank?


Does anyone know the disposition of Choi’s discharge, specifically if it was ever made ‘honorable’?

Subtitle A – General Military Law

Sec. 772. When wearing by persons not on active duty authorized

(e) A person not on active duty who served honorably in time of war in the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps may bear the title, and, when authorized by regulations prescribed by the President, wear the uniform, of the highest grade held by him during that war.


We need to make sure to thank people like Paul Riekhopf (sp? – not that I care how to spell the bald headed pricks name) for people like Choi. There will many Dan Choi’s out there, this is just the first. So each time another pops up, be sure to thank IAVA, because they have done so much to make us a stronger nation. They were the only major veterans group to support people like Choi. Think about that next time you hear one of their stupid commercials on the radio.


Impersonating a Military Officer was a crime before the Stolen Valor Act was passed. It is an old school law that derives from the British Colonies era which also gives us the “officer and a gentleman” concept, when enlisted were not exactly respected and officers were believed to be above actual killing the enemy.

Wear of a Military Uniform at political rallies and other activities has NEVER been allowed by AR 670-1, whether the individual was in or out of the military, officer or enlisted, which is the governing regulation, to which Title 10, A-II ch45, sec772 refers.

Wear of such uniform during political events would in fact be considered “Conduct Unbecoming an Officer” (and a few other offenses) under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Conduct Unbecoming is punishable by discharge from the military, as are several other of the things Choi has engaged in.

In other words, only political pressure would force the Army to let him back in, but who would rule that out?


REID … I’m still in mourning that we didn’t give that dog turd his pink slip. I don’t know who I despise more: him, Pelosi or Obama.

Doc Bailey

oh, how sweet. What a group of morons.

Seriously HOW did this jacktard make it in the Infantry?


He isn’t even a Ranger qualified Infantry Officer.

He doesn’t even fill the basic requirements to be successful in his branch and the left is saying he was a tragic loss due to DADT.

I guess this is further proof for the Stars and Stripes that Ranger School isn’t needed anymore.

If he is admitted back into the Army. I hope his supervisor counsels him the first day and the minute he disobeys get rid of him immediately.


You wonder why I am getting out?


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