More on the ritard wars

| November 1, 2010

I guess no one in Greece was reading my little rant this morning (from Associated Press);

The two Greek men, aged 22 and 24, were arrested in central Athens after a parcel bomb addressed to the Mexican embassy in Athens exploded at a mail delivery service, leaving one employee injured with burns.

Three other parcels seized at another delivery company while being carried by the two men were addressed to Sarkozy and to the embassies in Athens of Belgium and The Netherlands.

The suspects were both carrying handguns, and one was wearing a wig and baseball cap and a bulletproof vest, police said.

Wearing a wig, a baseball cap and a bullet-proof vest can lead to profiling. Especially if the letter you’re carrying starts smoking. It’s hardly a war when your enemies’ weapons blow up before they can get the bombs to the delivery company.

This is the big threat they’ve been on about for a few months? Were they warning us because their fellow goat ropers were going to start exploding around us? Must be more of that masterful work of the Master Bomb Maker.

Thanks to Old Trooper for the link.

Category: Terror War

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Adirondack Patriot

The Greeks need to stick to things they do well, like making ouzo and baklava.

Old Trooper

I guess they got sick of fighting with their own gummint and decided to project their anger outward?


Terrorism is no laughing matter. However, with tensions running high lately, I submit this Brit film clip to lighten the load:

Michael in MI

Speaking of the religion of pieces, I recall during the discussion about the radical activist chick assaulting Rand Paul that it was said we had nothing to fear from women. And those of us who said we sure as hell do were called idiots (among other things). Yeah well, this is what a smiling woman can do: Smiling Muslim Woman Stabbed MP Twice in the Stomach Over Iraq War