The Congressional Badass Caucus

| November 1, 2010

Polling over the last few days has indicated that many Republican combat veterans are on the verge of being elected to Congress. Allen West, Illario Pantano, Joe Heck, Steve Stivers, and most recently Chris Gibson from New York have all begun to pull ahead of their rivals in multiple polls. In my home state of Arizona, Marine Jesse Kelly seems likely to oust Gabrielle Giffords, however there has been NO outside polling in the race despite it being one of the most contested house districts in the country (which is very strange and makes me wonder if there is some funny business going on behind scenes). Marine and ex-FBI Special Agent Michael Grimm in Staten Island, New York might be able to pull off an upset against his Democratic opponent.  In the Alaska Senate race, Gulf War veteran Joe Miller appears likely to win, despite Lisa Murkowski and her sore loser write-in candidacy.

All these guys are the real deal (not like some dude from Connecticut whose name alludes me at the moment) and deserve our support. These are all candidates that you won’t have to hold your nose to vote for on election day.

Category: Congress sucks, Vets For Freedom

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Old Trooper

OD; did you forget Gunny Popaditch, or isn’t he in the hunt?

Operator Dan


As much as I want him to win, the polling for him hasn’t been good. He also hasn’t gotten a lot (if any) support from the NRCC. His district is dark blue (it is east of San Diego and runs along the Mexican border) and hasn’t been competitive in awhile.

That is not to say an upset isn’t possible if the Dems have extremely low turn out and Gunny P is able to benefit from Whitman and Fiornia’s GOTV efforts he might pull it off.

Dave Thul

there are also an avalanche of OIF/OEF vets running for the state legislatures, and since redistricting will be up next year across the country, it will be nice to have some common sense in the political vacuum.


The Race in Alaska has been interesting so far, the stink that has been made about Joe Miller is about his employment history and the people that were in his private security detail.


Fraizer in Colorado and Lollar in Maryland

Powerpoint Ranger


Great post but I think Gunny Popaditch is in a better position than most people seem to think. There is very little in terms of substantive polling from the 51st District, and the NY Times bases their projections off of 2008.

At least one outlet is calling the race a tossup:

And this broke in California about 10 days ago, now with more information and a national story today courtesy of Big Government. Bob Filner photographed in a compromising situation with a Southwest Airlines Lobbyist, who has apparently been hooking him up in more ways than one:

Filner was also recently caught orchestrating a political stunt, supposedly “stopping” foreclosure on the house of a woman who was later discovered to outright own over a million dollars worth of other real estate:

It’s still a tough fight for Gunny Pop, but I think it’s closer than many people realize. Otherwise, why would Filner run a cheapshot misleading ad about Gunny’s voting history?

That’s not what an incumbent with a comfortable double digit lead does.


Dick Blumenthal. Emphasis on the Dick. He’s the hardened combat vet from Connecticut who faught in ‘Nam.

Wait a second, correction: hardened Toys for Tots Marine.


I only wish CA didn’t have so many lemons running for office. What I wouldn’t do for a trustworthy VETERAN!!! I guess I’ll have to look up a homemade lemonade recipe…. with plenty of vodka!

Blonde Gator

I just got back from voting for Allen West.

For the first time in my adult life, I am PROUD of my candidate. I cannot wait to call him Congressman. Then Senator (run and hide, Bill Nelson)…and perhaps in a few years, Mr. President.

For those of you stuck in a bad blue place, I was thinking of you all as I voted.