The TSA fixation

| November 20, 2010

The TSA body scanners/body searches news is kind of dominating everything, so here are some links;

ROS sends us a link that explains pilots will be exempt from searches, which is good news for the rest of us who are about as much threat as pilots.

Drudge posts a link with a message from TSA that we submit of pay the price, the price being $11 grand.

A cancer survivor has to remove her prosthetic breast during her pat down.

Rurik sends a link to a RedState post about a plane load of troops returning from war get jacked around by the thugs at TSA.

Category: Link fest

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Caveat: I don’t fly without a parachute!

Sorry to repeat myself here, but this is just another picture of Bizarro World.

The Israelis have worked out and we seem to be trying to re-invent the wheel in a PC world.

Further, some elements have been fixated on the wrongs Bush did and how our rights were stolen in various ways. But this?? Not so much.


I only checked out the last link so far:

I guess an issued Gerber carried by one Soldier is an extremely dangerous weapon on a plane full of other Soldiers, but nowhere near as deadly as those nail clippers.

I had a small victory over the TSA last year. I talked the airline into giving me a secure area pass as I was escorting an AWOL Soldier to his flight back to his duty station. At the time I wore pieces of coat hanger behind my name tapes on my ACUs to make them look better (if that is possible). I also wore my CIB and other badges. After the usual taking off the boots and blouse I made it into the terminal, all the while gloating about how much more effective a properly sharpened CIB or coat hanger could be compared to fingernail clippers. I don’t know why that thought came to me. Oh well, I guess TSA will ban badges and combat boots next.

Sgt K

Same thing happened on our charter back from Iraq. We stopped in NYC (Kennedy) and were allowed off the plane. We left weapons on the plane with guards. Then TSA had a massive conniption when they found out everyone carrying an M-4 had the bolt in their pocket. (The charter airline didn’t want bolts in weapons on the plane.) They basically strip searched us before allowing us back on the plane. Welcome home. TSA is the biggest bunch of no common sense, no talent ass clowns ever assembled. Fuck ’em!

Southern Class

I read an item at in the past few days that TSA had kept us safe by detecting and seizing something like 113 or 130 or some such number of dangerous items. Nothing at all about who was carrying them. Nail clippers on a little old lady, etc. The simplest, most effective, method of security, (short of the proposed new El Al way), would be PROFILING, PROFILING, PROFILING. But it would be insensitive to profile a terrorist, eh?
On that El Al method of safety. Put each person in a reinforced box, hit a switch that would detonate any type explosive, and then the next, and the next, etc. Now what innocent person would be offended by something like that?
TSA is a very sad joke. Doing as much to reduce terrorist threats as the DEA is doing to reduce drug availability.