Obama: Zero Tolerance for leaks

| November 29, 2010

So now that all of the horses are out of the barn, the president has decided to issue a warning that his administration will no longer tolerate any leaks. From the New York Daily News (by way of our buddies at Jammie Wearing Fool)

President Obama has ordered a government-wide crackdown on access to classified information to limit the future airing of secrets by WikiLeaks.

At Obama’s direction, the White House Office of Management and Budget sent out a memo to all agencies to make sure their workers can only see what they have to see to do their jobs.

Do you mean that’s NOT how it was?

“Any unauthorized disclosure of classified information is a violation of our law and compromises our national security,” according to reports.

That’s new? Oh, I see, it’s new because the latest document release from Wikileaks actually affects this administration, not just the military or our allies. I get it now. Things that make the president look like a buffoon when the world finds out shouldn’t be made public.

Oh, and to make sure that Federal Employees don’t disclose unauthorized information, the president also decided he’d freeze federal workers’ pay for two years today.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Military issues, Terror War

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Old Trooper

It’s interesting that he, and his administration, didn’t really give a shit before, when the leaks were about the Bush administration and sensitive cooperations in warzones, but now that his administration, and especially the Stae Dept., is part of it, he gets all jiggy wit it.

Maybe if they would have shown this much outrage in the beginning, it wouldn’t have gotten to this point? What a completely clueless neophyte we have as President.

Adirondack Patriot

Over at Powerline, the lawyers properly note that the New York Times refused to publish the Climategate e-mails because the e-mails were illegally obtained (they were not, they were leaked).

About the decision to not publish the Climategate e-mails, the NYT reporter said:

“The documents appear to have been acquired illegally and contain all manner of private information and statements that were never intended for the public eye, so they won’t be posted here.”

I guess when it comes to stolen top secret documents, this ethical guide goes out the effin’ window.

Doc Bailey

I’m going to throw this out there AGAIN, why can’t we start having executions for leakers? Having a free media is important BUT THERE are LIMITS. its like everyone and their uncle wants to break the next Wartegate and even that was not as bad as it appeared to be.


I’m just waiting for Assagne and Manning to claim they’re black to Holder won’t prosecute them–don’t want to appear racist, now.


Good point Adirondak Patriot.

I knew when Climategate broke that they were lying. The NYT has no qualms about publishing material that was obtained illegally. None whatsoever. It depends only on what the material is and whom it hurts. If it’s the military, go ahead and publish it. If it’s “scientists” who subscribe to the theory of AGW, then hold back.


How is it that the Obama administration had no problem using DHS to shut down some 70 bootleg music & video sites over the weekend but the best they could do to stop the wikileaker was to send a friggin’ letter – yesterday?!? They’ve been leaking classified stuff since this summer!
I hope we get some grown ups in charge of this country soon.


Is wikileaks threatening to release his academic transcripts next?


LOL, Malclave, now that would be a public service. Along with his appointment calendars, his travel history, his Occidental College application, and a few other things.


All of this shit is intentional. If you are a cynic like me…here’s what I think.

You’ve got the fall of the EU…Monty over at AofS said it. Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain (PIGS) collapsing like dominoes. China and Russia only think they don’t want US dollars, but don’t possess their own currency for international markets…More bailouts.

Then you have Assflange and Manning. Who is representing Manning? A Soros Goodfella. Another leak of docs, which as pointed out by Grim over at B5, is really nothing we haven’t heard or surmised already. I say it’s mere distraction to the Farm Bill that was being voted on last night…which is going to lead to starvation in the end if it passes- Do the words Weimar or Holomodor mean anything at all?

And, suddenly Holder thinks this is now worthy of investigation and prosecution?

Guns, Religion and bitterness, all the way!!!


This leak was a hatchet job on BHO’s primary rival in 2012. H. RODHAM clinton looks like a clown gathering “intelligence” on world leaders.

Why is she hanging in the wind trying to explain all of this? When the war papers were released BHO was front and center with the not my watch BS.