The truth about the Juan Williams firings

| October 22, 2010

Well, if you’re looking for the truth and how America REALLY feels about the Williams firing, the last place you want to look is Democratic Underground…yet that’s where Claymore went this morning;

Liberals support freedom of speech…unless they don’t like what you have to say.

An army of Juan.

Juan for the road…

You’re Juan in a million.

Shirley you don’t Juan to suggest there’s a double standard.

More Juan-derings.

Ok…just Juan more (I can do this all day).

And finally, Claymore includes this one. When Republicans win elections, they steal them, but Democrats win because of the will of the people.

Category: General Whackos

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Old Trooper

Well, I think it goes a lot deeper. Juan is black and I noticed that the CEO of CPB is white. Racist!!!!!


You did a Juanderful job on this topic Jonn!


I did it again, clicked on one of the links. Now, I’m desperately looking for the eye bleach. That place makes the inside of a septic tank look pristine.


The one that bugged me was the post from the woman who pulled up a political sign in someone’s yard and threw it in the ditch. I’m not sure which is worse: the woman being proud of herself for doing that, or the folks who chimed in, praising what she did.


Over in my old Coulter-admin days, we used to call the “Then Everyone Applauded” effect. In essence, the DUmbass would post a long drawn out rambling missive that casts them in the role as some crusading left-wing hero, then all of their little sycophants would come out and chirp about how brave and inspiring they are. Some of the better ones had people at grocery stores backing them up as they cussed out some “repuke” for making a comment about their leftard political heroes…or the ones where they ran some redneck off the road who was tailgating/flipping them off/waving their Glock at them in their Prius with 175 pounds of “Free Tibet” and rainbow/homo stickers on the back window. Where the “Then Everyone Applauded” effect got its name was from one DU post where they were supposedly sitting in a restaurant and they overheard someone praising Bush’s execution of the GWOT…the DUmbass was sitting in an adjacent booth and apparently had heard enough of the stereotypical right-wing-dittohead and started yelling at them. In this fairy tale, the repuke blowhard gets mad and leaves while all of the restaurant applauds the leftard who interrupted their dining experience. In essence, it was total ego-stroking bullshit.


Claymore…Funny you should mention ego stroking bullshit. If I were to point you to a former comrade’s blog, it would seriously make you want to go to Def-Con 7 if there is such a thing.

This guy foamed at the mouth over Falwell and calling Bush an imperialist, yet slobbers over the Pied Piper.

His shit, according him is that everybody wants him and his brilliant mind. He is as hypocritical as they come on this Juan thing and applauds himself all the time. He has even told himself and others that because we have political differences(way!) that I am angry because he doesn’t “want” me! I have been happily married for nearly 25 years. It’s UFB.

He is great entertainment and that’s about it.

Per the last highlighted link…can you fathom that people really think conservatives always win elections because of fraud?? HFS!


My personal favorite is watching the Huffington Post complain for months about the evil Koch brothers and their private money going into political groups, just to turn around and write a gushing story about Soros donating a million dollars to Media Matters.

What is ironic is that they are supporting Stewart’s “Rally to Restore Sanity,” yet they continue to cast their opponents as evil people rather than just folks with whom they disagree. Stewart’s suggestion for a rally sign is “I may disagree with you, but I’m pretty sure you’re not Hitler,” and yet these folks continue to cast this as a good vs evil paradigm.

All Juan Williams did was share his personal opinion. He didn’t say he called the airline and accused the people of being terrorists. All he did was share his experience of feeling anxiety, which is uncontrollable. His response to that anxiety, the controllable part, is to let his better judgment take hold and not run around proclaiming those people to actually be terrorists threatening to bomb the plane. The whole incident is just stupid.

Online polls are hardly scientific, and generally represent the opinions of the type of people that visit a website (unless they get crashed). Even at Huffington Post, it looks like people think firing Williams was over the line:


I read the first one by the dem-bitch bragging about pulling a political sign out of someones’ yard, and then tossing it into a ditch.

She got a lot of stroking by her fellow sheep over that move.

The only thing that would be remotely entertaining to me is if the homeowner had seen her in the act, then come outside and shoved that sign up her fat, libtard ass sideways.

I didn’t bother hitting any of the other links…I’m too old to get upset this early in the afternoon.


I got to this “I don’t know what grace in the Universe gave us President Obama at this point, but hell, I’ll take it.” before losing any ability to continue reading that virtual blowjob soiree.