One Hundred Days

| July 28, 2008

Today marks 100 days until the 2008 presidential election.

Normally by this point in a presidential campaign both candidates (and Ralph Nader) have settled into the glidepath toward the respective conventions (Nader actually has one, usually in a Waffle House beside the La Quinta Inn; they’re always together, no one knows why). The only drama at this point is usually speculation about Vice President picks and potential convention keynote speakers.

This is clearly not a typical election cycle.

As of today the RCP average has Obama ahead of McCain by 3.2 points but the Gallup/USA Today poll has McCain up by 4 points. I’ll keep a running tally on polling figures but keep in mind that a lot can happen in 100 days.

The stage is set for a historical race. The Republican presumptive nominee is not exactly endeared to the conservative base but is viewed favorably by fiscal and pro-military Republicans. The Democrat presumptive nominee is the most liberal member of the US Senate and defeated a former first lady by running left of all comers on all issues.

McCain is trying to appeal to conservatives while Obama is racing to the center, much to the chagrin of his far left base.

So, where are we on day 100?

McCain is trying to waffle on energy and he may even fold completely and propose drilling in ANWR. Obama’s dream tour last weekend was almost flawless. Almost is a big word in politics. Cancelling a trip to visit wounded soldiers in Germany because he couldn’t get a photo-op out of it may be more damaging than anyone originally thought.

This is going to be one for the books and Jonn, TSO and I will be here daily to try to filter the spin from the truth.

Category: Politics

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“Almost” certainly is a big word in politics, and where Obama came up short during his Magical Mystery Tour abroad was his failure to clear the CIC hurdle. Whatever bump in the polls Barry received from the trip is already dissipating, but his pig-headed refusal to recognize the success of the Surge and acknowledge his own error on the issue will continue to haunt him through the rest of the campaign, since it highlights Obama’s deeper, more troubling character flaws – his poor judgement, problem solving and leadership skills; inflexibility; disingenuousness, etc. It’s no wonder Mac has caught Barry in the recent Gallup poll for likely voters and is overtaking him in critical swing states that will determine the outcome of the tally in the all-decisive Electoral College.