Response to Tuft’s article

| November 22, 2010

Apparently, not everyone was taken by the article in Tuft’s Daily in which Matthis was interviewed. His father, Dr Chiroux, and a student took issue with the author’s inclusion of the interview with a Vietnam veteran. I’m also aware of another student who is writing an article for Tuft’s Daily largely drawn from TAH archives. But here’s the letters published in Tuft’s Daily today;

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers

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Mr. Chiroux-

That was an excellent response! If ever I had to deal with what you have, I do not know if I could have done so as eloquently. That is tough love, and for some, the best kind. Thank you.


The shit Matthis puts his family through, one spiteful cocksucker


Mr Chiroux has done more than anyone could ever ask of him, and I (for one) want to express that every chance I get.


Seconded. Thanks for standing up and telling it like it is Mr. Chiroux, even though it comes with a heavy price.


Most people would just shrink away and try to distance themselves from Matthis Chiroux as much as possible. That his father is facing it head on and fighting to get out the truth speaks volumes about his honor and integrity.


What a guy. That had to be hard for Mr Chiroux to do. Thank you sir.
On the other hand, calling Matthis ” charismatic” is stretching it a bit.


The respect for Mr. Chiroux grows…….

And the disdain for his idiot son, exponentially so……

Bless you, Robert, for your test is harder then so many and you’re performing exemplary to this point.

Yours is something to be thankful for this holiday week.

That being said, for that to come from my keyboard…….blech. But, that should show the respect I have for Dr. Chiroux and his struggles.


Apparently, all of the integrity and honor in Mr. Chiroux’ family was used up prior to Matthis’ birth, so he got none of what exists in abundant supply in the rest of his family.

Robert Chiroux

UpNorth: “Apparently, all of the integrity and honor in Mr. Chiroux’ family was used up prior to Matthis’ birth”.

Most respectfully I beg to differ. I have another son whom served honorably in the U.S. Navy and two more children who have done very well and I am very proud of all of them. Of my three “younger” children I would say honor is a foundation stone of their character.


Dr. Chiroux, I think UpNorth was paying a compliment and meant no offense.

And I agree with him. You have done a great job protecting your family as much as possible and keeping Matthis’ siblings out of this mess. So much so that many of us forget they are there — quietly living up to the standard you have set for them. Happy Thanksgiving. You have much to be thankful for.


No disrespect to any member of your family was intended, sir. Freebird hit it on the head, perhaps I should have said the honor and integrity was set aside for the others in the family, and Matthis was skipped. Regardless, see the portion of my post that said, “so he got none of what exists in abundant supply in the rest of his family.” Any way, Happy Thanksgiving, sir, and many more of them.

Robert Chiroux

UpNorth: I understand. I guess I am a little fatigued being the point man for our family with regard to Matthis. I have done my best to keep myself in front of my family to ensure I am the only target when my son lashes out. I accept no offence was intended. I apologize.


No apology needed, Mr. Chiroux, just glad I could clear it up.

Doc Bailey

Mr Chiroux,
I am truly sorry that you have to deal with this. I won’t lie, I’ve been sputtering spitting mad when I’ve heard some of the things he’s said. I am sure the parents of Bradley Manning are similarly embarrassed.

I respect you for clearing the air, I can imagine it is quite painful to do so. One can only hope that eventually his lies will catch up with him.