New Wikileaks: Libya threatened UK over Lockerbie Bomber

| December 8, 2010

Wikileaks dropped another load of documents this morning. Included in that load is US State Department memos regarding the release of Abdel Basset al-Megrahi, who had been serving a life term for his participation in the bombing of PanAm flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland. (Reuters)

Libya “convinced UK embassy officers that the consequences if Megrahi were to die in prison … would be harsh, immediate and not easily remedied,” the U.S. ambassador to Libya was quoted as saying in another cable in January 2009.

“Specific threats have included the immediate cessation of all UK commercial activity with Libya, a diminishment or severing of political ties, and demonstrations against official UK facilities,” U.S. Ambassador Gene Cretz said.

“(Libyan) officials also implied, but did not directly state, that the welfare of UK diplomats and citizens in Libya would be at risk,” he added. “The regime remains essentially thuggish in its approach.”

So, I guess a life in prison sentence means different things to different people. The fact that al-Megrahi is still alive over two years later probably doesn’t help the Brits’ case for releasing him. Is it any wonder that the terrorists continue their war against the west when we look like such incompetent boobs when we negotiate our way towards our ultimate demise?

Category: Terror War

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Old Trooper

Well, it looks like Libya has been taken serious by one country. Maybe Momo figures there’s not another Reagan around to kick his ass, so he will push to see what he can get away with?


What Old Trooper said.

Once you pay the DaneGeld …


Definitely time for another Reaganesque type leader in the western world.

Could Palin be it?

Any other suggestions from the gallery?


“Specific threats have included the immediate cessation of all UK commercial activity with Libya, a diminishment or severing of political ties, and demonstrations against official UK facilities”

Who cares? What does Libya produce besides terrorists? How much export money does the UK get from them? Let them get all pissy and try something. That would just give others a reason to level the place.