Koreas exchange artillery fire again

| November 23, 2010

As a US special envoy on North Korea visited South Korea this week, the hermit kingdom opened fire on a disputed island this morning according to Fox News;

The artillery barrages struck the small South Korean-held island of Yeonpyeong, which houses military installations and a small civilian population in an area that has been the focus of two previous deadly battles between the Koreas.

One South Korean marine was killed, three were seriously wounded and 10 slightly wounded, a Joint Chiefs of Staff official said. Island residents were escaping to about 20 shelters in the island and sporadic shelling was continuing, the JCS said.

Ya know I was always under the impression that North Korea was a problem because of George Bush and his reference to North Korea as a rogue nation and a member of the “Axis of Evil”. Yet here we are nearly two years after George Bush left office and North Korea is still acting like a rogue nation.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy

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Imagine. History will have to be changed now. But it still wouldn’t be in favor of Bush!! 🙂


When does Obama sign the instrument of surrender aboard the Pueblo?


But…but…but…they said when Obama became pres__ent, the whole world would LOVE us!

Then again, I’m still waiting for my Skittle-shitting unicorns too.

Old Trooper

Ha, Sparky!! I kidnapped your Skittle-shitting Unicorn!!! You want it back, leave a 6-pack of Blatz light in an unmarked bag in Jonn’s garage and once I get the suds, I will release the Unicorn. Don’t try anything cute or the Unicorn’s ass gets welded shut and you won’t get your Skittles!


Hold on, Old Tanker! I thought A/S was in possession of that damn, skittle shitting unicorn?

Old Tanker

Don’t look at me, I can’t afford to feed ’em….talk to Old Trooper….


Not to spoil the mood, or anything…the “skittle unicorn” stuff is cute…

Isn’t this serious, though? If N.K. attacks the South, won’t we have to respond to that in some way? Could this turn into another shooting war for us?

Old Tanker


I’d be surprised if it’s not to get us to give them more foriegn aid…I just hope that’s all it is though…

Old Trooper


The North is claiming that they were provoked because the South had fired artillery first, which SK admitted, but what they won’t tell you is that SK fired in the opposite direction of NK, so it wasn’t directed at them, anyway. This will go the way of the Cheonan, a little tit-for-tat and then some blustering and then back to usual.


#3 NHSparky
“Then again, I’m still waiting for my Skittle-shitting unicorns too.”
(I… can’t help myself…)

#7 Pinto
I never paid much attention to this, so it was interesting to note that “The two sides technically remain at war because a peace treaty was never negotiated.” That’s 57 years of “technically” being at war with one’s neighbour.


I heard that somewhere awhile ago, also. That “technicality” could go right out the window, with the North being under the dictatorship it has at the moment, I would think. But I hope these gentlemen are able to read this better than I can. I sure don’t want to see that “cease fire” turn into a “return fire,” if you get my drift.

Southern Class

The Paper Tiger responds. US and SK will hold maneuvers because of the North’s Artillery aggression. Maneuvers? That is one hell of a strong response. NOT!


With no treaty North and South Korea have really just been on a 57 year coffee break. Eventually the donuts and skittle shitting Unicorns are going to be gone and the coffee breaks going to end. I shutter to think what that means for US.