Who is hoping Obama Fails?

| December 9, 2010

On January 16, 2009 Rush Limbaugh famously said that he hopes Obama fails.

The left went nuts!

The SFGate took the first swipes. Think Progress and the HuffPo jumped in quickly. The Seattle Times called him a “Disloyal Clown”.

So “hoping” the president fails is disloyal, un-American or even treasonous?

Then what is actively assuring his failure through partisan legislation?

Who will be first in the media to call the entire Democrat caucus “disloyal”? Not for “hoping” Obama will fail but practically guaranteeing it?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Congress sucks

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Doc Bailey

there is some logic gap here. I really wish Liberals would be consistent with their message, desires and wants. Sadly I think 90% of them are as fickle as a 5 year old.

Adirondack Patriot

Furthermore, when will House Democrats be labeled “racist” for opposing Teh One?

Paging Janeanne Garofalo, Michael Moore and Jack Cafferty. . .

Michael in MI

Who will be first in the media to call the entire Democrat caucus “disloyal”? Not for “hoping” Obama will fail but practically guaranteeing it?

Well, didn’t they call their ‘dissent’ — and active undermining of the effort — with regards to the Iraq War “the highest form of patriotism”? It seems to me that simply stating that you hope the President fails is treasonous, but actively working to undermine the President is “the highest form of patriotism”.

Thus, I’m guessing they consider their work to guarantee Obama fails as “patriotism”.

See how that works?


That tortured logic is pure brilliance!


Well, two years ago after Rush’s infamous comment, most people assumed Obama was actually a democrat. Of course now we know, having found out the hard way, he’s a big-business republican in the pocket of bankers. Thus the trend in democrats “hoping he will fail”, as you put it.


You are stuck on stupid. Somebody had to say it.

The only person responsible for the Pied Piper’s failing is the he who stands behind policies that are ruining the Country. The only people more narcissistic than the PP, are the dems who managed to avoid the slaughter. Don’t worry, though, the rest of the sheep will be slaughtered come 2012 be they dem or rep.

Old Trooper

Right, Joe, that’s why most Wall Street types are democrats and gave heavily to democrat candidates in 2008 and 2010. John Corzine is as “progressive” as you can get and which party did the former Goldman Sachs executive run to? How about Bill Gates, George Soros, the head of GE, etc.? Keep believing that all the money flows from and to republicans. As Defend said; you are stuck on stupid.


Joe, being part of a political party is not a genetic condition. You are not born with Republicanism or Democratitis. What Obama is, in the end, is a man who has far outstripped his level of incompetency. His political party doesn’t matter. HE JUST DOESN’T GET IT. He can’t make the right decision because he has no clue what the right decision is.


et’s see Joe. This from the RNC, the 2008 Republican platform On Govt reform; “Constrain the federal government to its legitimate constitutional functions. Let it empower people, while limiting its reach into their lives. Spend only what is necessary, and tax only to raise revenue for essential government functions. Unleash the power of enterprise, innovation, civic energy, and the American spirit – and never pretend that government is a substitute for family or community….” Hardly Obama’s stance, and neither is the rest of the Republican platform On the economy; “America’s free economy has given our country the world’s highest standard of living and allows us to share our prosperity with the rest of humanity. It is an engine of charity, empowering everything from Sabbath collection plate to great endowments. It creates opportunity, rewards self-reliance and hard work, and unleashes productive energies that other societies can only imagine. Today, our economy faces challenges due to high energy costs. Our task is to strengthen our economy and build a greater degree of security – in availability of jobs, in accessibility of health care, in portability of pensions, and in affordability of energy. That is an urgent task because economic freedom – and the prosperity it makes possible – are not ends in themselves. They are means by which families and individuals can maintain their independence from government, raise their children by their own values, and build communities of self-reliant neighbors. Economic freedom expands the prosperity pie; government can only divide it up. That is why Republicans advocate lower taxes, reasonable regulation, and smaller, smarter government. That agenda translates to more opportunity for more people. It represents the economics of inclusion, the path by which hopes become achievements. It is the way we will reach our goal of enabling everyone to have a chance to own, invest, and build. ….“ Also hardly Obama’s stance On Education; “…….Parents should be able to decide the learning environment that is best for their child. We support choice in education for all families, especially those with children trapped in dangerous and failing schools, whether through charter schools,… Read more »


Joe is a professional troll. Someone smarter than me once said that having a discussion with a troll is like wrestling a pig in its pen, with the usual predictable result. No so! I’d say, often the pig becomes bacon. But Joe is just a ham.

