But, but, but…we’re the ones with the guns

| November 9, 2010

1stCavRVN11B sends us a link to Gateway Pundit who links to Verum Serum in which loony Leftist Ted Rall calls for a violent revolution against those of us who are sitting at work and at home enjoying life;

A war is coming. At stake: our lives, the planet, freedom, living. The government, the corporations, and the extreme right are prepared to coalesce into an Axis of Evil. Are you going to fight back? Will you do whatever it takes, including taking up arms?…

Oh, I’m scared. A bunch of stick boys swarming over us in their Priuses reeking of Starbucks scones. I’m shaking in my boots. How cartoonish.

The millions of partisans who follow Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and right-wing televangelists happen to be the best-armed people around, and they despise just about everyone who doesn’t think and pray like them.

Yep, that’s pretty much me – especially the “best armed” part. My smallest caliber handgun is 10 millimeter. And I pretty much despise anyone who hasn’t spent a day in uniform…or married to someone who was in uniform. The religion, Rush Limbaugh and Fox thing doesn’t take up too much of my life, but I’ll defend myself and my family against anyone who thinks I need killin’ because those are the reasons I’m the way I am.

They will act to stop teenage sluts from getting abortions, teach n*ggers a lesson, and slaughter those spics, dots, and everyone else who doesn’t fit into their vision of what and who is right…

I don’t even care about those people, so why would I want to teach them anything?

I want to kick people in the ass.

Better bring your lunch, Rall, cuz you’ll be kicking my ass all day.

I want you to see that revolt is a good idea, and that it has never been more necessary.

It’s not necessary, but bring it on, man. We’re ready. By the way, you can’t legally buy a weapon if you have a recent drug conviction. Or if you’ve been declared legally insane…so you might want to stop and think about your revolution for a moment.

Here’s the big pussy Rall on MSNBC;

When the stick boys come for us, Rall is mine.

Category: I hate hippies, Liberals suck

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I got $5 that says Ted Rall wouldn’t even be able to seat the mag on an AK.


OK I didn’t get the white supremacist playbook,those bastards keep on leaving me off the distro list, what the hell is a “dot”? What is this dimwit smoking. I personally own enough hardware to flesh out 2 scout squads minus the heavy stuff. Nevermind the whole advocating an armed insurrection, which I thought was not cool legally. This guy needs to lay off the caffeine and ganja and get a reality check.

Old Trooper

I have been laughing since the opening line from this chucklehead. By reading his rant, I imagine that he was foaming at the mouth, stuttering, and wetting his pants all at the same time while writing this nonsense. I think he’s been playing too many first person shooter games and has delusions of competency that go far beyond reality.

Jonn, you can have little Teddy Rall, as long as I get to watch, because I will need a hearty laugh and what better way to get that than to watch him in action.


Yeah…bring it Rall. Your pole smoking ass probably can’t complete 10…no, let’s make that 1 correct push-up.

Yeah, come try to kick my ass, Bitch.

One thing you are correct about…I am in that “…best armed people…” category. And you know what? I not only own a lot of M4s and handguns, I actually know HOW TO FUCKING FIGHT WITH AND RUN THEM!

Yeah…please bring it.

The Sniper

I love how the ones who preach disarming the populace the most are also the ones who scream for armed resistance the most. You can have Rall first, but I get to nail him to the tree you will use as a backstop.


I’ll look around and see if I can’t find my old driving whip somewhere. No way I’m wasting ammo on this geek.
I bet he’d “park out” real pretty…


It will come to a point where the hard core left does exactly what Rall is calling for. About 60 million of our fellow countrymen are in that demographic, and I doubt than more than 10% of those would ever take up arms. That is still more people than the US Army.

These are the eco-terrorists, Green freaks, Hard line Communists, Anarchists, Black Panthers, etc, who will head this call.

I’ve been saying for awhile to start sockpiling ammo and food. Even if nothing happens, not a bad idea.


Yes I was being snarky but seriously folks, what the hell is a “dot”? I really insist on being familiar with who I am scheduled to oppress. The niceties must be observed.

Old Tanker

After you stomp a mudhole in his ass can I walk it dry?

