Congress won’t close Guantanamo

| December 8, 2010

This ought to reverberate through the anti-war and the Amnesty International crowd – the Democrats rolled out the omnibus spending bill today without funds to close Guantanamo and move the “detainees” to the US according to the Washington Times;

The massive spending bill Democrats released early Wednesday morning would prohibit the Obama administration from spending any money either to transfer detainees to the United States or to buy a replacement prison in the United States, as Mr. Obama had planned.

Prohibiting spending effectively stops the administration from acting over the next year, and with Republicans about to take control of the House in January, his chances are virtually zero that Congress will relent any time before the president stands for re-election in 2012.

The bill, which will be voted on over the next week or so, explicitly prohibits the transfer of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Hey, I’m not complaining, I’m just pointing out that the Democrats whined for eight years about Guantanamo and now the first time they can do something about it, they fall on their faces. It’s the same with the PATRIOT Act and the myriad other things (tax cuts?) they cried crocodile tears over that they’re unwilling to be responsible for now.

I guess it couldn’t have anything to do with a report released Tuesday by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (Bill Gertz of the Washington Times link);

The report, made public Tuesday, stated that out of a total of 598 detainees released as of October, 150 were confirmed or suspected of “reengaging in terrorist or insurgent activities after transfer,” the two-page unclassified summary said.

It’s almost as it Bush was right all along, isn’t it?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Congress sucks, Do You Miss Me Yet?

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But Bush can’t be right, the news says so.

I only wonder what will happen when (not if) the first one who’s acquitted in a civilian trial is arrested in committance of terrorist activities.

Doc Bailey

How dare you not support our Glorious Leader. You should be shot then hanged then disemboweled for suggesting that that vile lying capitalist pig that came before should be correct in anything.

its really too bad you have to go over the top to be sarcastic. I had a really witty and subtle comment that would have been awesome


Color me surprised.

Army Sergeant

Some of us said they should have been held as prisoners of war for the duration of the war, just given the treatment POWs get.

Just saying.

Old Trooper

AS, I would be inclined to agree with you, if they were official government soldiers, or acting in a government capacity, which most all aren’t/weren’t. The only ones that would remotely fit that bill would have been the Taliban, for all of 15 minutes, since they were the “official” government of Afghanistan at the time.


My position all along. Hold them as POW’s, until the war is over. And, OT, I think they could have been held, as supplying aid and support to the Talibs probably would qualify them for POS, er, POW status. At least until a Federal judge stuck his/her nose under the tent and decided they were actually citizens of the world and entitled to all the rights and protections.
Or, perhaps the term Prisoner of War needs to be re-defined?