The profiling discussion

| November 23, 2010

Since the pervs at the Transportation Security Agency started groping us last week, the discussion about the effective practice of profiling people who are actually likely to commit terrorist acts has come to the fore again. The effectiveness of profiling is evident in it’s use by the Israeli government – there have been no hijackings since the Israelis started profiling air passengers.

Without fail, that fact escapes Washington Post’s envoy to the Obama White House, Eugene Robinson;

What the critics really mean is not that the TSA should let underwear bombers board planes. What they’re saying is: Don’t search me, and don’t search my grandmother. Just search the potential terrorists.

In other words, they want profiling. That’s a seductive idea, I suppose, if you don’t spend a lot of time worrying about civil liberties.

Yes, Gene, it makes much more sense to suspend the civil rights of EVERBODY than to search likely suspects. What a great trade-off. The Washington Times discusses al Qaeda’s reaction to last week’s cluster jerk;

“Operation Hemorrhage” – al Qaeda’s name for the ink-cartridge attacks – cost only $4,200, which they claim “will without a doubt cost America and other Western countries billions of dollars in new security measures. That is what we call leverage.” The fact that the attacks failed is irrelevant; the underwear bomber didn’t detonate his bomb but the Obama administration went off the deep end in response. It is “such a good bargain,” al Qaeda explains, “for us to spread fear amongst the enemy and keep him on his toes in exchange of a few months of work and a few thousand bucks.”

Al Qaeda has correctly diagnosed that the most effective terror attacks are not “spectaculars” like Sept. 11, 2001, but numerous small-scale strikes that prompt the government to overreact.

Yeah, all because we’re afraid of offending the people who stand on the side lines, and allow their neighbors to continue attacking us, all the while reaping the benefits of our efforts and tax dollars to keep them safe.

Maybe if we quit bending over backwards for Muslims and acting as if most terrorists don’t come from their community, they’d start taking a bit of responsibility for the whack jobs who are trying to kill us instead of acting like their community doesn’t foster insanity.

Category: Terror War

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Old Tanker

Would please stop making sense now, you might start making the T&A look bad…


There is a good read about Israeli airport security from Michael Totten:


Wait, Robinson is worried about civil liberties? But, profiling is infringing on terrorist’s civil liberties, so, it’s okay to grope 85 year old white nuns, or 3 year old children? You gotta be sh***ng me!!!
But then, I remember the gem I heard from either Rush or Beck, that passengers in First Class get less of this treatment, as do those “frequent fliers”, except flight crews, apparently, so they don’t mind the violations of the civil liberties of the great unwashed. Apparently Robinson must fly First Class, if he flies at all.


How come all I have seen being felt up is white people?

Bring in the Big Dogs, and the Little Dogs for that matter, they do excellent work, and PROFILE. It isn’t rocket science, all of this is a gov’t plot. If they were so worried about terrorism they would be doing something w/our borders as well, and not harassing people that common sense dictates are not a threat. Have ya’ll seen the tunnel they just found under the border? Where is Janet? I would like to put her fat ass in that tunnel to plug it up.

Somewhere I read, I think it was Gibbs, that said Israel is so much smaller than our country and that is the reason we can’t do what they do, we have so many more airports.


Forgot. I also keep hearing that the TSA are asking some people who they voted for. I have not heard that on video, but if it’s happening that is really creepy.


Well Hell if we’re gonna have our 4th Amendment rights ripped from us at airports what’s to prevent them from taking them away everywhere? I mean the 4th Amendment protects us from search (Frisking) and seizure without probable cause and judicial warrant. In 1968 the Supreme Court ruled in the case known as the Terry-Stop that “Frisking” could only be preformed by a “Law Enforcement Official” who can preform the frisk after advising what “suspicious activity” led to the frisk as well as advising where they are going to touch and what they were specifically looking for. It is clearly stated the officer must have “specific and articulable facts” that a crime has been, is being, or is about to be committed before preforming a search or frisk.

So the TSA is assuming ALL people on airport premises are suspicious of committing a crime, or about to commit a crime? If we are going to use this TSA logic to “protect” America then we should also have these check points, pat downs, and full body scanners in grocery stores, malls, gas stations, schools, and public events…. right? I mean its all in the name of “public safety.” It’s clear by looking at our history as well as World history terrorist don’t just limit themselves to passenger planes.

And don’t try to hand me “the airports are private property” crap… my house is private property but I can’t search or frisk anyone who steps foot on my property. It is up to “We The People” to be diligent, perceptive, ask question, and refuse the unacceptable… and seeing me naked and/or groping me is unacceptable without an expensive dinner, a four drink min. and my permission.