Old Trooper

Dutch; they may have 10%, however, we have about twice as many as they do, plus, we know how to use ours and most of us stay proficient with all our weapons and playing COD4 doesn’t qualify as staying proficient.


My mother calls them dotheads. Get it, right, Teddy, er, uh, you sound a bit racist.


I think he may be envisioning a scenerio simliat to the latest Call of Duty commerical.

USMC Steve

Let us see here…Rall is calling for armed insurrection here. Is that not at least a misdemeanor?

And it is obvious by the fact that he is a mentally retarded left wing whackjob that he is absolutely serious here.


Okay, just so everyone’s on the same sheet of music.
UrbanDictionary says that “dothead” is slang for people of East Indian descent.


I have taken shits tougher than most of the hard core leftists I know. Their idea of roughing it is spending a couple weeks backpacking across Europe.

Michael in MI

Okay, just so everyone’s on the same sheet of music. UrbanDictionary says that “dothead” is slang for people of East Indian descent.

You know, it’s quite interesting. Over the last two years, I’ve learned some pretty demeaning terms for people: “teabaggers” and “dotheads”. I had never heard these terms prior to last year for former and today for the latter. And I have the Left to thank for bringing those words to light. Brilliant.

And they say Conservatives are the bigots and racists. Un-freaking-real. The only time I’ve heard bigoted and racist statements is when the Left takes off its mask and goes on their hateful, vitriolic rants.

Michael in MI

Oh yeah, I forgot about Harry Reid’s contribution: “evil-mongers”.

Operator Dan

Hey Jonn I am offended… I love Starbucks scones.


Dot=Indian, not the Columbus kind.

Indian chick (feather, not dot)


This fool is hillarious. How can he possibly suggest that the left attempt to take on the most well armed group of civilians the world has ever known? What is he thinking? We will say “Oh Shit here comes the left with their…” Wait they dont have anything to kill us with. They have banned guns in all the gay assed liberal cities.
I’m with 1STCAVRVN,”And I pretty much despise anyone who hasn’t spent a day in uniform…or married to someone who was in uniform.”
The more I associate with civilians, the more I am learning that I dont like them very much. Most are a bunch of cry babies. Let the libs try to start a revolution and try to take us on.

Bulldog22TC 1/10CAV

What is he planning to do, run me down with his electric car? This is too freaking funny. He must have watched that stupid avatar movie too many times. (no I didnt see the movie)Maybe him and cameron can conger up some blue people to start his revolution.

Just A Grunt

Okay here is some 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon logic for you. The Dems court the Hispanic and Black community. Everybody knows that both groups are heavy into gangs. Gang bangers have guns.

Now if they just figure out how to get their “army” out of prison or stop killing each other they’ll be golden.


“And I pretty much despise anyone who hasn’t spent a day in uniform…or married to someone who was in uniform.”

I have been lurking here for a while and have grown rather fond of reading here, even though I’m not your typical reader, which I clearly understood from the start.

If I took your words quoted above at face value, you could “pretty much despise” me, but I do understand what you mean, and I’m ok with that. It reminds me of this kid I knew who hated tomatoes, but loved ketchup. My comment to that kid was, “you just haven’t met the right tomato.”

I won’t always comment, but will continue to lurk and comment on occasion, by your leave.


I’ve got a can of industrial strength whoop-ass with this dicks name written all over it. From 750yrds into my house is going to be a bumpy ride and I got more waiting if he makes it.

Old Trooper

Ok, I finally had a chance to watch the video and Ratigan is just as nuts as Rall. I wonder if they have a keg of koolaid hiding just out of camera view.

The takeaway I have from Rall is that if some group ever took him up on his call to violence, he would be the first one wetting his pants and sucking his thumb. As a commenter said on one of the other sites you linked to; any leftist group that started shit, it would last as long as it took to kick Iraq out of Kuwait in ’91, about 75 hours. Personally, I doubt it would take that long. I’ve seen some of their rowdier types up close and they wouldn’t make it through the first 4 hours and they are the tough ones.