The current spate of histrionics on the part of the professional Left is pure obscuration smoke. The Left doesn’t hate the rich – they ARE the rich. Looking at the dollars contributed by rich folks over the last four election cycles shows the rich are very much on board. First they were hippies, then they were Yippies, then they were Yuppies, now they claim the Guilties. The arguments for increasing the tax rates to that of the Clintonian era (just under 40%) just do not make sense. Even Limbaugh’s assertion that the Democrats are just whining about the cash not being there for some of their pet programs doesn’t make sense: when has a Democrat ever said no to deficit spending?

What’s at work here, and why we see so many rich folks, like Warren Buffett, calling for increased taxes on the top two percent of income-earners is that increased taxation, and all that goes with it (tax forms and legalities) is enough to shut down economic competition. A raise to the tax rates, taken in combination with the individual mandate for insurance coverage (Obamacare), changes to how taxation is administered, rising food and fuel prices, and the projected economy (same as today’s economy) is enough to shut down the majority of entrepreneurs just starting up, or having hit a hard patch. Only large business entities, headed by extremely well-paid people, can absorb the costs and administrivia. Rich folks don’t like competition. America is filled with stories of folks who became fabulously wealthy, only to have that wealth completely dissipated within a generation.

Seeing the likes of MSNBC punk the POTUS may seem like blue on blue fratricide, but it’s really just a smoke screen.

Doc Bailey

you know what I think about the Rich getting to keep more of their money? Good for them. Why do the Democrats hate successful people so much? this is an actual honest question.

The Old One

Joey…as my old Granny used to say…a conservative is nothing more than a liberal who has been mugged…get a life my precious little one…


Hey, Joey…. Feeling the love yet?
You went from telling us that Owebowma was a mere “centrist” to not quite a socialist, to a Republican? You really need to update your scorecard. And, aren’t most bankers, at the least, closet dems?
DaveO is right, the left don’t hate the rich, they ARE the rich. Gates, Soros, Buffet, Turner. I doubt that any of them voted other than a straight party ticket, and the pic at the top of the ticket was that of a jackass.

Doc Bailey

Do any other old army hands have issue with the Red Vs Blue analogy? Hearing about “red” states or “blue” states, its like I’m back on an FTX and I’m getting ready to assault the “Red” force. Historical note: the election of 1824, was very similar in a way to the 2000 election. It was bitter and VERY close. Andrew Jackson and his Democrats Vs John Quincey Adams (Federalist? its kind of hard to tell in the transition between the first party ans second party systems), also Henry Clay, and William H. Crawford really mixed things up. The competition was fierce, and pretty nasty. Accusations flying back and forth. Jackson was often called an Ass. He thought it was funny, and made it the Party mascot. I would also like to point out that the history of the Democratic party is not one to be proud of. Nixing the National Bank, screwed every one of his successors in the “Jacksonian” era. Also David Crockett was hailed by the party as a hero, but when he opposed the “trail of tears” in the House, Jackson personally took an interest in seeing he did not sit in that body again. As for being in favor of the Rich, can anyone argue that the classic example of American wealth is the Plantation Owner? Guess who THEY voted for? you know the civil rights laws? yeah REPUBLICANS passed that one. Johnson got the credit. Byrd, the long-standing senator from WV was a memeber of the KKK, and actually voted AGAINST said laws. I really think its time people make a concerted effort to show, in reality, Dems don’t give a crap about the poor, and minorities. They are sadly easy paths to power. push through some piece of bullshit legislation to help [insert cause here] but word it in such a way that the implementation is horrifying to contemplate. Naturally if you oppose that you are [insert ism] and you hate [insert group] because you really support [insert nasty] Its tried and sadly works. If you’re working fifteen jobs to get my and listening… Read more »

Old Tanker

Of course now we know, having found out the hard way, he’s a big-business republican in the pocket of bankers

Joe, you owe me a new laptop after that one! I have never spewed that much coffee out of me nose…

I may be wrong but I think Adams was a Whig…


Old Tanker,
I won’t buy it for you, but the new MacBook Pro’s look nice…


Looks ain’t everything, Joe.


Just had to know he would suggest a mac book.

Doc Bailey

OT, well in that particular election there was no party, and it came down to regional support. He went through SEVERAL parties. but yes, i think he ended up a whig. Interestingly enough Jackson won the electorate but not enough to declare victory. This was perhaps the only time that the 12th amendment came into effect. Honestly the more i learn about it the more fascinated I become. It literally brought the country to a standstill


Yeah, Apple products are for subversive lefties….


And pretentious assholes who spend 4 times too much for what they need.


Thanks for the self-description, Joey. Confirms what we all thought.


#15 through 22 (excluding #19 Doc Bailey):
I cannot stop laughing at your banter. Yeah, it is Friday night and I am reading TAH for excitement. Heh.