Let’s watch this productive moment in time

| February 27, 2007

According to AP, (by way of the Wall Street Journal) the US and Iraq will hold a conference with Syria and Iran;

Envoys from the West and Islamic nations — including Iran, Syria and the U.S. — are expected to attend a conference next month on efforts to stabilize Iraq, a diplomatic adviser said Tuesday.

Earlier, U.S. and Iraqi forces staged raids in Baghdad’s main Shiite militant stronghold as part of politically sensitive forays into areas loyal to radical cleric Muqtada al Sadr.

The multination conference, planned for mid-March in Baghdad, is an attempt by the government to seek greater regional assistance and study ways to fight insurgents and tensions between Iraq’s majority Shiites and Sunnis. No firm date has been set.

Talk about mental masturbation. The Iranians and Syrians will take just the event all by itself as an indication that they’ve got us over a barrel and they’ll make all kinds of moronic demands.

Some nations had expressed reservations about taking part in the conference because of security concerns and political sensitivities.

I think I’d be more wary of presenting an image of weakness when we’re winning the war than I’d be wary of political sensitivities. Maybe a couple of air strikes on those smugglers on the Iran border would help.

Category: Politics, Terror War

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