Should Everyone be Allowed to Vote?
Obviously that’s a rhetorical question because “everyone” is not currently allowed to vote, ie, children, felons (unless Hillary has her way), etc. Dead people are another issue as they have been a reliable Democrat voting block since JFK.
Casper Weinberger, Jr. seems to think that some people are just too stupid to vote:
Should we allow just anyone with a registration card to vote? In my view, we should not. There will be those who will abhor the notion that only “smart” people should be allowed to vote and how and where, they will argue, can you draw the line? Good questions, certainly, but we had better try real hard to embrace the argument and find some answers.
Neal Boortz addressed the issue as well today
A listener writes to tell us he saw a bumper sticker which said “When women vote, Democrats win.” Now that is probably one of the most honest bumper sticker I’ve ever heard of – second only to “If you’re stupid, don’t vote.”
This is easy to figure out. A Democrat vote is a big government vote. Women — and I KNOW there are exceptions — seek security. They want a safe and secure next in which to raise their children. It’s someone else’s job to provide that security. That someone else is government. Studies have shown that women react much more favorably to the word “security” than to “freedom.”
Could it possibly be that the founding fathers had the right idea?
Have you ever listened to the “man on the street” questions that TV and radio hosts routinely do? It is somewhat humorous but keep in mind that these galactic morons vote.
Are you informed enough to vote? The PEW Research center put together a quick 12 question survey. They don’t link this to whether or not you should be able to vote but I think it’s a good starting point.
Looking at the demographic breakdown per question, Boortz observation seems more valid than I had imagined.
Only 17% of women knew that Harry Reid was the Senate majority leader, while 88% knew that Oprah Winfrey was in the tank for Obama. I don’t know that it totally supports Boortz’s position but it certainly states the clear irrelevance of Harry Reid.
The recommended COB scale: (Regardless of political affiliation)
100% – Fully qualified to vote and advise others
Missed 1 or 2 – Qualified to vote but avoid detailed political arguments
Missed 3 or 4 – Qualified to vote but rely on core values like reproductive rights, second amendment, War on Terror, etc…
Missed 5 or more – Do not go into the same grid square of a voting booth. You could trigger Y2K (which is something you totally bought).
I hope this is helpful.
Category: Politics
“Casper Weinberger, Jr. seems to think that some people are just too stupid to vote:”
I think he has a good idea, and having aced that Pew research thing, I personally don’t believe liberals should be allowed to vote 🙂
COB6 Wrote: Not at all surprised that you aced it. Remember if you aced it, you are authorized to advise others. Please do so.
Got all 12… Oh goody. Now I get to vote.
What you didn’t offer was a slate of candidates I can for FOR!
I’d prefer to see a quiz (with public disclosure) for every candidate.
Cart. Horse.
I posted the survey yesterday at my blog. I got 12/12.
I am absolutely in favor of restricting the right to vote to those that have been found by proper authority to be bright enough to vote.
Who could possibly disagree, for heavens sake?
The ONLY problem is this: I am not willing to give anybody the power to make that determination, by any means.
I certainly don’t want anybody that disagrees with me (or you, for that matter–and I don’t know you or what you think) to have that power.
COB6 Wrote: It’s an excellent point Larry. I don’t want some government entity determining whether I can vote either but it certainly is a valid discussion to have because right now, it seems that the convicts are running the prison.
Here is an excellent test that should be implemented when a person registers to vote.Check the rankings of Universities and colleges.If these are the educated we are in trouble.
“right now, it seems that the convicts are running the prison.”
Been said before, and better, by people a lot brighter than I:
There is no doubt that our system of government is bad and getting worse[1], but it is way better than any other on the planet.
[1] I had not thought about it quite like this before–our government is a lot like “climate”–it has cyclic ups and downs. It is on a serious downer at the moment, but maybe it can come back again.
I didn’t get all three. I had the Dow Jones at 10,000 rather than 12, missed the chairman of the federal reserve board, and chose Rahm Emmanuel for chairperson of the DNC. I have to keep remembering he’s just the brains of the DNC, but without official position.
Still higher than 76 percent of test takers!
I got 12 for 12.
Hope, change, poll quizzes.
This was mine:
Here’s Your Score: You correctly answered 9 out of the 12 possible questions, which means you did better on the quiz than 76% of the general public.
Guess I’m a bit smarter than the ‘average’ woman Boortz complains about. Christ, it ain’t my fault some of them are starry-eyed morons.
“and chose Rahm Emmanuel for chairperson of the DNC. I have to keep remembering he’s just the brains of the DNC, but without official position.”
Brains in the Dem party? That’s a great example of an oxymoron.
Property owner? If yes, go vote. If not, go buy some property, but don’t vote until you do.
I missed the Serbia question and don’t own land…can I still vote?
Well, OK. The painful fact is I don’t either. My bank owns it. I just rent it from them.
Should Everyone be Allowed to Vote?…
My short answer is, not just ‘no’, but ‘heck no’! Especially if you don’t pay income taxes, but receive handouts from the gub’mint instead, or if you know more about who’s winning some ABC game show than who represents you in your state legislat…