Iran to build missile base in VZ?

| December 9, 2010

Old Trooper sends us a link to an article about our old buddy Hugo Chavez who has agreed to let iran build a missile base supposedly within range of the US;

According to Die Welt, Venezuela has agreed to allow Iran to establish a military base manned by Iranian missile officers, soldiers of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and Venezuelan missile officers. In addition, Iran has given permission for the missiles to be used in case of an “emergency”. In return, the agreement states that Venezuela can use these facilities for “national needs” – radically increasing the threat to neighbors like Colombia. The German daily claims that according to the agreement, Iranian Shahab 3 (range 1300-1500 km), Scud-B (285-330 km) and Scud-C (300, 500 and 700 km) will be deployed in the proposed base. It says that Iran also pledged to help Venezuela in rocket technology expertise, including intensive training of officers

So, it looks like President Obama will have to channel JFK’s ghost now to deal with a new missile crisis. They bullshitted around long enough with Iran’s nuclear program, and now Iran and Venezuela have grown the ballsacks of giants. Of course, we can always hope that an errant missile from some regional democracy in the Middle East might sink ships before they can deliver their payload to Venezuela, because I’m pretty sure our vessels will remain silent.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy, Terror War

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Old Tanker

You guys beat me to it. I get a post al ready on this, put it up and voila, Jonn already has it! My web-fu is not as strong as Master Lilyea…..

Old Tanker

I love that the missile says “RETARD” on it…


Well, there just went the reasonable prices of underground bunkers in the midwest… 🙁

Doc Bailey

YAY now i get to live through my very own Cuban missile crisis!!!


…except for the fact that we’re dealing with idiots that don’t have anywhere near the brains of the Cubans or Russians.


Brains, no. But they like hearing loud noises and watching the pretty lights.

We are SO screwed at the rate we’re going. November 2012 can’t get here fast enough.

SSG David Medzyk

Tanker, those are gravity bombs with retarding brake wings for low level drops. The brakes ensure the bomb slows enough for the aircraft is well away from the resulting frag.

But….using the graphic to describe Chavez is perfect 🙂

Bob Izzaninja

I’m betting if McCain were president right now this would not be an issue. He wouldn’t have drawn down our forces in Iraq. He would have sent troops into North Korea as soon as they began their recent bout of sabre rattling. We would have had troops in Iran long ago. Like January 30th.

But Obama decided to triple the number of troops in Afghanistan, leave Iraq to fend for itself, let North Korea go unpunished, not drop bombs on Pakistan (something else we should be doing), not invade Iran, and now we have this problem to deal with. And a shitty economy.

Old Trooper

It’s a Mossad plot!!!!! Alert Gordy!!


Man … it just keeps getting better.


Well this isn’t good. This might be a real “gird your loins” moment and we know how well the Teleprompter Jesus has done when dealing with those. Back to the reloading bench I guess LOL.

Old Trooper

Well, not to pile on, but China and NK came out and announced they had reached a “consensus” on the shelling incident. What that exactly means; who knows? However, what it basically is saying to the US and SK is “fuck you”.

Something I said would happen all along.

Doc Bailey

well Fuck. Team America World police to the rescue. . . oh wait Barry wants to talk? well we can still make em sweat a little. . . no that’s too aggressive.

I GOT IT! We can use the Gay Bomb on them. I seem to remember the DoD conducting research on a chemical weapon that would overpower male troops into homoerotism. Roll right by the Russians while they’re busy raping each other. . . oh wait Barry wants to use that on our Troops so they’re ok with the repeal of DADT. . .

ever get the feeling that the CiC doesn’t want AMERICA to

Doc Bailey


Dam my computer always cutting off my witty retorts!

Bill R.

Regional democracy in the Middle East. There is only one stable democracy in the Middle East. Very good veiled reference there!!


This is like reading a story from Weekly World News…two mad dictators pointing missles at US cities and our government is powerless to do anything. Unfortunately, our current president is too much of a pussy to do anything about it. I wonder if he will run to the UN for more sanctions?
I don’t think this is like the Cuban missle crisis: Hugo and Ammadinnerjacket don’t have a concept of M.A.D.

Doc Bailey

just an aside, ever notice Democratic presidents back themselves into wars, whereas Republicans usually are facing forward so to speak. Also for all the talk of Peace Democrats have taken us into more wars than republicans.

Wilson D- WWI
Roosevelt D- WWII
Truman D- Korea
Johnson D- Vietnam
Regan R- Grenada
Bush R- Panama, Desert Storm
Clinton D- Bosnia, Kosovo

one could argue that every war except WWII was poorly managed and it had a lot to do with the CiC (ESPECIALLY Vietnam)

Old Tanker


I believe JFK got us into Vietnam but it doesn’t really change your point does it?


I’m sure that POTUS is consulting with TOTUS right now, and figuring how the f–k he can get out of D.C. Hmm, maybe a vacation to Alaska, drop in on the Palins and see how to shoot a rifle, gut a deer(just for Moochelle, healthy meat and all that), and stay out of range of those nasty missiles.
And, Doc is right, I think that we’re going to be backed into another one right soon.


Gonna be a hell of speech coming to blame this all on Booooosh

Old Trooper

The 3am call may have gone to voicemail, but what you don’t know is that the VM box is full.

With NK getting all jiggy wit it and now this revelation; I wonder why the Bobo administration is still concentrating on START with the Ruskies, which will continue to sell out our allies in Eastern Europe? Is he in that much of a hurry to show how feeble he is? It’s too late for that, since they wouldn’t be acting like this if he had showed strength instead of his world fellatio tour.


“The world fellatio tour”? Now you owe me a new keyboard, OT.