Recruitment center bomb plot in Baltimore?

| December 8, 2010

Fox News just announced that law enforcement has arrested another terrorist (Added: Fox says his name is Antonio Martinez aka Muhammad Hussein and he’s a Muslim convert) plotting to blow up a military recruiting office in Baltimore. From Associated Press;

Marcia Murphy, a spokeswoman for the U.S. attorney’s office in Baltimore, tells The Associated Press the person will appear in court Wednesday afternoon. An FBI spokesman also confirmed the arrest. They did not provide any more details.

I wonder how much longer our luck can hold out.

ADDED: The FBI is now saying this is another sting operation so no one was in danger.

Category: Terror War

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You should be ashamed of yourself for pointing out that he’s a muslim convert. You are implying that the muslim community is known for terrorism or terrorist acts, or something.

I, for one, am offended by the implication that muslims are known for terrorist acts and violence in the name of allah, like that ever happens……..

Michael in MI

and he’s a Muslim convert

Big shocker there.

Old Trooper

Sting, or not, it’s only a matter of time before one of these scumbags hooks up with a bombmaker that is not in the FBI and then we will have problems.


My biggest complaint with these situations is that the FBI keeps announcing the captures. I’d think they would be compromising their operations doing that, and possibly some of their agents. When they catch these worms, they need to just quietly process them, not parade them in the news.


Oh, those wacky Amish kids!

Doc Bailey

What scares me is that they’re switching from big attacks to many small attacks. That in and of itself is not damaging to our infrastructure. but sadly we have far too many sheep in this country. They will panic, stampede, and we will have a real mess on our hands. thank god a lot of the Arab (make no mistake about whose driving this) mentality make them prone to incompetence. I can only pray that they don’t get that way


The biggest challenge our freedoms will face is when bombs start going off in public places here. I don’t think anyone can accurately predict which way the American people will jump on that one.


Perhaps the feds are pushing to publicize these so much precisely because they know they can’t catch every lone nut–but they CAN make him paranoid about making contacts and recruiting others to his cause.

B Woodman

Another sting? Or an entrapment? Knowing the FiBIes, probably the latter.
And to comment on #3 further, it will only be a matter of time before some muzzie decides to go it alone & do it himself – and be successful.

Doc Bailey

“Going it alone” is not as easy as you might think. despite what movies show, I have yet to see an Op that actually worked where someone went alone.

Michael in MI

“Going it alone” is not as easy as you might think. despite what movies show, I have yet to see an Op that actually worked where someone went alone.
Maybe not an “op”, no, but the DC Snipers were inspired by Islam. And they successfully killed some people, if I remember correctly, as well as terrorized an entire Metro area for weeks. And then there was the murderer of Army Recruiter William Long. And then there was the UNC-Chapel Hill Jeep-driving jihadist. And of course Nidal Hassan at Fort Hood.

The ‘lone wolves’ don’t have to pull off an ‘op’ to cause terror.

Doc Bailey

I concede that there are lone wolves what have had a modicum of success.

I will point out that in this case I do not think that a lone wolf could have a lasting impact. A pack of wolves acting in concert is far more terrifying.

Massan’s actions did not stop Ft Hood from deploying troops.

The recruiter, was sadly a solitary target. If, for instance every recruiter in the area or perhaps in a joint recruiting station were killed along with the enlistees, then I would consider that a successful Op

John Allen Muhammad, is I think the exception rather than the rule. But therein lies an important example of the potential future. 10 people were killed. I do not have the statistics for population, of the area but it is clear that it is statistically speaking quite low. The end result is that they created a mass panic. Contrast that with 9/11 and you see that Americans unite and even resist (Flight 93) what you might call Big Ops. But have a low key op, and the reaction is drastically different.

Having lived on the line, in a high threat environment against an unconventional enemy, you tend to learn how utterly weak our security is, more often the illusion of security is prevalent than actual security. When the rest of the public discovers this it will be like all sheep that learn there are wolves in their midst. Sadly I do not think there are enough sheep dogs to fend off this eventuality.


But one of the lasting thing that happened with the Fort Hood shootings is that it will erode the trust that people put into those that they seek for mental health treatment. Now it will put a fear that their sessions might send another person over the edge regardless of if that fear is real or not.

It was the main thing that was being pushed when the shootings first happened and I still then we have not seen the end of its affects.


[…] terrorist gets 25 years for recruiting station plot April 6th, 2012 Muslim convert Antonio Martinez, who also goes by the name Muhammad Hussein, was sentenced to 25 years in the federal sexual […]