Tuesdays with Claymore on Monday

| November 22, 2010

In anticipation of the holiday and people traveling, I present the following turkeys.

Jackass: DU Edition.

Ban the jackass.


…yeah, like the left did with Bush for 8 years?

Tingle up the leg or tinkle on the leg?

Call Of Doody: DUmb Ops Edition:

The Messiah, His Wookie & The Prince.

Unwashed masses are funny.

Missing the tent-like burka in the room.

Joe Biden hearts Obama.

Obama poisons tigers (it’s an analogy).

The Hobbit says Obama has bought into the right wing world view….you know, the one where the government runs everything and takes over massive chunks of the free market economy…that one.

“So which line do I get into to have my junk grabbed?”

India and China…too stupid and dim sum.

Religion of Pieces.

This one deserves a thorough going over as it suggests “a lot of veterans” of “Bush’s wars” came home and ran as Democrats. Statistics please? And I’d like to know how many were veterans of the Kerry prototype, with rice shot up their ass.

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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These people are just super freaks! Not an ounce of reality can be foisted into their brains.


Well, someone has to be the whack job moron. Just too bad you can’t swing a dead cat by its tail without hitting one.


A 5yr old child frisked AWAY FROM HER PARENTS?!?!



PN,now that you ask, yes they have. Even the Arkansas Doublewide, AKA Hillary, says she would avoid it. Of course, when the taxpayers pay for all of your flights, it’s easy to say shit like that.
Michigan’s Criminal Sexual Conduct law seems to cover this quite well: “Sexual Contact (intentional touching of intimate parts or clothing covering intimate parts, for the purpose of sexual arousal or gratification)”. That’s CSC 2nd degree.
“1. Sexual Contact (see definition under CSC 2), and
2. One of the following circumstances:
1. Force or coercion
2. Victim incapacity
3. Assailant is employed by department of corrections in which victim is incarcerated.” That’s CSC 4th Degree. Both would seem to prohibit what the TSA is doing, or leave the “employees” open to charge, if one wanted to push it.