Worst president: worse president will get “better”

| November 30, 2010

On Friday, January 21, 1977, his first full day in office, Jimmy Carter gave blanket amnesty to the draft dodgers of the recently ended Vietnam War. The following week, I changed my voter registration from Democrat to the Conservative Party of New York State. Carter’s one term presidency only got worse from there and over the next four years millions more Democrats became conservatives.

Now Jimmy Carter assures us that the potentially worse president than Carter will be “better” in the second half of this term (from CBS News);

“In the next two years President Obama will be much more independent in fighting hard to prevail and not trying to reach out, which turned out to be fruitlessly, to get two or three Republican votes for this and that,” Mr. Carter said in an interview for CBSNews.com’s “Washington Unplugged.” “I think he’ll be a much more tough proponent of what he stands for in the future, giving up on Republicans support and taking his case to the American public.”

“Republicans so far have been totally irresponsible,” Mr. Carter went on. “Now that they’ve taken control of the House of Representatives, they’ll be responsible for a major element of the U.S. government.”

In other words, among all of the other things he’s failed at, Carter can’t do math, either. Obama couldn’t hold his own party together when they were in the majority, but somehow he’ll tame the Republicans. We can only hope that Obama is listening. Maybe Obama can send Carter to solve the North Korea problem again.

Thanks to Jerry920 for the link.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Jimmy Carter

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I’d hate to see Carter’s idea of “better”.


If he does a good a job with N. Korea as Jimmy did with Panama, will more of our troops have to die to fix it later?


The puppet won’t become independent, because the puppetmaster won’t allow it. Unless, Jiminy Crickett “give’s a little whistle” and the Blue Fairy shows up…just sayin…


How many different ways do Joey’s leaders come up with to excuse the fact that, with overwhelming majorities in the Senate and House, they had to keep looking for “bipartisanship”? Not enough balls to do what they wanted to do, unless they could line a couple of RINO’s to blame for the fall-out, much like Obamacare now. Let us give exemptions to all of our donators, and screw the rest of the public.


Jimmah the Peanut Cahtah was a moron from day one and nothing has changed. To rub salt into the wound, he gives peanuts a bad name.


No, in a strange tinfoil hat way, I think Carter WANTS Obama to get better, because at the rate Obama is fucking up, he’ll be hands-down our worst president ever, and then people won’t have any reason to remember Carter.