Had to ponder what to say about this gentleman. I can usually find some semblance of reason or sense in what most people say, write or do. I read the excerpt and watched this interview a couple times, and am at a loss as to Ted Rall. At one point he says something along the lines of having people stop paying their mortgages. I must be stupid, I just don’t get it. Any of it. He calls for change, for revolution, but what then? After the glorious revolution, is there a viable solution, or any solution, considered or presented to address the existing problems? Perhaps he has written the solution in his book, and you must buy the book in order to make your country a better place.

Old Tanker


“And I pretty much despise anyone who hasn’t spent a day in uniform…or married to someone who was in uniform.”

I wouldn’t want to put words in Jonn’s mouth but I took that as being facetious…


“And I pretty much despise anyone who hasn’t spent a day in uniform…or married to someone who was in uniform.”

Really? I guess this means I should not bother to return to this site again? I have enjoyed it over the last couple of years, but if I am despised here, I won’t be back.

Old Tanker

…facetiousness is kinda like sarcasm or am I way off base?


ha, if you ENJOYED it.. you would be aware of Jonn’s tone and his way of communicating. He was repeating the phrase-ology of the previous speaker…

And so what if he “pretty much” dispises people… perspective– he’s got kids… grandkids… parents… I’m pretty sure he doesn’t hate all of them.
get your head out of your butt.
btw.. Your whiney response is why I “pretty much dispise anyone who hasn’t worn the uniform or married someone who has..”


NOT directed to spockgirl.. btw.


Yawn…Rall’s readership must be slipping again. I put him in the same category as Bill Maher–see how much outrageous shit they can say to get some press, because after all, any press is good press.


Old Tanker #28
Um .. yeah… I sorta got that, and that is why I said “if I took your words quoted above at face value”, and why I used the tomato analogy. There is some humour in me.

PB #29 has been reading here for a couple years??? Maybe that was sarcasm too?

Boo #31 Damn… “get your head out of your butt”. I’ve NEVER had anyone say that to me in my life… I thought that would be the first time.

Old Tanker


You say tomato I say toemaatoe! 😉


Sooo what yeh all say’in? I shouldn’t wear my camo bikini while shooting my automatic weapons in the woods behind my house while enjoying home brew? That’s bad? So in order to straighten myself out I need to learn racial slurs as well? Is there like a racial slur dictionary I can turn to? Or am I supposed to be too ignorant to read? Ummm I need some guidance here, thanks….
And just for the record… all of this is said in a most flippant manner….

Junior AG

Timmy-kins, let me school you, yeah, I posses a skerry black rifle with green furniture, an M-1 Garand, etc. etc…. I keep a .12 ga under the bed for two legged nocturnal predators… I carry a pistol everywhere that isn’t a “designated disarmed victim zone.”

Now that being said, your paranoid arse won’t get shot by working class folks like me as long as you don’t break into my house, or assault me with a deadly weapon. Now have a nice day.

Junior AG

“teach n*ggers a lesson, and slaughter those spics, dots, and everyone else who doesn’t fit into their vision of what and who is right…”

Timmy-kins, hate to break it to ya, but folks with different grades of melanin show up at my place all the time with guns to hunt & target shoot. I somehow suspect we working class that you dispise have a helluva lot more positive interaction with the different flavors of Americans than your “enlightened” self does. Bet that the Timster lives in a gated community, or would engage in “white flight” at warp speed, anyone?


that’s the true-est thing I’ve ever heard, JuniorAG. All these fools calling us racist have one hell of a lot less contact with our friends of color than they let on. We’re all down here- getting along fine– while they scream from the rooftops how bad it is. maybe they just think it would be bad IF they had to make nice, since they have so little hands-on experience living day to day with ALL KINDS OF AMERICANS (and those who want to be.)

Junior AG

And remember, Teddy-kins inked up a rather nasty character defamation of Pat Tillman…

Old Trooper

I’ll let my black TEA Party buddies know that I’m racist for being a TEA Party member. They, obviously didn’t get the memo from Teddy. I will have to let my half-black younger brother know as well, since I know he didn’t get the memo. Unfortunately for Teddy, my brother is more redneck than most others I know, so he would probably whoop Ted’s ass just for the fun of it.