Smart diplomacy to sponsor terror

| November 9, 2010

Last week I wrote that the Obama Administration decided they’d continue military assistance to The Sudan, despite the fact that they employ child soldiers against whatever enemy they designate from week-to-week. The week, the rocket scientists at the State Department are planning to take the Sudan off of the state-sponsors of terror list;

The Obama administration has offered to take Sudan off a U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism if the Sudanese government holds a credible and on-time referendum on southern independence.

The Obama administration has taken a decision “to move up our readiness to rescind the designation of Sudan as a state sponsor of terrorism as early as July 2011,” a senior administration official said in a background briefing on Sunday.

Sudanese President Omar Bashir’s National Congress Party (NCP) has demanded for several years that Sudan be removed from the list.

Yeah, the Sudanese government demands to be removed from the list without making any headway towards becoming a civilized nation. But doing them favors will influence them. Just like the Clinton Administration doing favors for North Korea has turned them around. If I remember correctly, Libya got off the list during the Bush Administration by actually doing something.

Boy, this smart diplomacy really rocks. Well, not for us, but for everyone else it’s pretty cool. Well, not our allies.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy, Terror War

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It’s like the ghost of Nevill Chambelin (sic) is running the White House….


Can I stop paying taxes now, please? Because I don’t want one thin dime of mine going for something like this.


Yeah, Rob, Neville is walking the halls at 1600, laughing and laughing. He keeps saying something about those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it, or something close to that.
A tin pot dictator “demands” the U.S. government does something to benefit him, and the neophytes at State and the WH leap to obey. Please, someone stop this merry-go-round, I want off.