RSSVets For Freedom

The Congressional Badass Caucus

| November 1, 2010 | 9 Comments
The Congressional Badass Caucus

Polling over the last few days has indicated that many Republican combat veterans are on the verge of being elected to Congress. Allen West, Illario Pantano, Joe Heck, Steve Stivers, and most recently Chris Gibson from New York have all begun to pull ahead of their rivals in multiple polls. In my home state of […]

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Bi-partisanship; UR doin’ it right

| October 29, 2010 | 19 Comments
Bi-partisanship; UR doin’ it right

The other day I wrote that VoteVets called themselves a nonpartisan organization which supports veterans regardless of their political stripe, even though in the several years that they’ve been around the Republican they ever supported was Chuck Hagel several years ago. They’re always yelling about all of the other organizations’ supposed partisanship, while endorsing only […]

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Vets as politicians

| April 27, 2010 | 20 Comments
Vets as politicians

In Washington Irving’s book “The Life of George Washington”, the president was quoted as saying “When we assumed the Soldier, we did not lay aside the Citizen.” The Washington Times reports this morning that, in the spirit of that quote, more veterans are choosing to run for political office this season than they have in […]

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Shawn Bryan on Murtha

| February 12, 2010 | 2 Comments
Shawn Bryan on Murtha

Some of you may remember when Uncle Jimbo led an excursion into Murtha country during the last election in an attempt to boot Murtha. You may also remember Shawn Bryan who was brutalized in the press for calling John Murtha “a fat bastard” on the stage of a rally for Murtha’s opponent Bill Russell. Shawn […]

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VFF’s March on the Hill

| November 8, 2009 | 6 Comments
VFF’s March on the Hill

We were a bit overcome by events on Thursday, but Rurik reminds us that along with the Vets For Freedom, he stormed Capitol Hill on Thursday morning and sends along these photos. Rurik, our Vietnam veteran, combat engineer buddy who attended the Winter Soldier hearings with TSO and me, is the youngest looking guy in […]

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