Duff’s surprise revelation that Wikileaks is an Israeli plot

| December 9, 2010

Yeah, I know, I’m shocked, too, that Veterans Today‘s most prolific writer, privy to the world’s deepest and darkest secrets accuses Julian Assange of being an agent of the Israeli government.

Today we learn that Assange is also a creature of Israel, bankrolled by spies, running a disinformation site with help from Fox News, the New York Times and other media giants. A confirmed news story from the “IndyPress”has Assange in bed with Israeli intelligence;

Is there anyone that isn’t a Mossad agent? In the last few months, Duff has accused Iran’s President Ahmadinejad and Adam Perlman Gadahn, the American Taliban of being Mossad.

In fact, I’m beginning to think you’re Mossad, too.

Category: General Whackos

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Yesterday the Egyptian government accused the Mossad of turning loose angry sharks in their waters to eat tourists and negatively effect their economy. Those Mossad guys are awesome!

Old Tanker

Is there anyone that isn’t a Mossad agent?

I’m not….at least that’s all I’m allowed to say…

Old Trooper

Pssst, hey Jonn; I was the 2nd gunman on the grassy knoll, but don’t tell Gordy. I was trained in Israel and got my orders from Mossad……..I’m just sayin

Southern Class

Hey all you Mossad, FOXNewsian, Right Wing, etc, covert operatives, grab a shirt from the link below before the Duffster sees you and exposes you to all one of his readers.
Get ’em here: http://www.cafepress.com/frankopinions.119795309
Could be your last best chance to keep from having him “blow” your cover.

Frankly Opinionated

On the link offered above; I have absolute, positive, undeniable proof that they work. Right up there with the criteria of the Duffster himself- I have one. He hasn’t yet found me out.

Doc Bailey

hey, they were using sharks on Egypt! those Mossad guys are like Bond villains!

Old Tanker

Thanks Southern Class, I just ran out of those, don’t want to get found out….

Old Tanker

Sharks with frikken Laazzzers

-Dr. Evil-


You are all FOOLS!!!! Don’t you see???? Duff
is Mossad!!!

Think about it… who really benifits from all these false accusations… THE MOSSAD!!!! That’s who!!!!


Gordon Duff is Mossad. See he tries to blame everything on the Mossad so that when they are responsible no one will believe it. Boy-who-cried-wolf type of thing.

I was going to go onand weave some great conspiracy based on this, but I am not nuts enough to do it.