That which you have wrought

| December 9, 2010

I’m stumbling around the internet today trying to pack all of this stuff into my crowded mind and I’ve noticed something. No one on the Left is happy about any-damn-thing. Over at Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America our old buddy Paul Reickoff is wringing his hands about the lowest pay raise for the troops in 50 years;

After 10 years in Iraq and Afghanistan, our troops are coming home from war to a difficult economy, staggering foreclosure rates and high unemployment. Now, if Washington gets its way, they’ll also face their lowest pay raise in decades. Nice. So as investment bankers get hefty bonuses on Wall Street, a Marine Corps Sergeant in Fallujah would get a minimal pay increase, or in the worst circumstances, a pay freeze.

Dicksmith at VetVoice is still complaining that the troops aren’t able to stick whatever they want into whoever they want. And Susan Collins is alternately a hero or an ignorant bitch depending on what her position on DADT is at the time;

Deals off. Collins says she won’t vote to allow DADT repeal to come to the floor tonight. Uses BS excuse that tax cuts need to be handled first.

Are there to horny troops waiting for the Senate vote so they can start humping?

Meanwhile, Robert Reich is over at Huffington Post complaining that the tax deal with Republicans will only solidify in the minds of Americans that big government doesn’t work;

At least Republicans have a story — the same one they’ve been flogging for thirty years. The bad economy is big government’s fault and the solution is to shrink government.

Here’s the real story. For three decades, an increasing share of the benefits of economic growth have gone to the top 1 percent. Thirty years ago, the top got 9 percent of total income. Now they take in almost a quarter. Meanwhile, the earnings of the typical worker have barely budged.

The Washington Post seems concerned that two of the detainees released from Guantanamo in the last few years have returned to a life of terrorism.

The detainees, who were not named in the unclassified version of a report sent to Congress, were among 66 detainees who were transferred out of the U.S. military detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, since Obama took office in January 2009. An administration official said one and probably both of the confirmed recidivists were Afghans.

At this point, I’d like to point out to these people that they all spent two years getting this president elected. We tried to warn them that they weren’t getting what they thought. Like the people who thought Obama was going to pay off their mortgages and cars which they couldn’t afford. As I’ve pointed out, Obama spent the last two years being the anti-Bush, seemingly making every decision based on “What Would Bush Do, Then Do The Opposite” and look how it’s all blown up in his (our) face.

All of you dickweeds who bent over backwards to get this President elected, at least take responsibility for that much. Bitch all you want, but apologize for allowing yourself to be duped. Quitcher damn bitchin’. Especially Reickhoff and Dicksmith – you spent your entire internet careers deceiving veterans. Own up to it and let’s move on.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Usual Suspects

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I just love the DADT issue. So, let me get this straight, we are fighting 2 wars, the economy is in the toilet, the unemployment rate is nearly 10% with a real rate of around 17%, North Korea is getting froggy again, the country is as divided as it was in 1858 and the biggest frakking problem we have right now is the repeal of DADT. Seriously? No wonder I sometimes feel like we are doomed as a nation.

Michael in MI

Deals off. Collins says she won’t vote to allow DADT repeal to come to the floor tonight. Uses BS excuse that tax cuts need to be handled first.

What an absolute tool. Yeah, it’s more important to pass repeal of DADT, that affects maybe 1% of 1% of the population, as opposed to making sure every American taxpayer’s taxes don’t get raised next year.

One would think that a priority for a military organization would be to support things that affect the entire military, not just 1% of it.

This is a prime example of why I have no respect for left-wing military organizations and left-wing milblogs… their priorities are just completely f-ing out of whack.

Michael in MI

…and the biggest frakking problem we have right now is the repeal of DADT. Seriously? No wonder I sometimes feel like we are doomed as a nation.

Yeah, my thoughts exactly.

The reason it’s so important to them, is that they intend to use the repeal of DADT as a stepping stone for repeal of DOMA and then for redefinition of marriage. They’ll say that openly homosexual couples in the military can’t get the same benefits of married couples. And since the military is not about to just hand out benefits to homosexual couples who claim to be “married”, the LGBT will use the military as a way to push redefinition of marriage again.

Old Tanker


In other news, Florida pardoned Jim Morrison. Whew, I can rest easier now. Good thing those Florida legislators have their priorities straight…


You stole my line!! 🙂 Yes, all the important stuff is making the news.

BIG. GOVERNMENT. DOESN’T. WORK. EVAH. Your tax dollars are being spent so people (lawyers AND liars) can openly commit fraud on US taxpayers. Pigford, anyone? TARP 1, or 2…or maybe some oil drilling dollars for Chavez and some tech help to Russia? We could keep going, but Jonn’s right.

Hey idiots who voted for hope and change, own it or shut the FU!!

Michael in MI

Your tax dollars are being spent so people (lawyers AND liars) can openly commit fraud on US taxpayers. Pigford, anyone? TARP 1, or 2… or maybe some oil drilling dollars for Chavez and some tech help to Russia? We could keep going, but Jonn’s right.

Let’s not forget probably the biggest fraud of them all, Cap-n-Tax (to fight the non-existent ‘man-caused global warming’).

Dave Thul

These stories all boil down to a common thread-

The anti war types want to be screwing the troops literally, instead of the figurative screwing they have been giving them for the last decade. But let’s face it, screwing poor people is trendy but just not very satisfying in the end. So they want to stick it to rich people so the troops will have more money.

As for Gitmo? C’mon, that’s just supply and demand. The huge supply of whips, chains, handcuffs and water boarding equipment stockpiled at Gitmo is causing a surge in the prices of kinky fetish equipment worldwide, and it needs to stop!


Someone needs to tell Bob Reich that we’ve known big government has NEVER worked. We didn’t need the GOP to spoonfeed us that little nugget of info, thanks very much.

And if the left is bitching, that must mean we’re doing SOMETHING right.


Right, Sparky. If they’re bitching like they are, must be their agenda has been f’d up.
I find it interesting that the hard left libs are running away from Owebowma, cuz he’s just mean. He actually talked to the GOP.
Weren’t we harangued for the last two years that “compromise” and “bipartisanship” was the only way for the country to function? Oh, that’s right, that only counts when the dims need some cover for their agenda.