Bombs in Rome

| December 23, 2010

I guess someone finally slipped two bombs through the security cordon around Europe and setoff two bombs. One at the Swiss Embassy and another at the Peruvian Embassy. There were two injured.

The bombs follow other unrest in Italy. On Wednesday, students protesting a bill aimed at overhauling the Italian university system filled the country’s main streets, and scuffles broke out in the southern city of Palermo, in Sicily. Last week, a similar protest turned violent in Rome.

On Tuesday, a fake bomb was found on an empty train carriage in Rome’s subway, in what police said might also have been an effort to protest the university bill.

What worries me, though, are the giant index fingers displayed by the Italian police in the above picture. I’m staying away from Italy if that’s what they use to probe passengers at the airport.

Thanks to Old Trooper for the link.

Category: Terror War

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Well, it looks like you’ve got it all fingered out.

When I was a little kid, my Mom taught me two things that have stood the test of time:

1. Never wipe with wet toilet paper.

2. Never buy anything made in Italy.

Old Trooper

Do you think Big Sis can take a few moments away from that other national security crisis “climate change” and concentrate on staying on top of the real threats to national security? Luckily only 2 people were injured, but how long before another Tanzania happens?

Michael in MI

Is it just me, or does Officer Giant Index Finger look like Voldemort from the Harry Potter movies?


I saw in one report that it was possible the bombs were set off by “anarchists.”

Well, I guess that’s one way to put it…

Old Trooper

It very well could be, Pinto, because they have been having some rather spirited protests in Italy, lately. Why would they go after foreign embassies, though? Why not their own government buildings? Unless it was a dyslexic anarchist?

Adirondack Patriot

Looks like her finger has — as they in Italy — uno erezione grande.


Slight correction: It was the Chilean Embassy (not Peruvian).
A 3rd package was found at the Ukrainian Embassy.

In the previous report of “anarchists,” it turned out to be far left loons, which fits with the communist movements and terrorist groups of the 70’s/80’s there.

The 2nd most likely suspect would be islamists.


Old Trooper – Climate change is absolutely a national security risk, just like extreme acts of terrorism. Unfortunately, climate change isn’t something that can be dealt with immediately, as opposed to terrorism, which can be contained comparatively quickly. Gigantic monsoons, hurricanes, and droughts can cause just as much chaos (if not more) as terrorist attacks, except if our energy expenditures are to blame, there’s very little we can do to prevent them once/if they start occurring. Also, the potential for the positive feedback loop associated with global warming will only exacerbate the problem. The 101st can be anywhere in the world in 24 hours, but it would take years or even decades to change the way we get our energy. Why take the chance with either?

Adirondack Patriot


Michael in MI

Unfortunately, climate change isn’t something that can be dealt with immediately

“Climate change” cannot be “dealt with” at all. It is a naturally occurring phenomenon that happens in cycles. “Gigantic monsoons, hurricanes, and droughts” are not national security risks. “The way we get our energy” has little to no effect on “climate change”.

Beyond that, I have no idea of the point being made by Jesse in #8?

Old Trooper

Jesse; I don’t buy the man-made global warming bs. Never have, never will. I’m, also, not arrogant enough to believe that man can reverse a natural process that is global. There are natural cycles to the planet, always have been, always will be. The strawman that the earth is warming; no shit, it’s been warming since the last ice age. They have manipulated data, omitted data, and basically cooked the books to come to their man-made global warming crap (they got caught doing so). If the data supported their conclusions, there wouldn’t have been a reason to cook the books; right? The real data shows that it has been flat, or cooling, since 1998, and they can’t fit the facts into global warming, so they changed the name to “climate change”. No fucking shit; the climate is always changing!! They tell us “normal global temps” should be xxx, however, there is no such thing as “normal global temps”, since there is no way to quantify what “normal” actually is. I remember in the 70’s when they were all blubbering about global cooling and the coming ice age. Same shit, different crisis.

Now, why don’t you come up here and shovel my 4″ of fresh global warming for me; eh?

Doc Bailey

well, looks like the world is being FedEx’d to hell, i’m going to get good and drunk, till its over.


OldTrooper, when Jesse gets done at your place, send him to me. Tell him to bring his suntan lotion, ’cause it’s 8 degrees here this morning! 🙂

Merry Christmas, everyone!


Climate Change? for the real scoop.

Interesting that the prophets of doom scream around the world on private jets and motorcades of SUVs, enriching themselves, off their book sales, video deals (Oscar!), and sales of their snake oil products.

Like Old Trooper, I remember when many of the same prophets had acid rain and ice age on their tongues. And cities hitting all time record lows, I’d like to see some of that global warming at the moment.