Squeaking by in NY’s 25th CD

| November 19, 2010

Republican Ann Marie Buerkle is still in the lead over her opponent, incumbent Dan Maffei in my hometown district of NY-25 along the southern coast of Lake Ontario. They’re still counting up the absentee ballots which will decide this race according to the Syracuse Post Standard;

After all of Onondaga County’s absentee ballots were opened, Buerkle was still ahead across four counties by a count of 103,483 to 103,224.

In Onondaga County, 3,580 absentee voters chose Maffei and 3,015 chose Buerkle.

There are still about 1,400 unopened absentee ballots in Wayne County and about 60 unopened ballots that have been challenged by the campaigns in Cayuga and Monroe counties.

Regular balloting in Wayne County put Buerkle in the lead on election day, so you know the incumbent is sweating bullets about the Wayne County absentee votes.

Category: Politics

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I remember the days when this site was a non-partisan veteran’s affairs blog about getting out truth and advocating for vets and not just another right wing political blog. Oh well.


Come on, that’s not the point of this post. If it were I’d think (hope?) you’d have communicated it. To be clear I’m not trying to attack your political leanings. I’m just expressing my disappointment in watching this site become increasingly partisan and the content less about vets and more about other politics. It bums me out is all.


[…] Now a Memeorandum thread, more reporting from the Auburn Citizen and blogged by This Ain’t Hell, South Capitol Street and Dan Riehl. var addthis_product='wpp-250';var […]


There are other blogs. In time, you’ll get over it.


Hmm… I’ve been lurking here for a couple months maybe, and I just assumed that this was posted because of the issue with absentee votes, being that New York was one of the states (Illinois being the other) which had several counties that neglected or forgot to mail out ballots before deadline to U.S. troops currently deployed overseas.



Snide remarks aside I was just pointing out what I saw as a unfortunate trend. This blog has been increasingly partisan and political and I think that’s a shame. Conservative blogs are a dime a dozen on the internet, good apolitical blogs by and for vets that don’t pull punches are not. Ergo, I’d rather see this place stay the the latter instead of turning into the former.


I haven’t been around here too long; I first found this blog last year when we got word of a “nationwide” call for counter-recruitment activities. I too come here primarily for the posts concerning veterans affairs. That said, it is hard not to address politics when writing about the military. From DADT to politicians correcting Generals as to how to address them, it seems that those in power have lost touch with those of us in uniform. Then too there are the politicians with phony claims of military service.

I won’t complain about these political posts, because I do get some good information from them (and the sources provided). Still, regardless of how often posts such as this are made, I’ll come here hoping for another sorry-ass phony to be exposed, or to get the latest news on our anti-war friends and their antics.