The Special Pre-election “Tuesdays with Claymore”

| November 1, 2010

I know it’s not Tuesday, damn it!

First up, when you ride with Obama, you ride alone…unless you’re going to India then you take 40 airplanes, 100+ armored vehicles and an entourage of 300 people, but I digress:

Size matters:

Then everyone applauded; Halloween edition:

Failure is not a strategy, DUmbass.


“We have seen that a god can bleed.”

Penn. crossovers:

Looking for that silver lining…so it can be taxed, I guess.

Pretty pictures.

“Dewey Beats Truman”.

Apparently Barry can’t get it across the plate.

Just doing the jobs that Americans won’t do, I guess.

“…don’t pull on Superman’s cape…don’t spit into the wind…”

You gotta be Paul-ing my leg.

“I think I still have Dick Morris’ old cell number somewhere…”

Poll watching.

“I hate all these personal attacks…it’s that fat druggie bastard Limbaugh’s fault.”

Yeah, that’s nice…now go make me a sandwich, OK, sweetie?

Pitcher…catcher…San Francisco…write your own joke, kids.

Category: General Whackos, Tuesdays with Claymore

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“Then everyone applauded: Halloween edition”:

It appears that terrorists aren’t the only ones who’ll use kids as a shield.


Oh I don’t know, from the tone of a majority of the replies not many over there were to impressed with this idiots idea of political one upmanship. Suprising actually.



“Listening to Kennedy-Nixon debate driving at night home made me ashamed…”

“Ideas were debated without cute comebacks or snively soundbites prepared for an incompetent media playing to a short-attention span audience.”

Seems a bit out of sync with this;

“Those who vote for the merchants of the Right Wing Echo Chamber surely deserve the damage that will continue to sink this country deeper into a more greedy mean-spirited oblivion.”

Dontchya think?

What a bunch of goofballs.


You just have to laugh. There is not an ounce of consistency there…the left can(and will) blame anyone as long as it fits the perview of the window they are looking through.

To blame a radio host for the way politics has evolved monetarily, socially to include the use of TV and access to information is ludicrous at the very least.

It will suck to be them when they wake up on Wednesday…