Boxer: With DADT, US is like Iran

| November 20, 2010

Barbara “Call me Senator” Boxer compared the Armed Forces policy of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in regards to gays in the military now puts this country on the same level with Iran, North Korea and Pakistan according to Fox News;

“We now stand — with this rule — with countries like Iran, North Korea and Pakistan in banning gays and lesbians from military service
,” Boxer said as Lieberman, an independent who aligns himself with Democrats, nodded his head.

Yes, we treat gays just like they do in Iran (content warning below the fold);

Category: Congress sucks

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Yet another reminder that Californians are idiots for re-electing this stupid whore.

Is this really what it’s come to, our elected officials comparing us to rogue nations who live to do nothing other than oppress?

Old Tanker

…..oh ya, just like that…..

Good thing California didn’t elect some nutcase like Fiorina or anything….

“Please call me Senator…”

How about I call you a stupid fucking bint… actually earned that title….


She is such a waste of oxygen. Such a likely outcome of her thinking – there’s no difference between her and the extreme left. She can act as elitist as any obamaton. Twisted logic always excites them.


BTW, Lt. General Kelly’s speech on Veterans Day is over on Lex’s blog. Makes Bitch boxer look positively stupid.

Joseph Brown

Oh yeah, last I heard Iran kills gays. Oh yeah, last I heard WE DON”T!!!

Joseph Brown

Sorry, didn’t see that picture before I posted.


And this is why there are no gays in Iran.

Michael in MI

Amazing how everywhere you turn these days, there’s some kind of “gay” aspect to the story. And not only that, but it’s ridiculously over the top. DADT is not only wrong, but it’s akin to hanging homosexuals in front of City Hall or something.

That stupid-ass show “Glee” also decided to say that Abraham Lincoln was probably a homosexual.

Holly is the Best. Sub. Ever. She’s so in tune with the students and knows how to make her lessons relevant to them — using Lindsay Lohan to teach Spanish, jazzing up “Schoolhouse Rock’s” “Conjunction Junction” (um, they’re in high school, but we’ll let that pass), and giving a colorful interpretation of Mary Todd Lincoln:

“Mary Todd Lincoln in the house. My husband was probably gay and I’m bipolar which makes me yell things like, ‘That teapot’s spreadin’ lies about me,’ or ‘That can’t be my baby because I don’t love it.'”

You know, a couple years ago I was starting to rethink my opposition to the GLBT agenda, including DADT and redefining marriage. But with all this hyperbole and over-the-top nonsense, I’ve gone back to opposition. The movement claims they are not about forcing the lifestyle on everyone, but their actions prove otherwise. Pretty soon they’ll have rewritten the entire history of the world to say that all great leaders in history were homosexuals. Heck, I think they’ve already rewritten Christianity to say that Jesus was a homosexual. Can’t be long before God Himself is deemed to have been a homosexual. Hell, I bet there’s some scientific study out there saying that every one of us is actually a homosexual, but evolution caused us to become majority heterosexuals, but we all still have homosexual genes. Or something.

Just amazing that everywhere you turn now, it’s all about the ‘gays’. And if you disagree with them on anything at all… “homophobe!”, “bigot!” etc etc etc.

This whole act is getting quite old…

Michael in MI

Oh yeah, last I heard Iran kills gays. Oh yeah, last I heard WE DON”T!!!
Yep, same thing with Israel. Yet, there is a “Queers for ‘Palestine'” movement. Against a nation where homosexuals are welcome, for a nation where homosexuals are murdered.

So the GLBT movement hates America and Israel, and has nothing to say about Iran and actually supports “Palestine”. They support cultures which call for the murder of homosexuals, yet they hate cultures which treat homosexuals with respect (but simply don’t redefine institutions like marriage to cater to their whims).


Eh, this is just an overt part of Bizarro World.

One would think someone would get a clue?

In the real world gays would be screaming for more effort to be made to combat Islam and Sharia Law. Women would be pointing out the dangers of same. The list approaches endless, but we have this? [shrug]


Her disconnect from reality is truly amazing.
I did not vote for her.
I went with Carly.


If activists couldn’t draw on hyperbole they’d have to actually have rational, fact based discourse with people. Heaven forbid.


[…] This ain’t Hell…. highlights the latest idiocy from Barbara Boxer. Sorry, Senator Boxer […]