UK students clash with police

| December 9, 2010

While Parliament voted to triple university tuition in the United Kingdom today, students bumped heads with the police in protest according to the Telegraph;

Nine police officers have been seriously injured in the violence and a number of protesters have attempted to storm the Treasury building.

MPs voted 323 votes to 302, a majority of 21 in favour of the motion despite vocal opposition from some Liberal Democrats and a handful of Tory MPs.

Well, if the students hadn’t placed such an irrational importance on a university education, the price wouldn’t rise as much as it has. Getting yourself arrested for attacking the police doesn’t do much to raise your value in the job market either.

Some sage advice from Judge Smails;

Category: General Whackos

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Doc Bailey

being a student I have *some* sympathy. its hard enough to make it as a student, but I have to return to something my father told me trying to motivate me. College is a privilege, not a right.

Old Tanker

I caddied in my youth and we had plenty of characters at the Country Club…not quite like Rodney but many hilarious memories to be sure! And yes, they had a scholarship program for caddys as well. Come to think about it, someone who used to comment here frequently has an Aunt and Uncle who live across the street from that country club….Any one know where Iron Knight is? Is he deployed?

At least we actually went out and earned our college money. These kids should go work in crappy conditions with low pay AND kick in some of that low pay towards their schooling. (Don’t know how it works now but I had to kick in $100/mo for a year which was a chunck of change when my pay was $800/mo)

Old Trooper

While I can understand them being upset at a 3x increase in their out of pocket tuition from 5,000 to now 15,000 per year, it just doesn’t mean you have to riot , vandalize and destroy everything to get your point across. Do you think a prospective employer will look favorably upon someone who engaged in such activities as a prospective employee; then have to wonder if they don’t get that raise or bonus whether they will burn down the business?


Tuition may have increased but they don’t have to start paying it back until they make 21,000 pounds a year. So if these poor misguided souls end up not making that with their degree in basket weaving they don’t have to pay back a single dime. They keep claiming higher education is a right not a privilege. They seem to forget, that way back in the day, education was a privilege afforded to only the rich. Now they get “free” education through high school and complain cause they or their parents have to pay for higher education.